Activity 1.3 – Technology MiniQuest
Technology and Science–we use these terms every day, but what do they mean and what impact have they had on past and present lives? For example, some of you may have had an x-ray for a broken arm, or your parents may have a water purification device on your household faucet. Were the products and inventions created because of science or because of technology?
Here is your chance to find out about automobiles, the printing press, the Parthenon, and much more through a short investigation or MiniQuest. While you are exploring, consider asking questions about what effect the various developments have had on the evolution of civilization. It is important you also look at how the uses of technology and science are the same and how they are different.
The MiniQuest requires
A.Computer access for each student or pair of students
B.MiniQuest handout
C.Resource documents as outlined on the MiniQuest handout
D.Student Journal to record research and reflection of work
In this activity, you will conduct a MiniQuest, which is a search of information using guided sites on the Internet and various references.
Following the information and handout on the following pages, you will investigate and record notes on the historical influence and impact of various technological artifacts. You will also investigate how the use of technology is the same and differentfrom the use of science.
You will finalize your MiniQuests, prepare documentation of your findings, and place them in your engineering notebook.
Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Copyright 2007
GTT –Design and Modeling Unit – Lesson 1 – Activity 1.3Technology MiniQuest – Page 1
Learning about technology can be fun and full of surprises. For instance, did you know that the invention of vehicles to be used in space travel has evolved over 100 years? From the time of the first flight of the Wright Brothers, humans have believed that space travel was more than just a fancy; it could be reality. There are just as many different products and processes that have been developed that were deemed failures, but were later proved valuable when looked at from a different point of view. For example, the development of Post-it Notes was born out of an experiment that did not go as planned.
You will investigate different technological artifacts and find out about their history and their impacts on civilization, and you will learn how they are used differently today. In addition, you will investigate the similarities and differences between technology and science. You will use various resources to find the information, including print, multi-media, and the web. Be aware that the web is not always reliable, so verify your facts by using print resources.
Working in pairs, you and your partner will need to divide the work between you; be sure each partner knows about the information the other partner is able to find.
- You will gather information, using the Questions to Guide Youand the Resources(See below)about each of the following technological developments:
- Printing press
- Compact Disk Player (CD Player)
- Roman aqueducts
- Automobile
- The Parthenon
- Weaving loom
- X-ray machine
- Water purification device
- You will determine into which area of technology each of the above artifacts fits and find an additional example for each of the areas. The areas of technology are listed below:
- Information and Communication
- Bio-related and Agricultural
- Medical
- Environmental
- Production, which includes manufacturing and construction
- Transportation
- Energy and power
- You will research and find information in order to complete the following sentences which you should includein your report:
- “Technology is the study of …”
- A quotation by an inventor about his/her work
- A fact about an historical technological project, such as the aqueducts
- “Science is the study of …”
- A quotation by a scientist about his/her work
- A fact about an historical scientificevent, such as the development of the polio vaccine
- After completing your research, you will develop a report that includes your findings. It is important you share your information with your partner.
Note: The questions listed below are designed to trigger your thinking as you work to complete the MiniQuest. It is not necessary to answer each of the questions below, but doing so will help you on your quest.
- What is the relationship between technology and science? Are technology and science the same?
- When a vehicle, such as an automobile, was invented, what was the most common method of transportation?
- When a structure, such as the aqueducts, was built, what was its main purpose?
- When a communication device, such as the printing press, was invented, what was the most common method of communicating?
- When a medical device, such as the X-ray machine, was developed, what was the most common method used to examine the human body?
- When a manufacturing device, such as the weaving loom, was developed, what was the most common method used to make textiles?
- When a water purification device, such as the MSR Miox Purifier, was developed, what made its development so important?
After completing the MiniQuest, you and your partner will discuss your findings and will compile your information into a book jacket design, using the following steps:
- Design a book jacket (size 8 ½ x 11 or 11 x 17) cover that depicts Technology and Science.
- Highlight the similarities and differences between technology and science.
- On the back flap of the cover, include the quotations you found about each field.
- On the front and back cover, include the important historical aspects of the technological artifacts you investigated. You must use a variety of resources, including a book, magazine articles, and web sites.
- Attach a works cited page for all of the articles, books, and websites you used, following the proper citation style.
- This book jacket cover may be used for your portfolio, journal, or engineer notebook for the remainder of the course.
Use these web sites to help you get started. You may go to others, but make sure you follow your teacher’s expectations of proper use of the Internet.
Printing Press:
The VirtualMuseum Printing Press: URL:
Printing: An Industry Born: URL:
Manuscripts, Books, and Maps: The Printing Press and A Changing World
Compact Disk Player (CD Player):
History of the CD Technology: URL:
Recording Technology History: URL:
Scientific American Article, August 20, 2003: CD Player Finds New Use as a Molecular Detective: URL: NOTE: If link does not work, copy and paste to retrieve.
Roman Aqueducts:
The Roman Aqueducts Introduction. This site is translated from French, but full of excellent pictures and information. URL:
Roman Aqueducts: URL:
Archeology 291: The Roman Aqueducts and Water Systems URL:
Automobile History: The History of Cars and Engines URL:
Automotive 101: Automotive History URL:
Find a Car in History URL:
The Parthenon:
Great Buildings On-Line: The Parthenon URL:
The Parthenon: URL:
The Parthenon by Ancient URL:
Weaving Loom:
Jacquard Loom: How it related to the computer URL:
SmithCollegeMuseum of Ancient Inventions: Woven Cloth URL:
Inventors: Power Loom – Edmund Cartwright URL:
X-Ray Machine:
How Stuff Works: How Does an X-Ray Machine Work? URL:
From Birth to Death at the Pan-American Exposition: URL:
About Radiology by Radiology Channel: URL:
Water Purification Device:
National Drinking Water Clearinghouse: Search for Clean Water Continues URL:
Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia: How to Obtain Water in the Wilderness URL:
The Albuquerque Tribune News Article about advances in Water Purification: Albuquerque Biz Cleans Up Water URL:
Books and Magazines:
During your web search, you may find articles or books that talk about the various technological artifacts. You may also find the library a helpful source for information. It is important you keep track of those books or articles you use and include them in your report.
- You will be assessed individually on your report, written documentation, use of resources, and effectiveness in explaining what you have learned.
Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Copyright 2007
GTT –Design and Modeling Unit – Lesson 1 – Activity 1.3Technology MiniQuest – Page 1