Trainer / Assessor – Business X2
Information Pack

Dear Applicant

Thank you for your interest in the position of: Trainer / Assessor – Business X2

Closing date for applications: Sunday 9 February 2014

These are exciting times. Our new College, LeSoCo, has been launched and came about from the merger of Lewisham College and Southwark College last year. We welcome this opportunity to grow and diversify our offer and we are committed to working together for the benefit of our learners, employers and the diverse community in south-east London that we serve.

You will find attached further information, including the job profile and the terms and conditions of service, which will help you apply. If you would like to know more about LeSoCo, please have a look at our website at

Please attach your CV and write a supporting statement in the box provided on our online application form. If you are shortlisted, you will be invited to an interview within four weeks of the closing date. Unfortunately, due to the volume of applications we receive we are not able to provide individual feedback to candidates whose applications have not been shortlisted.

If you have any questions, please contact us on our email address: . Our postal address is: Human Resources Department, LeSoCo, Lewisham Way, London, SE4 1UT.

Thank you again for your interest in working for LeSoCo. We will look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Liz Geary

Director of Human Resources

Job Profile
Person Specification
Terms and Conditions of Service
An Introduction to LeSoCo

Job Profile

Job Title / Trainer / Assessor - Business
Reports to / Team Leader / Verifier
Job Purpose /
  • To train and assess employed learners at a location that meets with employer requirements.
  • To ensure that training and assessment delivered impacts positively on both the employers business objectives and the learner’s personal skills needs.

Dimensions /

Staff0 direct reports

Sites As required by employer and Waterloo campus (and
other campuses)

Students As required

SystemsAll systems in support of training and assessment –

including supporting administrative systems

Principal Accountabilities
Training and Assessment /
  • To understand the customers’ business objectives and how a learning intervention will help them to achieve their aims.
  • To offer in-depth IAG service to individual learners.
  • To design and deliver personalised training that develops the knowledge vocational skills and skills for life that learners need to succeed.
  • To develop a range of new and customised learning materials relevant to specific employer and learner needs (including e-resources).
  • To assess students’ work in line with national and awarding body standards and provide feedback that strengthens learning.

Management of Learning /
  • To provide academic and pastoral tutorial support.
  • To use individual target setting and action planning to monitor learner progress and help learners manage their route to success on and progression from their programme.
  • To work collaboratively with learner services colleagues in enhancing and supporting learners’ learning.
  • To develop systems and materials that support the management of learning including schemes of work, assessment schedules, pre-entry and interview processes, induction, course handbooks and tutorial systems.

Administration and Reporting /
  • To meet the administrative requirements of awarding and funding bodies and internal and external verifiers as appropriate.
  • To maintain accurate records and meet requests for information in a timely manner.
  • To feedback on student progress, employer contact, student success and arising issues.

Team Development /
  • To work collaboratively with colleagues to enhance the existing portfolio and develop new training products for employers.
  • To scout for potential new business opportunities with existing customers, and relay these to the Account Manager.
  • To inform relevant curriculum areas of industry developments in order to review curriculum offer.
  • To contribute to the successful realisation of business development targets and development plans
  • To work in a flexible and responsive manner when required, ensuring that we meet employer needs.
  • To contribute positively to self-assessment and other quality systems.
  • To work in partnership and take a pro-active role in enhancing the reputation of the college

Personal Development /
  • To evaluate continuously all aspects of own continuing professional development and professional practice in order to maximise learner success and the quality of the learner experience and employer success.

This profile covers the core accountabilities within the role; however the postholder will be expected to undertake any other duties that may be required by the Team Leader / Verifier.

Person Specification

Job Title / Trainer / Assessor - Business
Education / Qualifications /
  • A1 Assessor Award (E)
  • Evidence of continuing professional development (D)
  • A relevant professional or subject specialist qualification and/or industrial experience in the Business sector (E)
  • Matrix accreditation or a commitment to achieve qualification.
Knowledge /
  • Further Education - its purpose and potential (E)
  • The changing expectation of employers in relation to their training needs (D)
  • Current industry developments, skills needs and their implications for learning strategies (E)
  • An understanding of the use of data in order to improve the quality of provision (D)
  • Appropriate subject expertise in the area to be taught (E)
  • Understanding of how equal opportunities affect classroom and college practice (E)
  • Understanding of the positive impact of learning on organisational success (E)
  • Understanding of the fundamentals of excellent employer engagement (E)

Experience /
  • Experience of developing and delivering generic, customised and bespoke training solutions to meet employer needs (E)
  • The use and value of ICT and ILT in delivering and managing learning (D)
  • Experience of delivering the following skills and qualifications (D):
a. Team Leading NVQ 2/3
b. Customer Service NVQ 2/3
c. Business Administration 2/3
d. Management 3/4
  • Devising, training and assessing personalised learning (E)
  • Devising innovative and activity-based learning materials (including e-resources) (E)
  • Delivering training in a commercial context, and developing customer relationships(E)

Skills /
  • Innovative trainer with the ability to enthuse and inspire (E)
  • Effective ILT skills e.g. use of smart boards, VLEs and other learning technology (D)
  • A deep commitment to raising standards for all learners (E)
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills (E)
  • The ability to work as part of team and establish effective working relationships with both internal and external stakeholders (E)
  • Flexibility and the capacity to work under pressure and meet deadlines (E)
  • Effective ICT and organisational skills (E)
  • A commitment to professional development and performance improvement (E)
  • A commitment to the highest standards of customer service and client interaction (E)

Other /
  • A commitment to the development and promotion of Lesoco as a first-class training provider (E)

Completed by Jacqueline Chauhan

Jan 2014

Commitments expected of all College staff

Equality Statement

LeSoCo is committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all who learn and work here. We respect differences in race, gender/identity, ability, religion/belief, age, sexual orientation and class and are committed to removing conditions which place people at a disadvantage and to taking direct action to sustain a culture of zero tolerance of discrimination of any form. All employees are required to actively support and implement the College’s equality policies.

Health and Safety

Every member of staff has a duty to take reasonable care for the health and safety of her/himself and of anyone else who may be affected by what she/he does or does not do at work. All employees have a responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy work place and to comply with the College’s Health and Safety Policy and health and safety legislation.


All staff who teach, train or work regularly with children aged up to 18 and vulnerable adults are required to comply fully with legislation and College policies and practices to ensure learners are safeguarded and protected.

Competency framework

LeSoCo has developed a competency framework which is aligned with our values and underpins all recruitment, performance management and development processes. The core organisational competencies are:

  • Leadership
  • Self management
  • Flexible thinking
  • Understanding context
  • Customer orientation
  • Collaborative working
  • Delivering value
  • Communicating with impact

Completed by Omar Khan

July 2013

Remuneration and Benefits

Salary£27,988 - £34,984 per annum. The salary is payable by bank transfer on the 25th of each month.

HoursYou will be contracted to work 35 hours per week.

Leave30 days per year. You will receive additional leave when the College is closed during the Christmas period for efficiency purposes. The leave year runs from 1 September to 31 August.

PensionThe College offers two pension schemes – the Teachers’ Pension Scheme for teaching staff and the Local Government Pension Scheme for business support staff. Both are generous final salary schemes.

Health A comprehensive health insurance policy is automatically provided for all Insurance employees, free of charge. For a small amount per month, family members

can be added to the policy.


ProbationYou will be subject to a six month probation period, during which you are expected to establish your suitability for the post.

ReferencesAppointment will be subject to the receipt of satisfactory references, along with confirmation of your medical fitness and a satisfactory enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

An Introduction to the College

The College

LeSoCo is a large and successful further education college in south-east London.We serve a diverse and multi-cultural population.

Our mission

Creating successful futures

Our vision

A College for employment for our students, our employers and our communities.

Our values

  • Ambitious – we have high expectations for future success for our students and staff.
  • Inclusive – we aim to meet the needs of all in the communities we serve and value the contribution of all.
  • Enterprising – with excellent skills to make the most of opportunities in a rapidly changing world.
  • Resilient – brave enough to overcome challenges in our determination to succeed.


The College has an extensive and diverse curriculum offer, covering almost all vocational subject areas. The curriculum structure is organised into five departments, each led by an Assistant Principal who has responsibility for promoting the success and development of their provision in keeping with government policy and regional and local needs. The College’s learning provision is predominantly NVQ Level 2 and below, with more than half of our learners studying such courses. The College has grown its higher level work over recent years in response to employer demand and has expanded its provision of Apprenticeships and Foundation Degrees.


The College now has a total workforce of c750 staff.The College is fully committed to the professional updating of its employees and has endorsed the Institute for Learning model of professional formation as a standard of practice for its teaching staff. The College has also strengthened its learning and development offer to secure a consistent Continuous Professional Development expectation for all of the people it employs across all of their different work roles.


The College is firmly based in the London Boroughs of Lewisham and Southwark and fully supports the visions of its Local Authorities. Our three campuses are in the following locations:

  • Deptford (Deptford Church Street, Deptford, SE8 4RZ)
  • Lewisham (Lewisham Way, Lewisham, SE4 1UT)
  • Waterloo (The Cut, Waterloo, SE1 8LE)

From these bases, the College operates across London and beyond to deliver very high standards of learning and success throughout the south-east region. This is achieved through excellent and extensive partnership working, encompassing schools, universities, trade unions, employers and a wide range of community and public sector organisations.

Work with employers

We work with a diverse group of employers in the London area and we deliver just under 5,000 qualifications to learners within their workplace. Many of our clients come from Canary Wharf, the City and the West End, as well as from within the boroughs. Over the next twenty years, the development of the Thames Gateway and the Greenwich Peninsula will create major new employment and business opportunities for the region. The College is proactively involved in anticipating the skills needs of local employers. We are working closely with our partners to address the demands of a changing economy.

Awards and accolades

The College has earned many prizes, awards and accolades over the years, including Beacon status in 1999 (renewed in 2004) and two further Beacon awards in 2008 that highlighted our commitment to equality and diversity and recognised us as a leading light in leadership and curriculum innovation.

Successive inspections by Ofsted and other bodies have confirmed the quality of learning delivered by the College and the College achieved the highest possible rating in its Framework for Excellence scores.

We have also achieved the Training Quality Standard for our work with employers, which was also recognised through a Beacon Award in 2007. The College holds Investors in People status and has both the Charter Mark and Matrix Standard respectively for the quality of our customer care and advice services.

Facts and Figures

The College has an annual budget of around £45m that funds provision for over 15,000 students. We offer just under 400 different qualifications delivered by five distinctive departments and The Skills People (our employer training and employment business).

Our student body reflects the communities in which we work. Most of our students come from within the boroughs we serve. 56% of our students are male and 60% come from a BME background.

Although the average age of a College learner is 29, we have around 3000 students aged 16-18 and just over 600 learners under the age of 16.

69% of our learners study at NVQ Level 2 or below and 71% study part time.

Recruitment Process

We ask you to ensure that any application you make reaches us by the closing date. We will carefully consider all applications at the shortlisting stage. We will contact you within four weeks of the closing date with the outcome of your application, but please note that due to the volume of applications we receive we are not able to provide individual feedback to candidates whose applications have not been shortlisted.

If you are not shortlisted this time, we would like to thank you sincerely for your time and for the interest you have shown in working for our College. We wish you every success in your future career.

Shortlisted candidates undergo a rigorous assessment process which may involve psychometric tests, a technical assessment, case study, group discussion and/or presentation, followed by a panel interview. Full details will be provided to you.

Please note that it is not the College’s policy to reimburse travel expenses for attending interviews.

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