Strathmore Primary School

Class: P4B and P4K School Term: Term 2

This is what we will be learning this term…

Literacy: We will read aloud in groups to continue developing word attack skills, build fluency, develop understanding and build confidence with reading new texts. The children will be encouraged to read set pages at home with an adult, enabling them to progress at a steady pace. The children will take part in ERIC sessions to read for enjoyment.
The children will focus on report writing linked to our topic of people who keep us safe. Each week the children will discuss a different emergency service and how they help us. They will have to select relevant information and transfer it into a report. V.C.O.P games will be used to develop use of grammar, punctuation and the ability to write interesting and detailed reports.
Comprehension will comprise of using key words in questions then skimming and scanning texts to find specific information required.
Presentation of written work will be a main focus and handwriting lessons will be undertaken to support this.
Spelling homework will be weekly followed by a test on Friday.
Numeracy: The focus this term will be to use different strategies to develop understanding of addition. We will also continue to look at times tables throughout the year. We will play mental maths games to embed mental strategies. The children will often be challenged by choice with maths and will be encouraged to talk about their learning and progression in numeracy in school and at home. The children will be investigating the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, patterns and tiling.
Health & Wellbeing:We will continue to have circle time and link the GTBG rules and a variety of activities. The children will work on developing a growth mind-set through activity and discussion to help them break down barriers to their learning, encouraging them to embrace challenges and new opportunities with a more positive attitude. We wish to develop and foster an “I am willing to try” approach rather than “I can’t”.
The children will take part in dance/drama and football activities and Super, Skills, Sessions, on a Monday.
Group discussion and activities will also develop their awareness of emotions and ability to read facial expressions.
We will also focus on all the Good To Be Green rules with a view to having more awareness, consideration and empathy towards others’ thoughts, feelings and learning, as well as their own.
Topic/Interdisciplinary learning: The children will be learning about how to keep safe. We will look at the emergency services, keeping safe on the Internet and keeping safe on Bonfire Night. We hope to have some visitors coming in to speak to us about their jobs.
Changes have had to be made to the PE schedule so please check days!
Useful dates:
PEMonday S.S.S Please remember to provide an outdoor P.E kit and suitable trainers for your child as when playing football thy will be outside.
Showcase the Street, dance - Wednesday 8th and 22ndNovember
Showcase the Street, football - Thursday 2nd and 16th November
As above.
PE - also every Tuesday.