APAFRI is a chapter of International Union of Forest Research Organizations


Minutes of Fourth General Assembly3

Annex IList of participants of the Fourth General Assembly10

Annex IIThe Approved Agenda17

Annex IIIMinutes of the Third General Assembly19

Annex IVMatters arising from the Minutes of Third General Assembly31

Annex VChairman’s Reports33

Attachment 1:Minutes of the Eleventh Executive Committee Meeting38

Attachment 2: Financial Reports46

Annex VIAPAFRI Executive Committee Members 2006-200948



31 July 2006

Hotel Dynasty

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



31 July 2006

Hotel Dynasty, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


The Fourth General Assembly of the Asia Pacific Association of Forestry Research Institutions (APAFRI) was held on 31July 2006. A list of participants who attended the meeting is attached as Annex I.

Opening Remarks

Dato’ Dr Abdul Razak Mohd Ali, Chairman of the current Executive Committee, welcomed all the participants, especially representatives of member institutions, and called upon them to participate actively and to contribute inputs for the further development of APAFRI.

The Chairman thanked the current Executive Committee, of which all members were present at this General Assembly: Dr Ramon A. Razal, of University of Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) (the Vice-chair), and members: Prof Dr. Yusuf Sudo Hadi of Agriculture Institute of Bogor (IPB) Indonesia, Dr Russell Haines of Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Dr Xiao Wenfa of Research Institute of Forest Ecology Environment and Protection (RIFEEP) China, and Dr Park JungHwan of Korea Forest Research Institute (KFRI).

He then introduced, one by one, the official representatives of the member institutions present at this General Assembly. He was extremely pleased to note that there were representatives from three member institutions in the Pacific at this General Assembly: Nalish Sam from the Papua New Guinea Forest Research Institute (PNG-FRI), Inoke Wainiqolo from Forest Department of Fiji (FD-Fiji) and Nixon Denmark form the Forest Department of Solomon Islands (FD-SI). This is a record in APAFRI’s history! He also welcomed all the others who were present as observers.

The Chairman reported that the membership of APAFRI had reached 64 institutional members and seven affiliate/individual members. However, only about 40 of these members were actively involved in APAFRI activities over the years.

He concluded his opening remarks by thanking all who have made this General Assembly possible, specifically to ACIAR for its financial contribution, and also the Secretariat of Pacific Community (SPC) for supporting the participation of members from the Pacific.


The adoption of agenda was proposed by Dr Percy Sajise from the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) and seconded by Dr Petrus Gunarso of the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). The approved agenda of the meeting is per Annex II.


The Chairman requested all present to go through the rather voluminous document and propose the acceptance of the minutes of the past General Assembly. As there were no queries, Mr. Sarath Fernando of the Forest Department of Sri Lanka (FD-SL) then proposed that the minutes of the Third General Assembly be accepted. His proposal was seconded by a number of those present. The accepted minutes of the Third General Assembly is as per Annex III.


The Chairman pointed out that the matters arising from the minutes of the Third General Assembly are as listed on page 65 of the Agenda and Supporting Documents (Appendix IV).

The amendments proposed and approved during the Third General Assembly have received endorsement from the Malaysian Registrar of Society (since APAFRI is registered in Malaysia) and incorporated into the new edition of the Constitution. Copies of this new edition have been distributed to all member institutions, as well as uploaded onto APAFRI’s website ( since early 2004. Additional copies were also given out to all present at this General Assembly.


The Chairman presented the General Assembly with the report that outlines the activities and programmes for the past three years. During the three-year period, the Executive Committee has met twice. The minutes of the Eleventh Executive Committee meeting on 9 August 2005 in Brisbane are appended together in the report (Annex V). The Twelfth meeting was held in the morning of 31 July 2006, so its minutes could only be available later.

He then continued to discuss the financial report (appended in Annex V). He explained to the assembly that the incomes had dropped fairly drastically because of the decrease in contributions, especially from traditional sources such as FAO, over the past three years. Incomes during 2005 had increased slightly as compared to 2004, because of a sizeable contribution from USDA to carry out a number of activities in 2005/6. To a question about the ITTO fund for the forest genetic project, the Chairman explained that ITTO project fund is managed by FRIM, as FRIM is the Executing Agency. APAFRI, together with IPGRI, are collaborating agencies in the project and would draw from the fund to carry out project related activities. As such the ITTO fund could not be reflected in the APAFRI accounts.

Before moving on to the next agenda, the Chairman thanked USDA-Forest Service, ASEAN-Korea Environmental Cooperation Project (AKECOP), ACIAR, ITTO, FAO, FRIM, and all the other agencies, for their financial support to APAFRI.


The Chairman requested the Executive Secretary to brief the Assembly on the proposed amendments of the constitution.

The Executive Secretary explained that two articles of the Constitution were to be amended with respect to new clauses and the implications. Details of the two proposed amendments to the constitution are as follows:

a. Amendment to Article VII

The proposed amendment is to revise the membership subscriptions.

Decision: The Chairman declared that the Executive Committee, during its 12th Meeting in the morning, had decided to withdraw this proposed amendment to Article VII, as this proposal to revise the subscriptions was deemed to be too premature at this stage.

b. Amendment to Clause 1 of Article XII

Insert the following into Clause 1 of Article XII:

“In the event that the Chairperson has been elected for a second term, the Immediate Past Chairperson shall continue as an ordinary member for a second term.”

The amended Clause 1 of Article XII will read as:

“The Executive Committee shall comprise a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and six members elected at the General Assembly from among the members by ballot of all member institutions. The immediate Past Chairperson shall continue as an ordinary member for another term. In the event that the Chairperson has been elected for a second term, the Immediate Past Chairperson shall continue as an ordinary member for a second term.”

Implication: This proposed amendment will improve the functioning of the Association by providing continuity and greater participation in the decision making.

Decision: Dr. Percy Sajise proposed, seconded by Mr. Sarath Fernando, that the proposed amendment to Article XII be approved. The Chairman explained that since APAFRI has registered with the Registrar of Society Malaysia, the amendment will need to be forwarded to the Registrar of Society Malaysia and will be in force thereafter.


Dr Chao JT, Taiwan Forest Research Institute (TFRI), tabled a proposal seeking support from APAFRI to organize the IUFRO All Division 5 Conference scheduled for 2007 in Taiwan. The General Assembly decided that since APAFRI is a chapter of IUFRO, and the conference would be held in Asia and hosted by a member institution, APAFRI should provide as much assistance as possible towards the organizing of this conference. APAFRI Secretariat could serve as a promotion/announcement channel, and assist in disseminating information and distributing brochures regarding the conference to attract more participants to this conference. The General Assembly however decided that APAFRI would not contribute the USD30 000 requested. Instead the APAFRI Secretariat would support the participation of APAFRI members to this conference up to a maximum of USD3000, and also collaborate closely with the organizers to solicit funds from other donor agencies.

Dr Percy Sajise, IPGRI, raised the issue of the location of the APAFRI Secretariat. He stressed the importance of having the Secretariat located permanently at a decided location, and not moving frequently, to eliminate the disruption of efficient and effective services provided to the members. He thus would like to propose that the APAFRI Secretariat shall remain in FRIM regardless of who would be elected Chairperson of APAFRI. The General Assembly unanimously approved this proposal. Dr Percy Sajise further moved the motion of getting FRIM’s commitment to continue hosting the Secretariat regardless of who would be elected Chairperson. The current Chairman, Dato’ Dr Abdul Razak, who is also the current Director General of FRIM, replied that he would need to table a proposal seeking approval from FRIM’s Board to continue hosting the APAFRI Secretariat regardless of whether FRIM would be elected the chair of APAFRI.


The Chairman explained that, in accordance with Article XII of the constitution, Executive Committee members who have already served two terms would not be eligible for re-election. The current EC members are:

Chairman:Dato’ Dr Abdul Razak Mohd Ali - FRIM

Vice Chairman:Dr Ramon A. Razal - UPLB

Members:Dr Russell Haines - ACIAR

Dr Yusuf Sudo Hadi - IPB

Dr Xiao Wenfa - RIFEEP

Dr Park Jung-Hwan - KFRI

He expressed his appreciation to the Executive Committee members for their contributions and support during the term of office. He then declared that the term of the present committee terminated and the committee dissolved. As a token of appreciation, he presented a pewter plaque to each one of them. A pewter plaque was also presented to the Executive Secretary, Dr Daniel Baskaran, for his contributions to APAFRI.

When the General Assembly resumed after a brief coffee break, the Immediate Past Chairman, Dato’ Dr. Abdul Razak Mohd Ali, assumed the chair and proceeded with the election of the new Executive Committee for 2006-2009.

There were two nominations for the post of Chairperson:

  1. Mr. Sarath Fernando (FD-SL) - nominated byDr Chao JT (TFRI) and seconded by Prof Dr Hamami (UPM); and
  2. Dr Kazuhiro Ishizuka (FFPRI) - nominatedby Dr Muh Yusram (IPB) and seconded by Dr Mahmud Sudin (UMS).

However, Dr Ishizuka had subsequently decided to decline being nominated. Mr. Sarath Fernando therefore was unanimously declared the new Chairman for the APAFRI Executive Committee 2006-2009.

DrNur Masripatin (FORDA) and Dr Waidi Sinun (RB-YS) were nominated for the post of Vice-chair. The General Assembly, by show of hands, elected DrNur Masripatin (FORDA) to be the Vice-chair of APAFRI Executive Committee 2006-2009.

The General Assembly agreed with the suggestion that four of the six ordinary members of the Executive Committee shall be nominated to represent the four sub-regions, namely the East Asia, South East Asia, the Pacific and the South Asia. The remaining two ordinary members can be from any sub-regions. The followings were nominated for ordinary members:

Candidate / Proposed by
Dr Xiao Wenfa (RIFEEP)
Mr. Nalish Sam (FRI-PNG)
Dr Mohd Hamami Sahri (UPM)
Dr CN Pandey (IPIRTI)
Dr Park JungHwan (KFRI)
Dr Percy Sajise (IPGRI) / Dr Lu Mengzhu (RIF)
Dr Russell Haines (ACIAR)
Dr Percy Sajise (IPGRI)
Mr. Sarath Fernando (FD-SL)
Dato’ Dr Abdul Razak (FRIM)
Mr. Sarath Fernando (FD-SL)

Dr Ramon Razal (UPLB) then proposed that the nomination be closed, and he was seconded by Dr Petrus Gunarso of CIFOR. The Chair then declared that the above six candidates have all been elected as ordinary members of the Executive Committee 2006-2009.

Four candidates, Dr Mahmud Sudin (UMS), Dr Kazuhiro Ishizuka (FFPRI), Dr Peter Kho (STA) and Dr Petrus Gunarso (CIFOR), were nominated for the two positions of Internal Auditor. Dr Kazuhiro Ishizuka (FFPRI) and Dr Petrus Gunarso (CIFOR) were elected by show of hands to be the Internal Auditors, 2006-2009.

The new Executive Committee of the Association for 2006-2009 elected by the Fourth General Assembly is per Annex VI.


Mr. Sarath Fernando thanked the members present for electing him as the Chairman of APAFRI Executive Committee 2006-2009.As one of the founding members, he was very pleased to note that after 10 years, APAFRI has grown to the present size and had become a matured organization that has attracted much attention at various international fora. He pledged to upkeep APAFRI’s visibility as an effective and active network of forestry research agenciesin the region. He urged all the Executive Committee members to assist him in guiding APAFRI Secretariat to continuously improve services to members and in the process to attract more forestry agencies to join as members of APAFRI. He also urged all members and their institutions to continue contributing to, and supporting, the activities of APAFRI. Contributions and support form the members are crucial to the smooth functioning of the Association. He also expressed his hope that the international and regional agencies and private companies that have been contributing to the activities of APAFRI over the past years, would continue to do so.

Concluding his address, he announced that he would like Dr Daniel Baskaran to continue serving APAFRI as Executive Secretary.


Dr Daniel Baskaran, the Executive Secretary, thanked all present for making this General Assembly a very successful and fruitful gathering of members. He also thanked the new Chairman for having the confidence in the present Secretariat of APAFRI, and looking forward to work closely with the new Executive Committee. He further pledged to continuously improving the services that the Secretariat could provide to the members.

With these notes, he declared the Fourth General Assembly of APAFRI adjourned.



31 July 2006

Hotel Dynasty

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



Mr. Nalish Sam

Acting Director

Papua New Guinea Forest Research Institute (PNG-FRI)

P.O. Box 314, LAE 411, MorobeProvince

Papua New Guinea

Tel: 6754724188/6754720408 Fax: 6754726572


Dr. Petrus Gunarso

BRF Project Coordinator

Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

P.O. Box 6596 JKPWB, Jakarta 10065


Tel: 62251622622 Fax: 62251622100

Mr. C.N. Pandey


Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute (IPIRTI)

Post Bag No. 2273, Tumkur Road , Bangalore – 560 022


Tel: 918028394341 (D)/ 28394231-32-33 (G) Fax: 918028396361


Mr. Nixon Denmark

Chief Forester (Research/Extension)

Forestry Department

P.O. Box G24, Honiara

Solomon Islands

Tel: 67724215 Fax: 67724660

Dr. Kazuhiro Ishizuka

Vice President

Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI)

1 Matsunosato, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8687


Tel: 81298733423 Fax: 81298733795

Dr. Pham Quang Thu

Head of Forest Protection Research Division

Forest Science Institute of Vietnam (FSIV)

Dong Ngac - Tu Liem – Hanoi


Tel: 8448362376 Fax: 8448389722


Dr. H.D. Kulkarni

Dy General Manager (Plantation)

ITC Paperboards and Specialty Papers Division

ITC Limited-PSPD, Sarapaka-507 128

Khammam District, Andhra Pradesh


Tel: 914027846566 Handphone: 09849496020

Fax: 914027842997

Dr. Mohd Hamami Sahri

Dean Faculty of Forestry

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)

43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor


Tel: 60389467171 Fax: 60389432514

Dato' Dr Abdul Razak Mohd Ali

Director General

Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)

52109 Kepong, Selangor Darul Ehsan.


Tel: 60362797822 Fax 60362804624

Dr. Chao Jung-Tai

Deputy Director

Taiwan Forestry Research Institute (TFRI)

53 Nanhai Road, Taipei


Tel: 886223759304 Fax: 886223757469

Dr.Md Ashraful Haque


Bangladesh Forest Research Institute (BFRI)

P.O. Box 273, Sholashahar, Chittagong 4000


Tel: 88031681577 (Off)/681588 (Res) Fax: 88031681566

Mr. Sarath Fernando

Conservator General of Forests

Forestry Department

‘Sampathpaya’, Rajamalwatta Road

P.O. Box 3, Battaramulla, Colombo

Sri Lanka

Tel: 94112866616 Fax: 94112866633

Dr. Russell Haines

Research Program Manager for Forestry

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

GPO Box 1571, Canberra ACT 2601


Tel: 61262170500 Fax: 61262170501

Mr. Inoke Wainiqolo

Acting Deputy Conservator of Forests (Services)

Department of Forestry, Ministry of Fisheries and Forestry

P.O. Box 2218, GovernmentBuildings, Suva


Tel: 6793301 611 Fax: 6793318 692


Dr. Park Jung-Hwan

Senior Researcher

Korea Forest Research Institute (KFRI)

207 Cheongyangni-2 dong dongdaemun-gu

Seoul, 130-712


Tel: 8229612562 Fax: 8229612589

Dr. Ramon A.Razal

Professor and Dean

College of Forestry and Natural Resources

University of the Philippines Los Banos, College

Laguna 4031, P.O. Box 132


Tel: 6349536 3996 Fax: 6349536 3206

Dr. LU Mengzhu

Deputy Director

Research Institute of Forestry

ChineseAcademy of Forestry

Beijing 100091

People’s Republic of China

Tel: 861062888862 Fax: 861062872015

Dr. Vijak Chimchome

Associate Dean for International Affairs and Information Technology


50 Phahonyothin Road, LatYaoSubdistrict

Jatujak District, Bangkok 10900
