Sisters Park and Recreation District

Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday, January 31st, 2017



Call meeting to order

·  Reminders

·  Approval of agenda

Welcome Visitors

Old Business

·  Strategic Plan Survey Report- Jeff Tryens

·  Local Option Levy Discussion- Approve local option timeline and board meeting schedule.

·  Information from county clerk regarding filing deadlines.

·  District at a glance stoplight chart.

·  Audit copies

New Business

·  Employee benefits policy, (personnel handbook amendment)

·  Notice of Election Special District Directors information form

·  Tent insurance- current amount does not cover replacement costs.

·  Fee waiver request from Central Oregon Master Gardner Association.

·  Other Business

Board Chair’s Report.

Executive Directors Report

Board Member Reports and Comments

Receive Public comment regarding agenda items.

Strategic Planning Work session

1.  Review Mission Statement

“The mission of SPRD is to sustain a viable, fiscally responsible organization that serves Sisters Country with recreation and cultural enrichment opportunities.”

a.  Proposed changes?

2.  Review Vision Statement

“We envision a full service parks and recreation district with facilities and programs to meet the needs of constituents of all ages. A high level of community participation leads to demonstrably better health and a stronger sense of well-being. Parks and recreation activities are served by a nimble and responsive organization able to adjust quickly to the needs of the community and external influences.”

a.  Proposed changes?

3.  Develop Core Values and Guiding Principals

A few from the vision statement:

a.  Meet the needs of constituents of all ages?

b.  High participation levels?

c.  Nimble and responsive, can quickly react to change and opportunity?

d.  More………?

4.  Create Long Term Goals

a.  What would we like the district to be doing in 5 years that it is not today?

i.  Provide free or reduced afterschool childcare?

ii. Purchase additional park land?

iii.  Have the ability to adequately maintain the facilities we have?

iv.  Expand programming for adults?

v. Keep consistency of service by retaining staff?

b.  What is the timeline for each of these goals?

Work for Staff following work session

5.  Establish and action plan to meet the boards goals

This action plan will then be brought back to the board for approval.

Adjourn Meeting

Next Meeting(s):

February 14th?