Greenwalt’s Homework Schedule & Instructions

All work should be completed, recorded on the log, and any written work should be returned in your child’s red folder by the following school day unless otherwise specified. The following schedule will be the usual weekly homework. You can always refer to your child’s agenda. Thank you for your cooperation!

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
-Math / -Reading Written Response
-Math / -Reading
-Math / -Reading Written Response
-Math / None
Have a great weekend!
**Spelling-optional / **Math Fact Practice-optional


Agendas will be used to record homework. Please check your child’s agenda for homework nightly.


Read with your child Monday/Wednesday and assist them in recording the title(s) of the book(s) read each day on the reading log in their red folder. When your child begins reading books with page numbers, I ask that the page numbers he or she read be recorded on the log as well. Reading logs help your child keep track of authors, genres, patterns, and set goals. Look in your child’s agenda for reading minutes expectations.

Reading Written Response

Please reference the reading response choice board in his or her reading response folder and have him or her complete a short response to their reading on Tuesdays and Thursdays on the provided HWT paper in his or her reading response folder (orange folder). Help your child record the genre, response number, and date at the top of his/her response sheet. Please make sure your child responds in complete sentences and references the text. Your child should be writing a written response on a book he/she has been reading in class.

Spelling/High Frequency Words (optional)

This year for spelling we will be studying words and patterns. Your child’s list will reflect the spelling pattern and be differentiated. On Monday your child will select 7 words based on the pattern. We will do various word study activities in the classroom. On Friday your child will take an assessment based on his/her 7 pattern words and 3 new words based on the pattern. Spelling grade will be based on word study and spelling in his/her classwork. Spelling assessments will go home in your child’s yellow folder.

Homework in optional: As a parent you have a choice to do what is best for your child and family. I have provided a variety of activities on a choice board. You are not required to select from these activities; they are simple a resource.


Nightly Math Homework- Attached to your child’s nightly math homework, you should find his or her problem set/classwork from the day (red folder). The problems set should serve as a model and reminder of the day’s lesson. Please remember when working with your child that it is okay to show them another strategy, ask them to do his or her best, and write me a note on the homework if needed. I do ask that your child try his or her best and complete the work. Math homework can be found on our class webpage as well additional resources.

Basic Math Fact-Optional

Basic math fact fluency is a foundational skill. I would like for you to help your child with fluency of math facts within 20. Knowing your basic math facts is critical as we add larger digits and move to multiplication. Your child will be given a basic math facts assessment weekly, which will come home in his/her yellow communication folder. So, you’ll be aware if your child needs additional work at home. I’ll start the time at zero and your child will continue to work until he/she is done or 15 minutes maximum.

Homework in optional: As a parent you have a choice to do what is best for your child and family. I have provided a variety of activities on a choice board. You are not required to select from these activities; they are simple a resource.