Program 11 November 1997

Introduction and welcome, Carl D. Sisk, Amoco Norway Oil Company

"Porous Media: Reconstruction and Transports", Pierre Adler, IPGP, Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris

"Transport Properties in Porous Media, predicted from Pore ScaleModelling", Pål Eric Øren, Statoil

"Description of Rock at the Pore Level",Randy Hazlett, Mobil, MEPTEC, Dallas

"Pore Scaling Modelling of Three-Phase Flow - the Effects of Spreading, Wetting and Saturation History on Permeability",
Martin Blunt, Stanford University

"Pore-Scale Modelling of NMR Response in mixed-wet Porous Media", Ken Sorbie, Heriot-Watt University

"Predictive Methods in Network Modelling", Alex Larsen and Arne Skauge, Norsk Hydro

"Prediction of relative Permeability and residual Oil Saturation", Randy Hazlett, Mobil, MEPTEC, Dallas

"The Effect of IFT upon gas/oil relative permeability curves", Steven McDougall, Heriot-Watt University

Program 12 November:

Prediction of ROS in Heterogeneous Reservoirs, George Virnovsky, RF-Rogaland Research

Introduction to Group Work:

Pore Network Models: Review of Prior Applications and Future Challenges, Pål-Eric Øren, Statoil

Group Work: Session 1

Presentation of Group Work

Group Work: Session 2

Presentation of Group Work

Final wrap-up – open discussion


Groupleader: Ronald Maritvold

Members: Pierre Adler, Ken Sorbie, Kristine Spildo, Ian Gamble, Christopher C. Cook, Gerald Hamon,

Hiroki Tanaka, Trond B. Jensen

Session 1:

Q1: What should be the main applications of pore-scale modelling in the oil industry?

Q2: What are the main shortcomings of relative permeability measurements and how can pore-scale modelling help overcome these shortcomings?

Q3: What are essential input data for predicting relative permeability frompore-scale models and how do we collect these data?

Session 2:

Q1: How should research activities best be co-ordinated in order to accelerate the development of pore-scale models as a practical/predictive tool?

Q2: Outline a project proposal for the development of a predictive tool for relative permeability?


Groupleader: George Vironovsky

Members: Randy Hazlett, Alex Larsen, Carl D. Sisk, Robert Lander, Ainsleigh Rice, David MacGowan, Andrew Davis, Øyvind Johnsen

Session 1:

Q1: What should be the main applications of pore-scale modelling in the oil industry?

Q2: Is it possible to determine realistic flow parameters without performing flow experiments?

Q3: Can network modelling techniques be used for up-scaling (grid scale)?

Session 2:

Q1: How should research activities best be co-ordinated in order to accelerate the development of pore-scale models as a practical/predictive tool?

Q2: Outline a project proposal for the development of a predictive tool for relative permeability?


Groupleader: Peter Salino

Members: Martin Blunt, Linda Bonnell, Jørn Rokk, Kirsti Veggeland, Maghsood Abbaszadeh, Pål-Eric Øren

Session 1:

Q1: What should be the main applications of pore-scale modelling in the oil industry?

Q2: Which technical challenges must be overcome if pore-scale models are to become a practical tool?

Q3: Arguments pro/contra quasi-static or rule based pore-scale models for determining relative permeability?

Session 2:

Q1: How should research activities best be co-ordinated in order to accelerate the development of pore-scale models as a practical/predictive tool?

Q2: Outline a project proposal for the development of a predictive tool for relative permeability?


Groupleader: Mailin Seldal

Members: Steven McDougall, Jan Erik Iversen, Jiri Muller, Chuh Huh, Børge Andersen, Gary Jerauld, Arne Skauge

Session 1:

Q1: What should be the main applications of pore-scale modelling in the oil industry?

Q2: Pore-scale models: Academic toys or practical tools?

Q3: How can log data be used to "anchor" pore-scale models?

Session 2:

Q1: How should research activities best be co-ordinated in order to accelerate the development of pore-scale models as a practical/predictive tool?

Q2: Outline a project proposal for the development of a predictive tool for relative permeability?

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