Learning Design for: Shakespeare and me
Total learning time: 480
Number of students: 25 students (III CLASS)- B1
Description: 400 yearsafterShakespeare'sdeath, he isstillalive in our culture and in ourhearts. In order to improvestudents' English languageproficiency and their social skills by usingextensivereading, the students are asked to work bothindividually and in small groups of 5 students.
learners are encouraged: to read for pleasure- to discusstheiropinions- to summarizetheirideas whileimprovingtheirfluency and their social skills
Synthesis(Synthesis): Anygroupsummarises the book readusing STORYBOARDTHAT
Application(Application): Anygroupcreates a differentending for the story
Teaching-Learning activities
Read Watch Listen15 minutesstudentsTutor isavailable
The teacherexplainswhat the aims of the project are and what procedure will be usedaskingstudents to split in group of 5. Then some Shakespeare's books ( Romeo and Juliet- Hamlet- MuchAdoaboutnothing- Macbeth- The Tempest ) are shown to the class and students are asked to chooseone to read - ashomework- and discuss with theirpartnersgroup.
Read Watch Listen15 minutesstudentsTutor isavailable
The wholeclass watches a video aboutShakespeare's life taking notes about the mostimportantevents of his life
Discuss10 minutesstudentsTutor isavailable
In groups the studentsdiscusstheir notes decidingwhat events must be reported
Investigate20 minutesstudentsTutor isavailable
Surfing the net anygroup finds more about Shakespeare ( his home, histheatre, histown ...)
Collaborate30 minutesstudentsTutor isavailable
Using theirfavouritetool ( Padlet- Thinglink- Animotoetc) students create the grouppresentation about the Author
Produce30 minutesstudentsTutor isavailable
Anygroup explains the work ( 5 presentations)
Ashomeworkstudents are asked to read the book at home
SHAKESPEARE: a poet and a playwright
Read Watch Listen30 minutesstudentsTutor isavailable
Afterrecalling the mainfeatures of the classical comedy and tragedy by questioning, the teacherletsstudentswatch a video about Shakespeare as a poet and abouthistragedies
Investigate30 minutesstudentsTutor isavailable
Students in group are asked to find out the main features of Shakespeare'scomedies surfing the Net and about the book they are reading
Collaborate30 minutesstudentsTutor isavailable
Using theirfavouritetool ( Padlet- Thinglink- Animotoetc) students create the grouppresentation about the Author'sworks
Practice30 minutesstudentsTutor isavailable
Any group introduces the presentation made aboutShakespeare's production focusing on the book they are readingathomr
Shakespeare and me
Discuss30 minutesstudentsTutor isavailable
Anygroupdiscussesabout the literarygenre, the maincharacters, the plot (and subplots), the places and the values or themes they are going to point out in theirpresentation
Collaborate30 minutesstudentsTutor isavailable
Anygrouporganize the working procedure to create a new ending for the story
Produce60 minutesstudentsTutor isavailable
The groupcreates -by STORYBOARD THAT - a video summarizing the book the have just read, addingtheirown ending
Practice60 minutesstudentsTutor isavailable
Anygroupintroduces the book read by theirStoryboard- Teachertakes care thatanystudent in the group speaks to the class , practicing English freely.
Discuss60 minutesstudentsTutor isavailable
By discussing the differentendings for the stories , studentsindividually express their opinion using the evaluatingrubricasusual.