Day 1:

·  Hand out Information Packets and Student Planners.

·  Meet students, learn names, and complete Student Numbers Tally Sheet

·  Introduction of teachers – Mrs. Rider and Mrs. Metcalf

·  Present WHS Rules and Procedures Power Point.

·  Journal Entry:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”

-Commonly attributed to Albert Einstein

Think about this quote. Jot down your first impressions of the quotes meaning and relevance. Then write a well-developed paragraph (5-9 sentences) explaining how you feel about the quote and how you could apply to quotes wisdom to your own life. Think about your past successes, past failures, and future goals while writing.

Day 2:

·  Remind students to bring if forms from the information packets.

·  Remind teacher of student names as she takes the roll and completes tally sheet

·  Brief Introduction of teacher for students who may have not been present on day 1

·  Brief review of WHS rules and procedures PowerPoint

·  Present course syllabus:

o  Level 1, 2, and offences PowerPoint

o  HSAP Rubric

o  Bathroom Passes

o  Remember Absence policy

o  Remember late work policy

·  Talk about Journal Entry from the previous day

o  What types of things did people write about in regards to being successful this year?

§  Staying out of trouble

§  Attending class consistently

§  Study habits

o  What types of writing errors were prevalent?

§  Grammatical

§  Organizational

§  Transitional


·  Remind students about information packets

·  Getting to know you exercise

·  Pass out Journal entry form day one and analyze it using the HSAP rubric.

·  New writing exercise

·  Review what makes a good reader and strategies to help students read in a scholarly way

o  This is in preparation for the diagnostic testing we will be doing on Thursday

Day 4:

·  Remind students about information packets

·  Turn in getting to know you exercise if you didn’t already.

·  Diagnostic Test

Day 5:

·  15 min. SSR

·  Textbook pick up

·  Review Diagnostic Test