Meeting of the Main Campus Executive Faculty

November 18, 2005


Present: Jeffrey Anderson, Timothy Beach, Dorothy Betz, Sandra Calvert, Robert Cumby, Michael Ferreira (substitute for Elena Herburger), Pamela Fox, Svetlana Grenier, Ellen Henderson, Alison Hilton, Michael Hudson, Harvey Iglarsh, Miklos Kertesz, Olga Khessina, John Kline, Alison Mackey, Sam Marullo, Wes Mathews, Diana Owen, Jeffrey Peck, Victoria Pedrick (substitute for Catherine Keesling), Veronica Salles-Reese, Clay Shields, Penn Szittya, Pierre Taminiaux, Kathryn Temple, Arturo Valenzuela, Susan Vroman

Visitors: Victoria Pedrick and Artemis Kirk, Faculty Library Advisory Committee (FLAC)

Jim Langley, Director of OAUR

  1. Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 1:18 pm.

  1. Approval of Minutes:

Motion 1: That the minutes for the meeting of October 21, 2005 be approved as amended.

Motion 1 passed: 21 in favor, 0 opposed, and 7 abstaining

  1. Presentation on Library, Copyright, and Related Issues:

Victoria Pedrick, Chair of the Faculty Library Advisory Committee (FLAC), asked the Main Campus Executive Faculty not to hesitate in voicing suggestions and concerns with the library system at GeorgetownUniversity and expressed hope that the wider community will become more aware of the activities undertaken by FLAC. She presented the Executive Faculty with two of the major issues on FLAC’s agenda for this year: 1) the need for more and better library space in the future and 2) copyright infringements and intellectual property issues. With regards to the first issue, Victoria Pedrick stated that the new campaign must plan for an expansion of library space and innovative systems in order to maintain expert library staff and ensure that GeorgetownUniversity’s library system will be able to meet future needs. With regard to the second issue, Victoria Pedrick stated that FLAC is working to increase student and faculty awareness of the level of monitoring being conducted for IP protection and security purposes. She, then, turned the floor over to Artemis Kirk, University Librarian.

Artemis Kirk addressed three areas of focus: services, collections, and space. With regard to library services, Artemis Kirk indicated that she sought to increase staffing and to decrease salary compression. With regard to collections, she stated that the she sought to increase the depth of collections and to expand collections to support newer degree programs. Finally, with regard to space, Artemis Kirk suggested that the library needs to more and better quality space to meet future needs.

  1. Faculty Involvement in the Upcoming Capital Campaign:

Jim Langley, the Director of OAUR, explained that he had asked the Chair to speak before the Executive Faculty because he hopes that faculty will take an interest in becoming more involved with the capital campaign process. He began his presentation by briefly explaining the “broad” ambitions of the upcoming capital campaign. He then urged faculty to participate throughout the entire process. Specifically, he is asking for help with exploring new and exciting alumni events (rather than repeating traditional events) and for faculty to become directly involved with donors and alumni events. Hoping to create more opportunities for dialogue with faculty members, Jim Langley said that he has made himself readily available and has worked toward better integrating OAUR with the faculty.

  1. New Business:

a)Tenure Clock:

The Chair explained that on 11/17/05, the Faculty Senate had passed the Tenure Clock Resolution (slightly modified from the version approved by the Executive Faculty). He commended the Faculty Senate and the Executive Faculty for their work on this important issue. The Chair also noted that the Executive Faculty needs to do a better job of penetrating the consciousness of the departments and programs at GeorgetownUniversity—more individuals need to be made aware of the activities of the Executive Faculty and have an opportunity to weigh in on important issues in order to establish a more effective body.


The Chair presented an update on the budget before the Executive Faculty. He explained that the Main Campus generated a surplus that exceeded its target last year and that the additional surplus funds would be put toward financing a new science building. He also reported that the MedicalCenter met its budget target last year but that MedicalCenter finances remain an area of concern.

c)Intellectual Life Report Review Committee:

The Chair presented the Executive Faculty with the current slate of representatives for the Intellectual Life Report Review Committee. The Executive Faculty voted on this slate.

Motion 2: That the slate for the Intellectual Life Report Review Committee be approved.

Motion 2 passed: 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 13 abstaining

  1. Adjournment:

The meeting adjourned at 3:06pm.