
To be approved at the

2018 Annual Meeting


Annual Meeting Minutes

March 14, 2017

Call to Order

Clerk McDougall called the Rockford Township Annual Meeting to order at the Rockford Town Hall at 8:05 p.m. with all joining in for the Pledge ofAllegiance to the flag.

Election of a Moderator

The clerk asked for nominations to elect a moderator for the Annual Meeting. A nomination was made and seconded forLeonard Bengtson to be the moderator. Being no further nominations,LeonardBengtson moderated the annual meeting.

Minutes of 2016 Annual Meeting

A motion was made and seconded to waive the reading of the March 8, 2016 minutes and approve the minutes as printed. Motion carried by a majority vote.

Annual Election results

Seat B

Dennis Beise–45

Blank - 0

Write Ins – 2

Seat C

Greg Eckblad – 44

Blank – 1

Write Ins - 2

Total Votes Cast -47

Review of Proposed Levy for 2018:

  • General Fund – The proposed General Fund amount for taxes to be voted upon, due in 2018, was $167,900.00.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the 2018General Fund levy to $167,900.00. Motion carried unanimously.

  • Road & Bridge Fund -The proposed Road & Bridge Fund amount for taxes to be voted upon, due in 2018, was $756,200.00.

A motion was made and seconded to approvethe 2018 Road and Bridge Fund levyof$756,200.00. Motion carried unanimously.

  • Fire Fund – The proposed Fire Fund amount for taxes to be voted upon, due in 2018, was $200,000.00.Amotion was made and seconded to approve the 2018Fire Fund levy of $200,000.00. Motion carried unanimously.

The total approved2018Township levy of $1,124,100.00.

Old Business


New Business

The residents made a motion and seconded to approve Voters’ Resolution Authorizing Township Board To Regulate Manure Lines. (a copy of the resolution can be view at the Township office). Motion carried unanimously.

Date and time of 2018 Annual Meeting

A motion was made and seconded to approve the next Annual Meeting be held on Tuesday March 13, 2018. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.

A motion was made to adjourn the Annual Meeting at 8:25 p.m.

______Date: ______

Moderator (Leonard Bengtson)

______Date: ______

Rachelle L. McDougall (Clerk/Treasurer)