Distracted Driving Crash Data Queries
through Kentucky State Police Collision Analysis for the Public Site

The following is a list of instructions and examples to help in running Distracted Driving crash data queries. If you have questions regarding these examples, please contact the Traffic Safety Data Services within the Kentucky Office of Highway Safety at (502) 564-1438.

General set up

Website address -

From here the following screen will appear. Before setting up any queries, check the box label “Show all searchable fields (example shown below)

Setting Up Queries for County or City Crash totals (General Query Setup)

The following are the properties (search criteria) one needs to add in order to run this type of query –

  • Collision date range
  • County and/or City Name (If interested in Statewide data, skip this criteria)
  • Land Use Code (is NOT one of – Private Property)
  • Parking Lot Indicator (is NO)

Steps (adding search criteria)

  1. Enter Collision date range– then click the “Add Criteria” button (example shown below)
  1. Enter County and/or City Name – then click the “Add Criteria” button (example shown below)

(If interested in Statewide data, skip these steps)

City Name -

  1. Select Land Use Code – is NOT one of – Private Property

– Click the “Add Criteria” button (example shown below)

  1. Select Parking Lot Indicator – is NO

– Click the “Add Criteria” button (example shown below)

Setting Up Queries for Distracted Driving Crashes

In order to pull the data for distracted driving crashes, you will use the same general query set up as used for the county or city totals. The difference is that you will need to run three additional criteria

Additional Criteria (all three collectively make up Distracted Driving Totals) –

  • Human Factor is one of (Distraction)
  • Human Factor is one of (Inattention)
  • Human Factor is one of (Cell Phone)

If you are only interested in Cell Phone Crashes, you would only use that criterion.

An example of this query is shown below.

Adding Human Factor is one of (Distraction)ANDis one of (Inattention) AND is one of (Cell Phone)

  • Use the same general query set up as used for the county or city totals
  • Add criteria Human Factor is one of (Distraction) – hold the control key to also select (Inattention) and (Cell Phone)
  • Click the “Add Criteria” button (example shown below)

Once the criteria listed above has been added, click the “Submit Query” button at the top right (example shown below)

Results of the above query –

Again, add the results of each of these three queries above to find theover-all “Distracted Driving” Crash totals.