A. Producers
Q. What substance do plants possess that allows them to carry out photosynthesis? / A. A diagram that represents the number of organisms at each trophic level
Q. If all the tertiary consumers were removed (e.g. by disease) what would happen to the secondary consumers?
A. Chlorophyll
Q. What is a primary producer? / A. Their number would increase
Q. Name two herbivores.
A. A plant that makes its own food (an autotroph)
Q. What are secondary consumers? / A. Caterpillar or Mouse
Q. What is the primary source of energy?
A. An organism which feeds on the primary consumer
Q. Explain the term consumer. / A. Sunlight
Q. Name two carnivores.
A. An organism that eats another organism; Heterotroph
Q. What is a pyramid of numbers? / A. Hawk or Spider
Q. True or False. Grazing food chains begin with animals.
A. A diagram that represents the numbers of organisms at each trophic level
Q. What does the animal plankton feed on? / A. FALSE
Q. Name one omnivore.
A. Plant plankton (phytoplankton)
Q. Hawthorn leaves  Caterpillar  Blue tit  Sparrow hawk. The primary consumer in this food chain is … / A. Thrush
Q. Explain the term niche.
A. Caterpillar
Q. Hawthorn leaves  Caterpillar  Blue tit  Sparrow hawk. If the sparrow hawks’ numbers increase, the number of blue tits may … / A. The functional role of an organism in an ecosystem
Q. Explain the term edaphic.
A. Decrease
Q. Hawthorn leaves  Caterpillar  Blue tit  Sparrow hawk. The hawthorn leaves represent the … / A. Relating to the soil
Q. What is the biosphere?
A. Producer; Autotroph
Q. Hawthorn leaves  Caterpillar  Blue tit  Sparrow hawk. Name a carnivore from this food chain. / A. The part of the planet where life occurs
Q. Energy enters food chains in the form of light. In which form do you think most energy is lost from food chains?
A. Blue tit; Sparrow hawk
Q. The number of trophic (feeding) levels in a food chain is limited by the small transfer of … from one level to the next. / A. Heat
Q. What term is used to describe organisms that feed on primary producers?
A. Energy
Q. Position in a pyramid of numbers. / A. Primary consumer(s); Herbivore(s)
Q. Organisms capable of making their own food are known as …
Follow-me Quiz
1.4.6 Energy Flow
1.4.7 Niche / Follow-me Quiz
1.4.6 Energy Flow
1.4.7 Niche
Follow-me Quiz
1.4.6 Energy Flow
1.4.7 Niche / Follow-me Quiz
1.4.6 Energy Flow
1.4.7 Niche
Follow-me Quiz
1.4.6 Energy Flow
1.4.7 Niche / Follow-me Quiz
1.4.6 Energy Flow
1.4.7 Niche
Follow-me Quiz
1.4.6 Energy Flow
1.4.7 Niche / Follow-me Quiz
1.4.6 Energy Flow
1.4.7 Niche
Follow-me Quiz
1.4.6 Energy Flow
1.4.7 Niche / Follow-me Quiz
1.4.6 Energy Flow
1.4.7 Niche

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