Application Submission Due Date:

April 13, 2007

Instructions and Application Forms

Point of Contact: Cordellia Vanover

GeorgiaDepartment of Community Health

Vendor and Grants Management, 35th Floor

Atlanta, GA30303-3159

Tel: 404 651-6917

Table of Contents

I. / Background / 3
II. / Purpose / 3
III. / Eligibility / 3
Special Conditions / 3-6
Total Funds Available
Maximum Grant Amount
Funding Cycle
Funding Preference
Types of Projects Eligible for Funding
Program Requirements
Application Deadline
IV. / Process Submittal and Evaluation / 7
V. / Application Content and Required Forms / 8-15
VI. / Evaluation / 16
Appendix A / Grant Application Form
Appendix B / Governing Board Resolution
Appendix C / Governing Board Composition
Appendix D / Ethics Statement
Appendix E / Ethics in Procurement Policy
Appendix F / Business Associate Agreement
Appendix G / Grant Budget
Appendix H / Biographical Sketch
New Community Rural Health Network
Program Description and Requirements
Background / The Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH) was created in 1999 (Senate Bill 241) with the responsibility for insuring over two million people in the State of Georgia to maximize the State’s health care purchasing power, to coordinate health planning for state agencies, and to propose cost-effective solutions to reducing the numbers of uninsured. Within the Department, the State Office of Rural Health works to improve access to health care in rural and underserved areas and to reduce health status disparities. Rural Georgians are more likely to be under-insured or uninsured and have a greater incidence of health disparities.
The State of Georgia has made significant investment in Rural Health Networks over the past five year, also several networks have successfully received federal funding under the HRSA Network Grant Program.
Purpose / The Department of Community Health, State Office of Rural Health recognizes the tremendous value of collaboration in efforts to improve the health status of Georgia’s rural underserved citizens. It is our desire to encourage the development of a new community-based rural health network to replicate the positive impact that has occurred in other areas or regions. It is our belief that with an investment of “seed” dollars the State of Georgia will foster the development of a new rural health network that will have a dramatic impact on improving the health status of the communities served.
Eligibility / Lead applicant must be located in a rural county (county population of 35,000 or less; or so designated by legislation) and represents a regional system of care organized by formalized written partnership agreements. The system should include:
a)A comprehensive group of health care providers
iii)Primary Care Providers
iv)Secondary and Tertiary Providers
v)Long Term Care
b)Broad based of community collaborative partners (city and county)
c)Local Governments
f)Faith-based Community Organizations
Special Conditions / ▪ For consideration as a new network the network must not have
received prior funding from the Department of Community Health
for network development.
  • They may have received the HRSA Planning grant.
▪ A maximum of 20% of the award may be used for planning and
technical assistance.
▪ A 25% match of cash or in-kind contribution is required
Total Funds
Available / $295,000
Funding cycle / June 1, 2007 – June 30, 2009,
By State Fiscal Year:
June 1, 2007 – June 30, 2007; July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008;
July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009.
Preference /
  • Preference will be given to applicants with projects that will substantially benefit rural or underserved communities
  • High degree of diversity and integration of network members

Types of
Projects Eligible
for Funding / Activities deemed as appropriate for support are listed below. A application must address more than one of the following in an innovative manner:
  • Comprehensive care management systems which address physical and behavioral health and social service needs;
  • Chronic disease management programs;
  • Programs that improve access to pharmaceutical services;
  • Initiatives that address transportation needs, both emergency and non-emergency. (Such programs, however, must be closely coordinated with existing transportation services within the
community, including local or area Non-Emergency
Transportation Systems);
  • Programs which improve access to oral health services;
  • Programs that address obesity;
  • Health promotion, prevention, and wellness programs that address health disparities within the community (However, this activity must not be viewed as a supplemental funding source for Tobacco Settlement funds that support smoking cessation);
  • The integration of behavioral health and primary care services; and
  • Programs that address workforce shortage issues within the health care field in defined service areas with demonstrated need. (Desirable projects might include testing the potential of identifying and training lay workers for outreach and education of particularly hard-to-reach populations, and/or partnering with local Workforce Investment Boards, TechnicalAdultEducationCenters, AreaHealthEducationCenters, to increase the supply, distribution, recruitment and retention of needed health professionals.)

Requirements / a)To be funded under this effort, applications must describe a comprehensive approach to addressing increased access and the elimination of disparities by including a plan that demonstrates how the communities will organize and administer such a program. Monies awarded through this initiative cannot be used to directly finance the purchase of health care services.
b)To be considered as new the Networkmust not be the recipient of State or Federal funding provided by the Georgia Department of Community Health, State Office of Rural Health and/or HRSA Network Grant Projects since 2000. An attestation is required by the applicant.
c)The system covers multiple rural counties (at least two of which are not urban, rural is defined as population under 35,000), and there are formal relationships amonga variety of community stakeholders, primary, secondary, and tertiary health care providers, as well as other human service providers.
d)The program design is specific to community needs and builds on local resources. Programmatic decisions must be data-driven; evidence must be provided in the application. Data used for assessments and program development must be documented – including date and source.
e)The target population is the underserved and uninsured.
f)There is a demonstrated history and current commitment of community collaboration in all communities included in the application. The program is developed and operated through a partnership among the health system, local governments, businesses, economic developers, faith institutions, schools, and other relevant community organizations and stakeholders.
g)The application includes a mechanism for ongoing community input and feedback.
h)The application demonstrates local commitment to support project activities and describes a plan for sustainability.
i)The offerer commits to evaluate their progress and impact, including the documentation of changes in access, health status, disparities, and cost.
j)The offerer commits to participate in state-level evaluation and replication activities, including the development of appropriate statewide systems and tools to support local and regional efforts. (i.e., state-level information systems, infrastructure to support local pharmaceutical access projects, and innovative reimbursement strategies for care management.)
k)Attention is given to diversity and cultural competence in outreach, the provision of services and interactions with the public.
l)Program services conform with relevant law and regulation and with community standards and practice and do not supplant or duplicate existing services or programs.
m)The proposed scope of work and/or target population do not overlap or compete with other applications received under this RFGA. It is understood, however, that a tertiary provider may be listed as a partner in more than one application.
n)Applications must include a valid sustainability plan. It is anticipated that the Offerer will apply for the next available HRSA Network Planning Grant opportunity.
Deliverables / a)Submit a sustainability plan for the project to the SORH.
b)Compile and forward quarterly progress reports throughout the grant period and a final project report including documentation of changes in access, health status, disparities, and cost to the SORH no later than 30 days following grant termination.
c)Submit monthly invoices and quarterly reports to DCH in accordance with the grant agreement for payment of services rendered.
d)Compile and forward to DCH an attestation letter stating that the applicant is not the recipient of State or Federal funding provided by the DCH, SORH and/or HRSA Network Grant Project since 2000.
e)Compile and forward to DCH a list of all formal partnerships/relationships developed in association with this grant opportunity.
Application Submission Deadline / April 13, 2007
Submission Deadline / March 23, 2007
Questions must be submitted in writing via e-mail or United States Postal Services to the following address:
Cordellia Vanover, Grants Administrator
GeorgiaDepartment of Community Health
Vendor and Grant Management, 35th Floor
Atlanta, GA30303-3159
Tel: 404 651-6917
Answers to questions will be posted by 4:00 later than March 27, 2007 at


Application Submittal

An original, five (5) hard copies, and (2) CDs of the Grant Applicationare due by 4 p.m. onApril 13, 2007 to:

Mailing Address:

Cordellia Vanover, Grants Administrator

GeorgiaDepartment of Community Health

Vendor and Grants Management,

2 Peachtree Street, NW, 35th Floor

Atlanta, GA30303-3159

Tel: 404 651-6917


An underserved area is defined as county with a current designation based on HRSA’s Health, Mental and Dental Professional Shortage Designations. A rural area is defined as a county with a population of less than 35,000, or so designated based on state or federal legislation. The links listed below provide additional information regarding Georgia’s poverty guidelines, uninsured and underinsured counties, and additional socio-economic information regarding counties within Georgia. Maps illustrating the shortage may be viewed at the link below:

Shortage Designation Maps via DCH, State Office of Rural Health website:

2006 Poverty Guidelines may be viewed at:

Georgia’s underinsured counties may be viewed at:

Additional socio-economic information may be viewed at:

Application Format

Please follow the outline provided in the “application content” section. Sections should be tab divided with labels for easy recognition. Page format preference includes: 1 inch margins, page numbers, and name of applicant on each narrative page (not necessary on form pages or supporting documents.)

Application Content

The following outline and instructions should be used to prepare the grant application. Applications must be typewritten and follow the order and format provided below. Submit a concise application narrative describing your project.

I.Required Forms (Appendices A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H)

A.Grant Application Form

B.Governing Board Resolution

C Governing Board Composition

D.Ethics Statement

E. Ethics in Procurement Policy

F. Business Associate Agreement

G.Grant Budget

H..Biographical Sketch

II.Organization Information (not to exceed 3 typewritten pages – explain the network creation, partnerships and respective roles of members as well as their contributions. Member descriptions should also clearly articulate their respective roles in the communities.)

A.Eligibility Status

Explain how the network and lead applicant meet the eligibility requirements. The lead applicant must be located in a rural county (county population of 35,000 or less) and represents or is a component of a regional system of care organized by formalized by written partnership agreements. The system should include:

a)A comprehensive group of health care providers



iii)Primary Care Providers

iv)Secondary and Tertiary Providers

v)Long Term Care

b)Broad based of community collaborative partners (city and county)

c)Local Governments



f)Faith-based Community Organizations

B.Background Information

1.Brief summary of the development of and/or activities of the network to date

2.Brief summary of the network’s mission and goals

3.Brief description of partners in the network

4.Brief summary of network’s relationship with other complimentary programs

Note: Provide copies of the written formal agreements or letters of commitments as attachments. These documents are not included in the page limits.

III.Project Description (not to exceed 10 typewritten pages)

A.Problem Statement – provide a statement about the health disparities and/or health care delivery challenge your grant project is intending to address and discuss why this is an unmet need in your area. Statement should be factual based on data from verifiable resources. Sources of data should be identified.

B.Type of Project – declare type of project and provide a description.

Activities deemed as appropriate for support are listed below. A application must address more than one of the following in an innovative manner:

  1. Comprehensive care management systems which address physical and behavioral health and social service needs;
  2. Chronic disease management programs;
  3. Programs that improve access to pharmaceutical services;
  4. Initiatives that address transportation needs, both emergency and non-emergency. (Such programs, however, must be closely coordinated with existing transportation services within the community, including local or area Non-Emergency Transportation Systems);
  5. Programs which improve access to oral health services;
  6. Programs that address obesity;
  7. Health promotion, prevention, and wellness programs that address health disparities within the community (However, this activity must not be viewed as a supplemental funding source for Tobacco Settlement funds that support smoking cessation);
  8. The integration of behavioral health and primary care services; and
  9. Programs that address workforce shortage issues within the health care field in defined service areas with demonstrated need. (Desirable projects might include testing the potential of identifying and training lay workers for outreach and education of particularly hard-to-reach populations, and/or partnering with local Workforce Investment Boards, TechnicalAdultEducationCenters, AreaHealthEducationCenters, to increase the supply, distribution, recruitment and retention of needed health professionals.)

C.Project Need – Provide demographic data and health information that correlates to the problem statement and describe how it supports the need for the grant project. Demographic data and health information must be provided for the service area population and patient population. This information must include, but need not be limited to, the following:

1.A description of your geographic service area

2.A description of the target population

3.A description of the grant project target population, if different or more specific than the clinic target population

4.Shortage designation status, may include Health Professional Shortage Areas, Dental Professional Shortage Areas and/or Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas.

5.The percentage of service area population under 200% Federal Poverty Level

6.A description of other health care providers in or near your service area providing similar services to your target population

  1. A description of the barriers to accessing care or services, proposed in your grant project, may include: geographic barriers related to travel and distance to next nearest source of care; cultural and linguistic barriers; clinic systemic barriers related to providing efficient and quality care, etc.

8. Other community or patient demographic information that specifically relates to the proposed grant project and supports the need for services, such as high percentage of uninsured population, high percentage or high growth rate of minority populations; high teenage pregnancy rate, high infant mortality rate, high morbidity due to specific diseases, high percentage of elderly population, etc. (include source, e.g., 2000 Census)

D.Project Objectives – provide statements of the short term or intermediate term outcomes related to improving the health services problems your application is intended to address. Objectives are tangible, measurable and achievable and should be specific to the proposed grant project and budget. Objectives should clearly illustrate the health status improvement or impact on the citizens served. A goal statement describes what will exist if the stated health service problem(s) are solved.

E.Project Work Plan or Methods – provide detailed description of how the goals and objectives will be reached through clearly defined strategies or activities.

F.Timeline – provide a timeline for the grant period under which activities and objectives will be accomplished.

G.Evaluation – describe a process for documenting results of this project, including whether or not project objectives have been met. The evaluation should be patient centered and demonstrate the impact on the citizens served.

H.Staff Qualifications – briefly describe qualifications of key staff who will be involved in the project. Attach the enclosed Biographical Sketch form or brief resumes as supporting documentation. (Appendix G, pages do not count toward page limit)

I.Project Collaboration – describe collaboration the project(s) includes with existing healthcare providers or other private and public organizations; discuss any efficiencies and effectiveness you expect from collaboration.

J. Project/Outcome Sustainability – describe how this effort will be continued when the funds associated with this grant award are fully expended.

IV. Budget and Justification (not to exceed 3 typewritten pages)

A.Budget Form (Appendix G) - Categorize your proposed expenses on the budget form provided. Please identify all sources of funding (cash or in-kind) in addition to state funding requested under this grant for each budget category. A twenty-five percent match of cash or in-kind contributions are required.

B.Budget Justification - For each of the cost items on the budget form for which grant funds are requested, provide a rationale and details relative to how the budgeted cost items were calculated. This concise narrative should be labeled “Budget Justification” and be attached to the budget form.

  1. Contracted Services – For each contract, provide the name of the contractor, components or services to be provided by the contractor, and cost per service, client or unit. If a subcontractor has been chosen, please include background information about that subcontractor including how the subcontractor’s previous experience relates to the project.
  1. Other – Whenever possible, include proposed expenditures in the categories listed above. If it is necessary to include expenditures in this general category, include a detailed description of the activities as it relates to the project. If possible, include a separate line item budget and budget narrative.
  1. The Department of Community Health (DCH) takes great pride in its ability to make grant awards to those who satisfy award requirements.Among those requirements is the limitation upon the application of indirect costs to the funding associated with the grants awarded by DCH.With limited exceptions, the current cap is set at up to and no more than *10%; although, applications requesting no indirect costs are strongly encouraged.

It is DCH’s intent to provide grant dollars for the purposes expressed in the grant applications and that the greatest portion of those dollars should be applied directly to the services associated with the purpose of the grant. This serves as the basis for the indirect cost limitation of 10%.