Morse PTO Board Meeting - Minutes

Friday, March 24, 2017 8:45 am

Morse Elementary School - Office Conference Room


Theresa Korte President

Steve Frazell Principal

Kristen Kuhlen Co-Treasurer

Chris Gray VP Room Parents

Jennifer Stumpff VP Fundraising

Jennifer Mulholland Morse Representative

Suzee Vinyardi Morse Representative

Kristi ONeal Morse Representative

Tony Woollen Secretary

I. Call to Order: President Korte

Theresa called the meeting to order at 8:50 am.

II. Minutes Approved: Secretary Woollen

Tony read the February 22, 2017 general membership meeting minutes.

The minutes were approved unanimously.

III. Principal’s Report: Principal Frazell

Steve announced the Kansas assessments began yesterday (03-23-2017).

Classrooms and flexible seating update….80 ergo seats have been ordered. Should arrive by the end of the month. Third grade received lap-desks on 03-23-2017.

PTO will discuss funding purchase of more seating at the April, 2017 Board meeting.

IV. Treasurer’s Report: Co-Treasurer Kuhlen

Kristen apprised the Board of the organization’s financial status. The current balance is around $60,707.

Amy to research tax related items in regard to auction items. Tax related information needs to be provided to all PTO committees to document what is taxable and not taxable.

Trouble-shooting related to check requests (to get PTO related bills to be paid). Theresa to look into a way on the website to link payment requests. Vanessa is still receiving reimbursement requests. Theresa to look into

Theresa to run a committee chair orientation meeting at the beginning of the school year (bi-law change?????).

V. Membership: VP Stiner

Amy asked if the Kindergarten Round-up day will be spilt (since Kindergarten numbers are down). Steve to look into procurement issues and get back to Amy.

Amy also brought up ways to convey to the Morse community the time constrainst issues which go into a volunteer who commits to heading a committee. It is suggested to convey information to the community on how much time each board member time wise.

VI. Room Parents: VP Gray

Teacher Appreciation

VII. Fundraising: VP Stumpff

Trivia Night event is progressing. The school will send out reminders to the learning community. Grade level reminders will be sent out to include Trivia Night grade projects.

Take Stock planning has begun for next year’s registration. Theresa to discuss at Kindergarten Round-up and video during back to school night. The highlight needs to continue to be Morse does not ask for students/families to “sell” items during the school year. Take Stock replaces the need to fundraise in that manner. The PTO would like all families to contribute to Take Stock in Morse.

9:47 Kristi leaves the meeting.

Motion to move the Take Stock to Morse donation to $50.00.

Motion passed unanimously.

Theresa gave a playground equipment update. She also told the board the school supply information has been updated.

9:58 Jennifer Mulholland leaves the meeting.

10:00 Suzee Vinyardi leaves the meeting.

VIII. President’s Report: President Korte

Slate for next year Theresa and Amy President and co president

Kristen co treasurer

Tony Secretary

Jennifer is willing to stay on as co-fundraising

Theresa will send out a communication to let everyone know the proposed slate as well as a request to locate a co-fundraising person to serve on the board.

Theresa wants the Board to think about scheduling dates for Daddy Daughter, Trivia Night and Mother Son events to make sure the flow we do not overlap and “crunch” events.

10:16 Chris Gray leaves the meeting.

IX. Meeting Adjourned: President Korte

Theresa adjourned the meeting at 10:24 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Tony Woollen

2016-17 Morse PTO Secretary