Meeting Agenda

Date: DECEMBER 14, 2017

Location: The Gem Theatre Conference Room

Time: 2:00-3:30 p.m.

In Attendance: Steve Wight, Cathy Newell, Nancy Davis

Welcome and Introductions: Rescheduling the meeting from 12/12 because of weather lead to a smaller turnout. Several team members reached out to Cat via email and phone before the meeting to share their progress with their work.

Update and progress report for the month of November and December:

At the last meeting, team members were assigned specific community members to try and interview. They were then supposed to ask them if they would be willing to host a small gathering for story collecting.

-Amanda was successful in getting Matt S. to fill out an online survey.

-Cathy was able to interview Cheryl Lang, Lloyd Sweetser, and plans to interview Andy Whitney. -Marcel will attend the Woodstock Selectmen’s meeting on December 19th with Cat, but can’t interview Larry Merlino.

-Bonnie was successful in interviewing Rick Young, and plans to pursue Jarod Cockett, and Mark Passo for interviews in the upcoming weeks.

-Steve spoke with the Pleasant Valley Bible Church, and Tim LeConey about hosting discussions in their respective places of worship in the month of January. Both were receptive to the idea of hosting a dinner and community conversation event.

Cat shared that the student teams were working on collecting interviews from teachers and peers in December. Steve suggested that in January they interview some staff at the schools, other than teachers, specifically people who work in the kitchen or as janitorial staff. He also mentioned Cassie, who is a senior at Gould doing a project on non-profits in the area. Cat will ask Mia and Maddie to investigate further.

Check in with Network connectors: Who are we still missing?

Woodstock Selectmen need to be added back into the CNA - (Cat will do this)

The selectmen and budget committees for all of the towns should be interviewed before their next town meeting.

Growing the base of volunteers would be helpful and should be a priority going forward. Although the next step in the project is intended to be a more directed ask to community members that are involved in the theme of discussion for the night.

MaryVaughn Wheeler, should be contacted about setting up at the district exchange or the food pantry to try and talk to people who utilize those services.

Jane Chandler: hospice worker, may be able to get some interviews with patients, so long as it is confidential (Cat will ask)

Locke’s Mill Church Visiting group: Church members have a social group that checks in with home bound elders and visits hospice patients. Cat will check to see if she can come along with them for a future visit.

Share information about Bucksport check in:

Cat shared the New Statement Data Sheet with the group. There were concerns about the terminology and why the process has changed so much from the original summary of stories.

Orton has a new way to set up data for crafting Heart & Soul Statements. Cat/Amanda needs to change the word “Statement” to “Interview Excerpt” for clarification

Discuss Event for January: MLK Winter Carnival with NorthStar 7th graders: Sounds like an interesting event, although data gathering may be hard in that setting. Should send the kids home with Heart & Soul literature along with permission slips from 4-H to direct and inform parents about the program.

Phase 2.2 Refresher:

-Heart & Soul Statements: Team member’s wonder about what happens to the “concerns” “hopes” and “actionable ideas” because the statements are value based.

-Should we have Jane come back and offer that training again?: Yes. Ask Jane for a base level of understanding that people should have before coming to the training. Cat/Jane should provide any literature for team members interested in the training to read beforehand to be prepared. Ask Jane “ You should be able to come out of this training with the ability to…”

-How will community members verify public input? Will shelf until after re-training

-How and when will input be prepared and shared publicly and with decision makers? Will shelf until after re-training

Nancy proposed an idea of a weekly column in the Citizen as a reminder/refresher for the community about the behind the scenes happenings of H&S. Use rotating team member’s experiences, and interesting quotes from community members to entice more participants and to gear up for the next phase in March. Cat and Nancy will flush this idea out further.

Set the next meeting dates for 2018:

Cat will send out a doodle poll to see if there is a particular day and time of day that works best for the most people. She would like a set date (i.e. the third Wednesday of every month) that way people can plan in advance to attend. She should also ask specific things of each person to make them more accountable for attendance.

Thank you all ! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!