Application guidance for Southampton Healthy Living

Small Grants



  1. Introduction
  2. Application process
  3. Terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement
  4. Additional Support
  5. Relevant document downloads


  • Small grants are available for between £250 - £500 to applicants delivering services/projects around:
  • Weight management
  • Increasing physical activity/getting people more active
  • Stop Smoking
  • Alcohol Reduction

The application process

There are two application processes:

  • Small grants (between £250 – £500) applications will open on 4th January and continue on a rolling basis over the financial year.
  • Large grants (more than £1000) more information on accessing these will be released shortly.

The community funding panel made up of Southampton Healthy Living representatives, will meet regularly to evaluate and make decisions on awarding grants.

All applicants will be asked to complete an Expression of Interest form toconfirm eligibility. Download from the Southampton Voluntary Services Website (SVS)

Individuals/organisations can apply for grants of between £250 - £500 for services/projects focusing on the four areas above. However, if you have a proposal that requires funding between £500 - £1000,please do get in contact with SVS directly:

The Southampton Healthy Living Community Funding Programme is administered by representatives from the partnership comprising community, voluntary, public and private organisations in Southampton. All questions about the fund and the application process should be directed to .

How to apply

1.Download and complete theExpression of Interest form in order to confirm eligibility and to outline your proposal.Applicants are advised to send in the Expression of Interest as early as possible.

Applicants are advised to read the application guidance document in full before sending an Expression of Interest.

2. Applicants who have received confirmation of their eligibility will then be contacted directly to confirm any follow up queries the panel may have. You may be asked to clarify aspects of the project/services in writing you are applying for.

Application process timeline

Small grant decisions will be made before the end of February 2018 for commencement on the 1st April 2018 and applications received thereafter will be decided on a rolling basis as we want to support innovation and responsiveness.

  • Expressions of Interest to be submitted by5pm Monday 19th February 2019

Deadline for Expressions of Interest / Panel meeting
5pm Monday 19th February 2019 / Week Commencing 26th February
No deadline after the first round in February, the small grant programme will be open on a continuous basis / Dependent on the number of applications received

Any questions?

Please direct any questions to

How we assess applications

When we assess your full application, we will consider the following:

  • Whether the service/project will make a positive difference in any of the four focus areas
  • Whether the service/project will work with our priority groups


-Black and Minority Ethnic Groups

-Unemployed or who have never worked

-Routine and manual workers including carers

-Residents from more deprived areas such highlighted on the IMD* map as:

Area 1 - Woolston

Area 2 - Bitterne

Area 3 - Bevois Town

Area 4 - Redbridge.

-People with long term physical and/or mental health conditions

-Pregnant Women

-Partners of pregnant women

-Probation Service users

  • Number of people who will receive a service and whether the service/project is value for money
  • Whether there are any conflicts or risks
  • The local need / demand for the project
  • Whether there is a need for the funding-i.e. are you in receipt of other funding that covers these costs
  • Whether the service/project will compliment other services/projects in the area
  • Whether the project is well planned and informed by best practice
  • Whether the project is financially realistic
  • Whether you have considered sustainability after the duration of the service/project.
  • Whether the project has been delivered before and if not, what factors will create confidence to fund it

*Postcodes available on request.

Geographical scope

Southampton Healthy Living Community Funding Programme is targeted at residents living in the boundaries of Southampton City Council and they must be the beneficiaries of these grants. Applications must also state how they will engage and work with our Priority Groupslisted above.

Who can apply?

Applications must be submitted by one lead applicant Individual/Organisation. Any partnerships formed to deliver the services must be named but will not be a point of contact. Lead applicant individuals/organisations based outside of Southampton must have a working knowledge of the needs and communities in Southampton.

Lead Individuals/Organisations must also have legal status and be registered with an appropriate body such as the Charities Commission, companies House, HMRC etc. such as:

  • A Charity/voluntary organisation
  • Community group affiliated to an organisation which holds legal status (please supply details below)
  • A company
  • A partnership
  • Registered Self employed
  • An academic Institution
  • Public sector organisation (GP practice)
  • A non-Government Organisation (NGO)
  • Other-Please Specify

If private owners or for-profit organisations are involved in a project, we expect the benefit to the social and economic development of residents to outweigh any private gain.You will need to provide examples or demonstrate your social responsibility/value.


  • Weight management
  • Increasing physical activity/getting people more active
  • Stop Smoking
  • Alcohol Reduction

All projects must contribute towards improving the public’s health in one or more of the four areas.

There are specific targets we needsuccessful applicants to contribute towards:

  • Weight Management-achieve a 5% weight loss from individuals starting points by 12 weeks
  • Physical Inactivity-increase their physical activity levels from their starting points by 12 weeks
  • Stop Smoking-quit within 4 weeks, measured with a Carbon Monoxide (CO) reading
  • Alcohol Reduction-reduce consumption within 12 weeks

More details regarding how these outcomes can be met through project activities is can be clarified on an individual/organisation level.

Terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement

If you are awarded a grant, you will need to comply with all the terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement, which will be sent to you if you are successful.

Publicity and acknowledgement

You will be required to inform Southampton Healthy Living of any publicity you are planning before it happens. Should you publicise any services/activities/projects funded by Southampton Healthy Living Community Funding Programme, you will need to comply with the branding guidelines, communications and social media policies and procedures. These will be sent to you in a pack if successful.


If you are awarded a grant, you will need to send us images of the services/work carried out in your projects. If you are sharing personally identifiable images, you will need to request consent with that individual to share that information/image. SHL can supply a consent form if required. We will also encourage you to send other types of media relating to your project, such as videos and project blogs. You will also need to give Southampton Healthy Living evidence of permissions gained from the people you work with for SHL to use these for the purposes of promoting the Fund.

Permission to start

If you are awarded a grant, you will need to have our written permission before you start any work. You will need to provide us with the following:

  • Details of relevant permissions required and obtained (if applicable)
  • Proof of ownership (if applicable)
  • Proof of partnership funding being secured (if applicable)
  • An updated project cash flow
  • A statement of your plans for procurement of goods, works and services and a recruitment strategy for any new positions
  • Your bank account details
  • Any other information which may be requested , policies and procedures around safeguarding, health and safety, risk assessments, information governance and data protection

Financial reporting and grant payment

All grant monies will be paid directly to the applicant individual/organisation in line with the terms and conditions detailed in the Grant Agreement. The applicant organisation will be responsible for ensuring that all grant funding, including any funding received or managed by partner organisations, is spent in line with the terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement. You should therefore conduct appropriate due diligence before engaging with project partners.

You will need to keep and evidence receipts and invoices for all items of expenditure in line with effectivefinancial accounting procedures. ALL invoices and receipts relating to project expenditure must be retained by the lead applicant organisation and may be requested for inspection by SHL during/after the project. Your grant will be paid after permission has been given to start upon submission of an invoice from the lead organisation. You will be advised of where to send the invoice and to whom if you are successful. Invoices will be paid within 30 days.

Costs we can cover

Your application should include all costs that are directly incurred as a result of the project. Direct project costs include:

  • extra time for existing staff to deliver/support the project
  • training costs
  • equipment and materials
  • activities relating to becoming fitter and healthier
  • community engagement
  • promotion
  • extra costs for your organisation
  • extra photocopying
  • extra room hire

Costs must relate directly to project delivery and are necessary to enable project delivery.

Staff posts policy

The grant will not be approved to fund on-going salaries. However the grant can be used to expand current capacity, in order to allow services to be delivered.


We recognise that the grant may be for a small sum of money; however, you’re your organisation and any services you purchase, will be required to have the relevant insurance cover for any property, works, materials, services and goods delivered by your project. All of these must be covered for their full reinstatement value against loss or damage, including inflation; professional fees; third party injury, losses or damages; and legal defence costs. You will need to provide appropriate insurance for any staff employed by you, including volunteers. This may include, but is not limited to travel insurance, medical cover and emergency evacuation / hostile environment protection. You must meet the employers’ liability / workers’ compensation laws of the country in which employees are contracted.

Monitoring and evaluation requirements

You will be expected to record, monitor and evaluate your services/project and supply information to SHL on a regular basisto evidence that you/your organisation are achieving what you have said you would in your proposal.

We will provide you with templates and support to complete these and let you know when to submit them.

We may require you/your organisation to participate in a wider evaluation of the programme’s effectiveness as this is a new way of working and delivering services to residents in Southampton. You will also be required to send in an end of project evaluation detailing the achievements and difference made to the fitness, activity and health of the people who have accessed your service

Additional Support

If your application is successful, Southampton Healthy Living will provide support in the form of training, and a staff link within the organisation available to offer other relevant forms of advice once the service/project is up and running.

These include the Health Improvement Training Provided by Solent NHS including Brief Interventions around the four work areas, smoking cessation level 2 and Motivational Interviewing. These are available through the It’s a HITprogramme. We would request that if possible small grant organisations attend this training to support their work. We also provide training on Making Every Contact Count, this is also provided by Solent NHS as well as Southampton Voluntary Services.

Southampton Voluntary Services can provide additional support around policy and capacity building and volunteering. This information is found out through the required policy questionnaire for submission. We will also provide additional training sessions which you will be informed about via email.