Defend Youth Health Workforce

The Area Health Education Center (AHEC) programmay cease to exist after this yearunless you take action now.

AHEC was not included in the President’s FY13 budget. In response to National AHEC’s efforts, the Senate includedAHEC funding in their bill. Now we need your help to urge the House to fund health and education programs,including AHEC, in their appropriations bill.

The House Labor, Health and Human Services and Education (L-HHS) Appropriations Subcommittee will be marking up its bill in early to mid-July.



Contact your representative first by phone and then follow up with an email.

(Their contact information is attached.) If you are unsure who yourrepresentative is, go to enter your zip code or address.

When calling your representative:

A.Identify yourself and explain you are a constituent and ask to speak with the lawmaker's health care legislative aide.

B.Tell the aide that you are calling in support of the Chicago Area Health Education Center Program (AHEC) which is part of the National AHEC program, and that you want to ensure the program’s continuation

C.Tell them the following:

  1. AHEC is an effective national outreach program to foster a diverse health workforce. Chicago AHEC is a brand new program that has educated over 2,000 youth from underrepresented communities about careers in the health profession in the past nine months.
  2. AHEC creates strong partnerships with existing schools and educational organizations. Chicago AHEC is collaborating with Chicago Public Schools throughout the city, community organizations such as Albany Park Community Center, and CSI Computer Systems Institute.
  3. Chicago AHEC addresses the shortages in the workforce which impact quality health care, a priority outlined in the Affordable Health Care ACT.

D.Ask that the lawmaker support funding for the AHEC program at $33.14 million in the FY 2013 L-HHS Appropriations bill. Ask that he or she call the Appropriations Committee and communicate the importance/impact of AHECs in your community.

E.Give the aide your contact information and ask to be informed about the actions the legislator takes in response to your request.


District / Name / Party / Room / Phone / Committee Assignment
1 / Rush, Bobby L. / D / 2268 RHOB / 202-225-4372 / Energy and Commerce
2 / Jackson Jr., Jesse L. / D / 2419 RHOB / 202-225-0773 / Appropriations
3 / Lipinski, Daniel / D / 1717 LHOB / 202-225-5701 / Science, Space, and Technology
Transportation and Infrastructure
4 / Gutierrez, Luis / D / 2266 RHOB / 202-225-8203 / Financial Services
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
5 / Quigley, Mike / D / 1124 LHOB / 202-225-4061 / Judiciary
Oversight and Government Reform
6 / Roskam, Peter J. / R / 227 CHOB / 202-225-4561 / Ways and Means
7 / Davis, Danny K. / D / 2159 RHOB / 202-225-5006 / Homeland Security
Oversight and Government Reform
8 / Walsh, Joe / R / 432 CHOB / 202-225-3711 / Homeland Security
Oversight and Government Reform
Small Business
9 / Schakowsky, Jan / D / 2367 RHOB / 202-225-2111 / Energy and Commerce
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
10 / Dold, Robert / R / 212 CHOB / 202-225-4835 / Financial Services
11 / Kinzinger, Adam / R / 1218 LHOB / 202-225-3635 / Energy and Commerce
12 / Costello, Jerry / D / 2408 RHOB / 202-225-5661 / Science, Space, and Technology
Transportation and Infrastructure
13 / Biggert, Judy / R / 2113 RHOB / 202-225-3515 / Education and the Workforce
Financial Services
Science, Space, and Technology
14 / Hultgren, Randy / R / 427 CHOB / 202-225-2976 / Agriculture
Science, Space, and Technology
Transportation and Infrastructure
15 / Johnson, Timothy V. / R / 1207 LHOB / 202-225-2371 / Agriculture
Transportation and Infrastructure
16 / Manzullo, Donald / R / 2228 RHOB / 202-225-5676 / Financial Services
Foreign Affairs
17 / Schilling, Bobby / R / 507 CHOB / 202-225-5905 / Agriculture
Armed Services
Small Business
18 / Schock, Aaron / R / 328 CHOB / 202-225-6201 / House Administration
Ways and Means
19 / Shimkus, John / R / 2452 RHOB / 202-225-5271 / Energy and Commerce

Sample E-mail

Subject Line: Re-Fund AHEC in FY2013 L-HHS Appropriations bill

Dear (Representative’s Name),

My name is (insert your name) and I am your constituent from (name of community). On (insert the date you phoned the office) I spoke with an aide in your office about the FY 2013 L-HHS Appropriations bill. Please ensure that funding is included in the bill for AHEC (Area Health Education Centers).

AHEC is a vital and effective national health work force development program that must be protected. For example, AHEC’s newly established Chicago site has educated over 2,000 youth from underrepresented communities about careers in the health profession in less than a year. AHEC opens doors to opportunities for vulnerable youth and its mission to recruit, train and retain a diverse health care work force addresses critical shortages which impact quality care, a priority outlined in the Affordable Health Care Act. Please see attached fact sheet for more information about AHEC.

I urge you to renew funding for the AHEC program at $33.14 million in the FY 2013 L-HHS Appropriations bill. Please call the Appropriations Committee and communicate the impact of AHEC in my community and keep me informed about the actions that are being taken in behalf of my request. I can be reached at (insert email address). Thank you.


(Your Name,Organization, and Address*)

*Include an address that is within the Representative’s district.