Co-operative Education Course Outline and Assessment Plan
Teacher Bill Penney
Cell 902-456-6424
826-3222 Ext. 7901008
Welcome to Co-operative Education. Co-op offers you the opportunity to extend your learning beyond the classroom as you focus on workplace readiness, career planning and workplace health and safety. It is important that you participate actively in the assessment and evaluation of your own learning as it relates to your employability and your career building efforts.
Co-op is divided into 2 components:
1. The In School Component of Co-operative Education (ICCE) comprises 3 modules: Career Planning, Preparing for the Workplace and Workplace Health and Safety - approx. 25 hours of in class learning valued at 30 % of your mark. See the “Check List” below. This will account for your first term mark.
2. The Work Placement component of Co-operative Education is 100 hours and is valued at 70% of your mark. You will maintain a Lifework Portfolio 10%, submit learning logs and weekly hours 10% and complete 1 reflective assignment 10%. Your Community Host will complete an evaluation of your performance mid-way through (50 hours) and at the end of your placement which will each be valued at 20 % for a total of 40% and regularly maintaining your placement log will be valued at 10%.
ICCE Modules and Outcomes (not all required, see Check List below)
Module 1: Career Planning – 9 hours – 10%
Outcomes Classroom activities Assessment Value
1.1 Identify and use strategies to determine appropriate, realistic education and career plans. / Complete self-assessment inventories:. (Find your Top Intelligences, Personality test and the Big Five) Compare your results with p.5 Am I Right for This? where you will find
Go to this site and complete the following career quizzes” (Abilities quiz, Data, People, Things quiz, Work Preference quiz, Work Values quiz)
And your skills at the following website: / 60 second video commercial – Sell Yourself
Complete the Self Assessment summary and
Visit YouTube (sell yourself commercial)
Be sure to place all career quiz results in your portfolio / 5
1.2 Demonstrate understanding of, and active participation in, the career building process. / See Moodle Workplace Preparation Section as well as the following websites for online testing and career related information:
User name sjam Password career / Research 2 careers of interest - Create a Venn Diagram for these careers See Moodle – include all items on the list / 5
Module 2 – Preparing for the Workplace 8 Hours – 12%
Outcomes Classroom activities Assessment Value
2.1 Demonstrate workplace readiness by identifying and assessing personal traits, values, strengths and weaknesses, abilities and employability skills. / Read Chapter 2 on Resumes and Cover Letters –List 5 important Items in each section
Look at the online resources at
Moodle Workplace Preparation resources –
Musts: Turbo Resume Verbs
Resume Template
Complete Turbo Job Descriptions and Essential Skill Power documents
Review Skill set from Employability Skills 2000+ online test
Service Canada –
Search YouTube for good and bad interviews: Compile a list of what to do and what not to do
Develop scripts for job interviews Interview role play
Read Time for the Interview
pp. 23-25 and 28-29 and Skills They Want and First Day Checklist (Moodle Interview Resources) / Create a Resume, cover letter and references for the co-op placement you are interested in / 10
2.2 Demonstrate an understanding of workplace hierarchies, relationships and etiquette. / Read Chapter 5 Privacy, Confidentiality and Ethics at Work
YouTube – Ethics in the Workplace
Discussion on ethics, confidentiality, and examples of each in the workplace.
Discussion of workplace relationships, mandatory drug testing and criminal records checks, human rights in the workplace, the role of Unions and other professional organizations
Continuum Strongly agree – Strongly disagree
WCBNS website – Know Your rights
NS Labour and Workforce development website
Carousel activities and role play on appropriate work place behaviours and social conduct (ICCE p. 23) / Present current workplace ethical issue – Facebook, human rights, relationships, dress etc.
Classroom observation checklist and presentation rubric / 2
Module 3 - Workplace Health and Safety – 8 hours – 8%
Outcomes Classroom activities Assessment Value
3.1 Demonstrate understanding of the major components of the NS Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations including employer and employee rights and responsibilities for workplace health and safety – specifically the following sections: 13& 17 Employers’ Precautions and Duties, 28 Requirement for OHS program, 29&31 Requirements for JOHS Committees, 43 Right toRefuse Work, 45 & 46 Prohibition of Discriminatory Action / Watch the Lost Youth Video on Moodle and Complete the Forum entry
Read Chapter 4 – Workplace Safety
Group presentations: 1- Most Common Types of Injuries and Workplace Hazards 2- Types of Hazard Controls, 3- The Occupational Safety Act
WCBNS CD WHS – Intro to Act and Regulations (Power Point) / Forum Entry
Complete external training sessions (WHMIS, Passport to Safety, First Aid) Certificates of Achievement / 2
3.2 Demonstrate and understanding of the 5 main types of workplace hazards and their 4 main contributing factors / Spot the Hazard Chapter 4 - Workplace Safety pp. 30-33
3.3 Demonstrate an understanding of hazard control, including the role of reporting hazards and the use of personal protective equipment / Websites:
3.4 Demonstrate understanding of the components of Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS) - training, labels and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) / Complete certifications.
Co-op 11/12 In Class Check List
Below are listed the assignments and requirements for the 25 hour in class portion of Co-op 11/12. Specific Due dates may be assigned.
Ø Class binder and 3” Portfolio Binder
Ø Create nspes or gnespes account
Ø Enroll in Moodle: SJA Cooperative Education Penney and or Google Classroom: Co-op 11/12. Enrollment Key: kwhy6ys
Ø Create Career Cruising account (sjam/careers)
Ø Career Cruising Matchmaker Assignment from Moodle (submit when completed)
Ø Resume: Topic 2
Ø Cover letter: Topic 2
Ø Interviews: Topic 3
Ø Portfolio I Assignment: Creating your Portfolio. See Check List
o For Section 2 do Employment Skills Quiz:
Ø From Co-op Course Outline: (Find your Top Intelligences, Personality test and the Big Five) Compare your results with p.5 Am I Right for This?
o “What Have I Learned About Myself” essay (submit upon completion)
Ø From Moodle:
o Autobiographical Sketch (submit when complete)
o Using the Service Canada website (submit when complete)
o Career Research Assignment (submit when complete)
Ø Workplace Health and Safety: (Certificates must be submitted)
o First Aid
§ On Line Certificate
§ Practical Course (4 Hour in class)
o Safe@My Job (online Quiz)
o “Lost Youth” Video and reflection (submit upon completion)
o Work place injury cases/ videos and discussion forums
Please note: Keep all completed work for Portfolio updates.