
2014-2015 ParkingPermitForm


Student parking at Conestoga High School is limited and for Seniors Only. Understandingthe following guidelines is anessentialresponsibilityofeach Senior applying for a parking permit.

Studentswith outstandingEveningSupervised Study Halls-School Detentions

and/or Saturday Detentions are not eligible for parking privileges until they have satisfied their disciplinaryrequirements.

•Once issued,parkingpermits are conditional uponappropriate behavior.Permit-holding students who parkillegally,violateschool rules or conductthemselves inan unsafe mannerwill have their parking privilege revoked.

In addition, please remember:

•Parking permits must be attachedto the backof the rearview mirrorin order to enter the parking lot.

•Parking permits are NOT transferable betweencars and/orstudents.

•Studentswill have to go home and return to school ontime via alternate transportationifthere are not enough parking spaces availablein thestudent lot. Individualspaces arenot reserved.

•Students are expectedto followparking lot rules andConestoga'sCode of Conduct at all times.

A student who choosesto do otherwise willlose parking privileges for one monthfor a first offense andpermanently for asecond offense.

•Students are required to register the vehicle they intend to drive to school.

In summary, at the timeof registration students must presentthe following information:

1)Current PAVehicle Registration Card for vehicle (Copy)

2)Valid Driver's License (Copy)

3)Pennsylvania InsuranceIdentification Card(Copy)

4)Student ID, schedule, verify grade level

5)Processing fee of $180.00-Please make checks payable to CHS

6)Completed Parking Registrationform withparent and student signatures signed in the presence of a school official

7)Completed Medical Emergency Card (green) or proof of submission to the Nurse

8)Completed Diploma Card, Authorization for Release of Records or proof of submission to Guidance.

9)Evidence that all debts and obligations havebeen satisfied. Direct debtquestionsto the Business Office, Room 116.

10) Completed Extended Experience Application

Parking Permit Applications for Eligible Seniors will be accepted starting

Monday, August 25, 2014in Room118 (Athletic Office) from 8:00AM-12:00PM and

1:00PM-2:30PM. Parking Permits will not be issued untilMonday, August 25, 2014.




Student’s Name Grade___

Student’s ID#______Homeroom#______Parking Permit#______

I hereby request permission from the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District to park the motor vehicle described below on school property:



License Plate#______Color______V.I.N.______



I am aware that my motor vehicle may be searched while parked or operated under my control on school property if and when the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District-CHS has reasonable suspicion that it contains material and/or items the possession of which is in violation of the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District’s policies, rules or regulations or otherwise to the extent permissible by law.

Signature of student

Signature of parent or guardian

Signature of motor vehicle owner(s) (if different fromabove)

Home address

Date Home telephonenumber

Signatureof ReceivingSchool Official/Date

Thisformmustbesignedinthepresenceofaschooladministratorordesignee,oritmaybe signedandnotarizedbelowandsubmittedtotheAssistantPrincipal'sOffice.

------Commonwealthof Pennsylvania,Countyof .

_, beingdulyaffirmedtolaw,affirmsanddeclares that thepermissionssetforthabovearetrueandcorrect.

Sworntoandsubscribedbeforemethis dayof , 20.



For Office Use Only:
Dr. License:____ Reg.:____ Insurance:____ Fee:____ Medical Card:____ Diploma Card:____ Debts:____ EEPE:____



1.Seniorstudentsaregrantedparkingprivilegesaftertheycompletethe parkingregistrationprocessandaffixthepermittothebackofthe rearviewmirrorinordertoentertheparkinglot.

2.Studentsaregrantedtheirownparkingpermits,whicharenot transferablebetweencarsand/orstudents.Studentsareexpectedto arriveontimeforschool.

3.Studentsarepermittedtoparkbasedonafirstcome,firstserved basis.Therearenoreservedparkingspaces.

4.Studentsarepermittedtoparkinthestudentparkinglot(rearportion oftheparkinglotbeyondtheyellowline),notinfaculty/staffsections, inspacesdesignatedforvisitors,orinspacesotherwiseidentifiedfor specialuse.Studentsmustparkbetweenthelinesofdesignated parking.

5.Studentsarepermittedtodrive5milesperhourorlessintheparking lot.Speedlimitsonsurroundingstreetsmustbestrictlyobserved. Studentsshouldbeawarethatnewlyenactedlegislationhas significantlyincreasedthepenaltiesforspeedinginschoolzones.

6.Studentsareprohibitedfromvisitingcarsduringtheschoolday withoutadministrativeapproval.

7.Studentsarerequiredtoreportanaccidentimmediatelytoastaff member,whowillthencontactTredyffrinTownshipPolice.Ifastaff memberisunavailable,studentsmustcontactthepoliceandprovidea writtenreporttothePrincipalwithinoneschooldayofaccident.

8.Inordertomaintainparkingprivileges,studentsarerequiredto complywithparkinglotrulesandbehaviorguidelinesoutlinedin Conestoga'sCodeofStudentConduct.