Beresford City Council

March 4, 2013

The Beresford City Council met in regular session in the City Library Community Room on March 4, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.

Members present: Mayor Jim Fedderson presiding, Gerald Dahlin, Troy Doeden, Tom Erickson, Gary Lambert, Art Schott and Dan Williams.

Also present: Kathy Moller, Finance Officer, Jerry Zeimetz, City Administrator, and Tom Frieberg, City Attorney.

Absent: None.

Adopt Agenda: A motion to adopt the agenda was made by Erickson, second by Doeden, motion carried.

Minutes: Williams made the motion, seconded by Dahlin to approve the minutes from the meeting held on February 19, 2013 motion carried.

Public Forum and Visitors

Toby Brown – SECOG – Draft Ordinance Review: Council discussed at length the draft ordinance review with Toby Brown from SECOG. Department Heads Jay Nordquist, Todd Hansen, Bill Sebern, Jane Norling, Larry Christensen and Building Inspector/Code Enforcer Geoff Fillingsness were also present. Brown suggested purchasing a copy of the Roberts Rules of Order for assistance in conducting Council Meetings. Brown will make the adjustments that were discussed to the ordinances and get a copy to Zeimetz to disperse to Council. Brown was thanked by the Mayor and Council for attending.

At 7:00pm Mayor Fedderson declared recess. At 7:05pm Council was back in session.

Committee/Mayor Reports

Mayor Fedderson asked that the Finance & Utility Committee consisting of Williams, Dahlin and Lambert to meet with Liquor Store Manager Dee Akland and report back at the March 18, 2013 Council Meeting.

Old Business

Resolution 2013-5 adopting the Distributed Generation Workbook as the “Small Power Production and Co-Generation Policy.”: Electric Superintendent Nordquist presented the Generation Workbook resolution and explained the importance of adopting the resolution. Erickson made the motion, seconded by Schott to adopt Resolution 2013-5. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act of 1978 (PURPA), as amended, requires a utility to buy power and sell power to Qualifying Facilities;

WHEREAS, the MEMBER and MRES filed a Petition of Waiver, which specifies the obligations of the MEMBER and MRES to a QF, with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on Section 2010 of PURPA, and have been granted such waiver by the FERC;

WHEREAS, the MEMBER and MRES agreed to comply with “Rules of Compliance” as part of the Waiver;

WHEREAS, the MEMBER has drafted guidelines and documents to implement the Rules of Compliance known as the “Distributed Generation Workbook” to accommodate QF’s in interconnection and power purchase arrangements, which are subject to be updated periodically;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in recognition of the above statements, the MEMBER hereby adopts the Distributed Generation Workbook as the “Small Power Production and Co-Generation Policy.”

Adopted this 4th day of March, 2013.


K. James Fedderson, Mayor Attest: Kathy Moller, Finance Officer

New Business

Faith in Action draw down request: Erickson made the motion to approve the budgeted subsidy request from Faith in Action in the amount of $5,600, seconded by Schott. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

Consider seasonal help for Street/Water/Sewer Dept.: Street Superintendent Sebern asked the Council to consider hiring a seasonal employee for their department to locate and mark curb stops throughout the City. Dahlin made the motion to authorize advertising for a seasonal Street/Water/Sewer employee, seconded by Schott. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

City Wide Spring cleanup and electronic recycling: Zeimetz asked the Council if they would like to hold a City wide spring cleanup weekend. The Street, Park and Telephone Departments would all be involved with the cleanup. Council approved Zeimetz to advertise for the 2013 City Wide Cleanup to be held the weekend of April 20, 2013. Council also discussed electronic recycling options, which will be looked into.

Annual Spring time free dumping at rubble site for city residents: Zeimetz reminded everyone that City residents are able to dump yard waste at no charge at the rubble site.

Amended agreement with SECOG for administrative assistance on FEMA Saferoom/Bathhouse Project: Lambert moved to approve the amended agreement with SECOG for administrative assistance of $75.00 per hour, not to exceed $15,000. Seconded by Doeden, all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

Discussion & Information items

Lewis and Clark Regional Water Update: Erickson updated the Council on the Lewis Clark Regional Water meeting that he and Zeimetz attended on Thursday February 28, 2013. The meeting discussed financing options at length. Lewis & Clark Regional Water representative Troy Larson would like to attend a Council Meeting to talk with the Council.

Safe Routes to Schools update: Zeimetz gave an update on the Safe Routes to School grant. The committee recently met to work on preparing the paperwork, which is due April 12, 2013.

Local Board of Equalization meets March 18: The local board of equalization will meet at the Beresford Community Library on Monday March 18, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to review any objections Beresford residents may have to the counties assessment of their property. Individuals wishing to appeal will have until 5pm on Thursday March 14th, 2013 to submit their written request.

Fire Dept. Annual Report: Fire Chief Mullinix submitted the Fire Department Annual report for Council to review.

City Logo: Zeimetz expressed his wishes to create a universal logo for the entire City. Currently each department has their own logo. He asked permission to go forward in the project. Council asked him to get an estimate of the costs to create a logo and report back.

Approval of Travel Requests

A motion to approve the following travel requests was made by Erickson seconded by Doeden. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

SD Police Chiefs Association Spring Conference, Deadwood, April 30 – May 3, Christensen

SDML District 3 annual meeting, Dell Rapids, March 27, Mayor, Council, Moller, Zeimetz

SDMEA Supt. and Foreman Conference, Watertown, March 5 & 6, Gravely, Nordquist

Payment of Bills:

A motion was made by Williams second by Dahlin, to approve payment of the bills listed below, motion carried.

A-OX Welding Supply, chemicals, $78.95; Aarons Pro Window Cleaning, service, $35.00; Appeara, service, $550.78; Badger Communications, resale, $333.53; Baker & Taylor, books, $703.69; Beal Distributing, beer, $8,575.76; Beresford Cablevision, monthly billing, $203.20; Beresford Municipal Telephone, monthly billing, $3,674.54; Beresford Municipal Utilities, monthly billing, $11,829.96;

Beresford Republic, publishing’s, $275.63; Bluetarp Financial, tools, $458.00; Border States Electric, supplies, $8,296.25; Bridges at Beresford, seminar refreshments, $309.60; Brown & Saenger, ink cartridge, $77.98; Brown & Saenger, office supplies, $266.46;

CenturyLink, toll, $84.49; CenturyLink, E911 circuit, $78.19; Chesterman Co., supplies, $457.00; Consortia Consulting by Telec, consulting fee, $3,000.00; Dakota Beverage, beer, $4,564.73; Dakota Data Shred, shredding, $72.45; DGR Engineers, engineering, $87.00; Diesel Machinery, angle broom, $4,995.00; Driver’s License Guide, I.D. checking guide, $28.95; EDC Educational Svcs, books, $403.45; Faith In Action, 2013 subsidy, $5,600.00; Fedderson, David, door repair, $65.00; First Savings Bank, principle & interest payment, $15,289.18; Frieberg ETAL, legal services, $1,597.50; Gale Group, books, $215.80; Gall’s, clothing, $289.03;

Hawkins Water Treatment, chemicals, $10.00; Hillyard, supplies, $629.48; Home Federal Bank, refund, $29.99; Homestead Bldg. Supplies, supplies, $141.12; IBEW Local #426, Union dues, $612.00; ICMA, membership fee, $643.14; J H Larson Electrical, supplies, $428.05; Johnson Brothers, liquor, $4,069.70; KMEG CBS 14, advertising, $100.00; Laurvick, Anthony, reimbursement, $60.00; Lewis & Clark RWS, water, $14,106.00; Loren Fischer Disposal, garbage hauling contract, $5,075.00; Mac’s, bucket brush, $2,493.00; MACC, billing fee, $2,520.68; Michael Todd & Co., signs, $68.70; MidAmerican Energy, natural gas, $3,857.34;

MidWest Tape, DVD’s, $557.95; Mobile Electronic Service, mobile video systems, $6,420.00; Muller Auto Parts, repairs, $1,410.99;

Neu Star, operating expense, $810.09; Neves Uniforms & Equipment, clothing, $119.85; New York Life Insurance, insurance, $112.70;

Northern Truck Equipment, truck equipment, $226.26; Olson’s Hardware, supplies, $930.93; Omni-pro Software, load management software, $2,800.00; Overdrive, books, $735.17; Papa Murphy’s Pizza, resale, $372.45; Printing Plus, supplies, $994.00; Queen City Wholesale, resale, $833.30; Reel Sharp, equipment repair, $300.00; Republic National Distributing, liquor, $5,130.11;

RESCO, tools, $4,237.88; Sanford Clinic, physical, $133.00; Sanitation Products, sweeper parts, $1,219.08; Schweitzer Engineering Lab, interface converter, $130.00; SD Dept. of Health, lab fees, $26.00; SD Division of Motor Vehicle, speed trailer title & registration, $5.00;

SD Supplemental Ret. Plan, SDSRP, $400.00; SD Fed Property Agency, garbage container, $200.00; SD Police Chiefs Assn., registration fee, $65.00; Sheehan Mack Sales & Equipment, Volvo L70G Loader rent, $1,300.00; Sioux Falls Two Way Radio, move equipment, $1,170.89; Titan Machinery, spacers, $266.48; Toshiba Business Solutions, copier lease, $236.99;

United Parcel Service, shipping fees, $105.45; Variety Foods, catering, $477.47; Verizon Wireless, service, $779.71; Walt’s Homestyle Food, resale, $30.00; WESCO, supplies, $536.22; Wheelco Brake & Supply, repair, $145.30; Zabel Steel, angle steel, $37.73; Zeimetz, Jerry, mileage, $300.00.

February 2013 Payroll Total:

Finance $5,136.00; Gov’t Bldg. $187.60; Police $16,964.35; Street $9,423.35; Parks $3,948.80; Liquor $6,473.31; Water $7,754.97; Electric $22,518.83; Sewer $4,966.99; Telephone $26,907.32; Rubble/Recycling $772.21; Library $6,327.08; Bldg. Inspector $1,000.00; City Administrator $6,364.80; Golf Course $2,638.40; Clubhouse $6,161.23; Event Center $489.70.

Executive Session: Erickson moved to proceed in Executive Session at 7:37p.m. to discuss personnel, seconded by Williams, motion carried.

The council reconvened at 8:14 p.m. No action taken.

Adjournment: As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15p.m. on a motion by Lambert, second by Williams, motion carried.


Kathy Moller, Finance Officer Recorded by Elaine Johnson

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