To Our Prospective Adoption Applicants:
We appreciate your interest in helping a rescued Boston Terrier. Boston Terrier Rescue of North Carolina is an all-volunteer organization, and our foster dogs reside in private volunteer homes throughout North Carolina. There is no facility or location where all the Boston Terriers can be visited. BTRNC serves the region of NC, VA, SC and GA. In special cases, Boston Terriers may be considered for adoption to applicants living outside this region, but within a one-day ground transport radius. We do not air-ship or cross-country our dogs for adoption.
We receive a tremendous number of email inquiries and applications weekly. We simply cannot respond to all correspondence and cannot address questions about specific dogs until your adoption process is complete. If you do not hear from us within 2 weeks of sending your email or written application, it is because we do not currently have the right dog for your environment. We will hold your application on file and may contact you in the future should we take in a rescue that is appropriate for your home.
Please read the Adoption Application and Agreement carefully and answer the questions thoroughly. This will help us to understand your physical environment and family dynamics, thus enabling us to choose the perfect BT for your family. The first step of the adoption process is review and approval of your application. We may then arrange a home visit where one of our volunteers comes to your home to meet and talk with you and your family. Foster dogs will not be considered for adoption placement until the home visit has been conducted and approved. The entire adoption process can take four to eight weeks. Home visits that are outside of NC, or in VA, SC and GA cities where no BTRNC volunteers reside may require additional coordination and time. Our adoption fee is $350 and $150 for senior dogs of 8 years and older. All dogs will receive a complete veterinary check-up, be micro-chipped, altered, heartworm tested and be current on vaccines prior to adoption.
We are dedicated to finding the perfect homes for our rescued Boston Terriers, and ask for your patience in allowing us to do so. Thank you for contacting BTRNC.
BTRNC Board of Directors
Boston Terrier Rescue of North Carolina (BTRNC)
Adoption Contract
I certify that all the information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that if chosen as an adoptive home, I will comply with the following conditions of adoption:
ADOPTER shall keep BOSTON TERRIER as an indoor pet, and will provide BOSTON TERRIER with identification at all times (collar, tag, tattoo or microchip). BOSTON TERRIER will be kept under control at all times when off adopter’s property.
ADOPTER shall provide adequate veterinary care for BOSTON TERRIER, including annual vaccinations, rabies vaccinations as needed, and any other care recommended by the BOSTON TERRIER’S veterinarian. ADOPTER will take BOSTON TERRIER to veterinarian if ill. If ADOPTER is unable to do so, ADOPTER will notify a rescue contact from BTRNC.
ADOPTER agrees to notify a rescue contact of BTRNC of any changes of address or telephone number of ADOPTER.
ADOPTER will immediately notify a rescue contact of BTRNC if BOSTON TERRIER is lost or stolen,
ADOPTER shall return BOSTON TERRIER to BTRNC, if under any circumstance, ADOPTER is no longer able to keep or provide for BOSTON TERRIER. ADOPTER shall not sell, give, or otherwise transfer BOSTON TERRIER to anyone other than BTRNC.
ADOPTER shall indemnify and hold harmless BTRNC and its members from any and all loss, damage or expense. BTRNC does not warrant the health, temperament or behavior of BOSTON TERRIER. BTRNC is not liable for acts of BOSTON TERRIER after placement with ADOPTER.
Signature of all applicants residing in household:Date:
Send completed application through the US Postal Service and/or email to:
Betsy Myers, BTRNC Adoption
5403 ForestOaks Drive
Greensboro, NC 27406
Boston Terrier Rescue of North Carolina
1. Name:2. Address:
3. City & State:
4. Phone Numbers:
Home/Hours we may call:
Work/Hours we may call:
Cell Phone:
5. Email Address:
6. Occupation of all adults in household:
7.How many adults live in the household?
Their ages?
How many children? / Their ages?
How many children visit? / Their ages?
8. How long at present address:
Do you own or rent?
9. If you move, what will you do with this animal?
10. Who will be responsible for caring for this animal?
11. Where will the pet be kept:
During the day?
During the night?
When no one is home?
When on vacation?
12. How long will the pet be left alone each day?
13. How will exercise and elimination for this pet be accomplished?
14. If you have a fenced yard, please provide a description of the fence.
15. Do you treat your pets for heartworm and flea/tick prevention? If so, please describe:
16. Veterinarian's Name:
Phone Number:
Veterinarian’s Name:
Phone Number:
17. Please list two other references (non-family members) we may contact regarding this
Phone Number:
Best Time to Call:
Phone Number:
Best Time to Call:
18. Please list all animals you have owned in the past five years. If none, include pets
you have owned during your adult life. Indicate all pets you have previously
adopted from Rescue organizations.
Pet 1: / Type (cat, dog, etc) and Breed:
Age / Gender
What is this pet's general temperament and disposition around other people and animals?
Where is it now?
Pet 2: / Type (cat, dog, etc) and Breed:
Age / Gender
What is this pet's general temperament and disposition around other people and animals?
Where is it now?
Pet 3: / Type (cat, dog, etc) and Breed:
Age / Gender
What is this pet's general temperament and disposition around other people and animals?
Where is it now?
Pet 4: / Type (cat, dog, etc) and Breed:
Age / Gender
What is this pet's general temperament and disposition around other people and animals?
Where is it now?
19. Please describe your pets' interactions with each other and with pets of others with
whom they have contact:
20. Have you ever lost a pet or had one die prematurely due to an accident?
Please provide details:
21. How much money do you plan to spend on this animal each year? (Consider food, vet
care, boarding, licensing, etc.)
22. Do you presently have an Adoption Application on file with any other Boston Terrier
Rescues or local rescues in your area? If so, with what agencies?
The following questions are to help us determine what type of dog you are looking to
adopt. Please indicate if your answer is a "preference" or a "must have" when applicable
23. Are you interested in adopting a male or female?
What age of dog are you interested in adopting?
Would you consider a dog:
Over 3 years old?
Over 6 years old?
Over 10 years old?
Would you consider a dog that is not housebroken?
Would you consider a dog with health problems?
Would you consider a dog with some behavioral problems?
Is size and appearance important?
If so, please explain:
24. Would you consider adopting a Boston Terrier Mix?
25. Do you agree to return this dog to Boston Terrier Rescue of North Carolina if you are
unable to keep it for any reason?
If you live outside of NC, please provide on a separate page names and contact
information for Rescue Groups near your home that could assist us with your Home Visit.
Please attach an additional page(s) to tell why you want to adopt a Boston Terrier, and
if there is a particular Boston you want and why. Include any other additional
information that you would like us to consider when evaluating your application.
Send the signed BTRNC Adoption Contract and completed Application through the US Postal Service and/or email to:
Betsy Myers, BTRNC Adoption Coordinator
5403 ForestOaks Drive
Greensboro, NC 27406-8317