Testing Your Interview Impression

As discussed in module one, we can make good or bad impressions with employers by what we wear and how we present ourselves, by our facial expressions and body language and by our overall delivery when we communicate. Find out how you currently rate with your interview impression by completing the following. For this exercise you will need a webcam and microphone installed in your computer.

Getting Started -

  1. Follow this link or go to
  2. Click on Create Account (it’s free) and only requires basic name, email and password information
  3. Click on How to Use for more insights and instructions if required, otherwise click on Conduct Interview to get started.

Recording Your Answers –

  1. Scroll down the page of question sets and until you find the one titled –Making A Good Impression
  2. Select “Begin Your Interview” Option
  3. You will be prompted to complete a “Test” of your hardware – accept and follow the instructions (there are four key points)
  4. After a brief introduction about InterviewStream, you will be asked the first of 5 questions (“Tell Me About Yourself”) and then given a three second countdown
  5. You have two minutes to complete your answer
  6. Repeat step 7 for the other 4 questions in this set. DO NOT review or play back your answers until all 5 have been recorded and you have read the Self Evaluation instructions below.

Evaluating The Impression You Made–

  1. Prior to reviewing your videos, take 5 minutes to record your thoughts on your experience as follows.
  2. Were you nervous? Calm?
  3. Did you find it easy? Difficult? And if so when and why?
  4. What would you do over again if you had the chance?
  5. Do you think you would be hired based on your performance if it was a real interview?
  1. One at a time, watch the video for each question and rate your performance based on the criteria identified on Self Evaluation – Making Good Impressions form.

Instructions: InterviewStream