Nove Mesto, 1939:

When the Nazis took over the rest of Czechoslovakia in 1939, what did they declare about Jews? They were evil, a bad influence, and dangerous

What were some of the restrictions for Jews? Weren’t allowed to travel, had to tell about valuables, could not attend movies, no Jews on the playground, no Jews at sports fields or parks, no skating, no radio

Where did Hana’s parents hide important papers? Under the shingles in the attic

Where did Hana’s father hide his stamp collection and Mother’s silver? With non-Jewish friends

What were non-Jewish people called? Gentiles

What was the movie that Hana and George were hoping to see but saw the sign read “No Jews Allowed”? Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

What did Hana and George bury in their backyard? A bottle filled with grievances about the Nazis, their hopes and dreams

How was Father able to listen to the news even with the rules that said Jews were not to listen to the radio? His friend set the church clock back 15 minutes so he could be home by the curfew at 8

Tokyo, March 2000:

What had been the name of Theresienstadt? Terezin

After the Nazis invaded, what was Terezin turned into? A walled ghetto

What sorts of brave and inspiring people were among those held at Theresienstadt? Great artist, famous musicians, historians, philosophers, fashion designers, social workers.

How did these people teach the ghetto dwellers about the world as a place of beauty? They taught secret classes

Nove Mesto, Autumn 1940 – Spring 1941:

Who was Hana’s mother arrested by? The Gestapo, Hitler’s secret police

What was the last thing Hana’s mother did before leaving for her appointment with the Gestapo? Sang her favorite lullaby over and over until Hana fell asleep

Tokyo, Apirl 2000:

What had the Terezin Getto Museum sent Fumiko? Photographs of five drawings done by Hana, one colored, the rest in pencil and charcoal

Nove Mesto, Autumn, 1941:

Who was the Brady’s beloved housekeeper? Boshka

Where had George and Hana’s mother been taken? To Ravensbruck

What did Hana’s mom send her from the concentration camp? A heart made of bread dough

What were the Jews all made to wear by the Germans? A yellow Star of David with the word Jude in the middle

Why was Mr. Brady also taken away from Nove Mesto? One Jewish man didn’t cut out his star, but wore the whole piece of cloth. The officer in charge of Nove Mesto declared that it was to be immediately made judenfrei (free of Jews)

Tokyo, Spring 2000:

Which of the kids in Fumiko’s group of interested children formed a group with a mission to let other know what they were learning? Maiko

What was the name of the group? Small Wings

What was the exhibit at the museum called that Fumiko had been working toward? “The Holocaust Seen Through Children’s Eyes”

Nove Mesto, Winter 1941 – 1942:

After their father’s arrest, who came to rescue the two kids? Uncle Ludvik

Why wouldn’t Uncle Ludvik be under suspicion from the Germans? He was Christian

What was the name of the life-size doll Hana took with her to Uncle Ludvik’s? Nana

What treasures did George take? The family photos

Why did Hana choose the brown suitcase to pack her things in? she loved the polka dot lining

Why did Hana awake after her first night at Aunt Hedda and Uncle Ludvik’s? their dog Sylva had found them, all the way across town

What kind of dog was Sylva? A wolfhound

Even though Hana and George couldn’t go to school with their cousins Vera and Jiri, what did they do to keep busy? Read, chop wood, play games

Why did Hana and George go home every day for lunch? To visit with their housekeeper, Boshka

Where was Father imprisoned? Iglau Gestapo prison

Nove Mesto, May 1942:

Why were Hana and George also being deported? T hey were Jews

Why did Hana and George pack sleeping bags into their suitcases? It would give them a smell of home

What did the two children tuck between the clothes in their suitcases? Sugar and salami and keepsakes

After leaving Uncle Ludvik’s house, how long did the children wait at the warehouse? 4 days

What did Hana celebrate at the warehouse, awaiting deportation? Her 11th birthday

Tokyo, June 2000:

Which of the items at Fumiko’s exhibit drew the most visitors? The suitcase

What does waisenkind mean? Orphan

Because Fumiko didn’t know what Hana even looked like, what did she decide to do? Go to Terezin herself

Deportation Center, May 1942:

“Everyone is to appear at the train tracks in one hour. Each person is allowed one suitcase. Twenty-five kilos. Not a gram more. Form straight lines. No talking. Do as you are told.” Nazi soldier

Terezin, July 2000:

How did Fumiko manage to get to Terezin? She had been invited to a conference in England

When Fumiko arrived at the museum in Terezin, why was there no one about? It was a holiday

Theresienstadt, May 1942:

When the train finally stopped, what did the station sign read? Bohusovic Station

What was to become their new home? The fortress at Theresienstadt

Where was Hana assigned at Theresienstadt? Kinderheim L410, the children’s home

How long would Hana stay at Kinderheim L410? Two years

Terezin, July 2000:

Who was the woman at the closed museum in Terezin that would help Fumiko, even though the museum was closed? Ludmila

Theresienstadt, 1942 – 1943:

Where was George staying? In Kinderheim L417

Who took Hana under her wing and helped her through tough times? Ella

Once in a while, Hana was allowed to outside to do what? Work in the garden

What were some of the secret classes in Kinderheim L410? Music, sewing, art

What did Friedl Dicker-Brandeis, a fellow prisoner, teach? Art

What materials did the kids use for their artwork? Paper or plain wrapping paper, crayons, colored pencils

What did Friedl encourage her students to think about when they were drawing? Space, freedom, she encouraged them to let their imaginations run wild

What game based on Monopoly did the ghetto inhabitants invent? Smelina

Who invented it? Oswald Pock

What were some of the “properties”? the delousing station, the guards’ barracks

Instead of hotels for their game of Smelina, what did the players have? A kumbal, an attic hideaway

What did the players of Smelina use for money? Ghetto paper bills, kronen

When Hana was finally allowed outside, she race to visit with George. Where did she find him? In a bathroom, working at his new job as plumber

What did Hana thereafter take to George? Her donut, buchta

Who showed up at the ghetto? A family friend

Why did Hana tell her to go away? She wanted Hana to call her mother

Terezin, July 2000:

While in Terezin, what did Fumiko discover? The Hana had a brother, George

Why did Hana’s name have a check mark next to it? She had died at Auschwitz

Theresienstadt, 1943 – 1944:

What news did George have for Hana? Their Grandmother had arrived at Theresienstadt

Grandmother was is bad shape. What did Hana take her to try to cheer her? A painting

How long was Grandmother at Theresienstadt before she died? 3 months

Why did the Nazis post lists everywhere? They were systematic record keepers

Why were the mystery transports sped up in 1944? The Germans realized they were losing the war

After George was sent east on the train, when Hana was called, what did she ask of Ella? To help her get ready to go, for their reunion

“When I want to cry the blues, I just recall the centipede, Consider walking in her shoes, and then my life seems sweet indeed.” Ella singing to Hana on the train east

What was the train’s destination? Auschwitz

Terezin, July 2000:

After finding out that Hana had died, what did Fumiko want to do? Find George

Ludmila helped locate the building George had been in at Theresienstadt. Who was George’s bunk mate? Kurt Kotouc from Prague

How was Fumiko going to find Kurt Kotouc? Take a bus to Prague and visit the Jewish Museum there

Prague, July 2000:

In Prague, what was Kurt Kotouc’s job? Art historian

Who did Fumiko say was expecting her at the Prague Jewish Museum? Michaela Hajek, who helped her get the drawings

Kurt Kotouc said he and George were still friends. Where did George live? Toronto, Canada

Tokyo, August 2000:

Fumiko decided to send a letter to George and included copies of Hana’s drawings.

Toronto, Canada, August 2000:

When Auschwitz was liberated, George was 17. He had survived by being young and strong and doing what else? Plumbing

Who told George about his parents and Hana? Uncle Ludvik and Aunt Hedda

Toronto, August 2000:

Wherever George went after the war, what did he take with him? The box of photos

George married, had 3 sons and a daughter

Tokyo, September 2000:

George returned Fumiko’s correspondence with photos of Hana.

Tokyo, March 2001:

72 year old George Brady came to Tokyo with his 17 year old daughter Lara Hana

After viewing the exhibit, what dream did George realize had come true for Hana? That she had become a teacher

What values did George believe to be the most important in the world? Compassion, tolerance, and respect


What museum did George, Fumiko and Lara, and Maiko visit after spending time at the Holocaust Museum? Hiroshima