Bennington Heights Home and School Association


Thursday, December 11th, 2013 at 9:00am


Anna Shaw Janet Rodger Cara HalpinAbbey OldlandAnne Johnson (Principal)

Holiday Bazaar

  • The Holiday Bazaar was an amazing success this year!Kyla Bowman and Abbey Oldland took the lead role in organizing this great event with help from Renee Durham (Pestrin) and Anna Shaw and truly many, many other parent volunteers – a huge THANK YOU to all!
  • Jackie Currie and Margo Mingay were in charge of ‘cash’ and helped us raise $1,648.00 which will all go to The Toronto Daily Bread Food Bank.
  • H&S members agreed that we would like Ms. J. Johnston’s Grade 6 class to present the cheque on behalf of Bennington Heights when they visit the Food Bank in early February.
  • Daycare appreciated being included and it wasn’t difficult to do. Total of 10 kids joined that were in Preschool. The rest of the children participated with their class.

Winter Activity Day

  • Ms. J. Johnston is looking into ski options for Winter Activity Day. Snow Valley, Mount St. Louis/Moonstone and Horseshoe are being evaluated. Date to be determined for February.
  • Ms. D. Burley is looking into the skate day for Winter Activity Day. The request was made to go to Harbourfront instead of the Brickworks for skating this year. H&S members agreed with choice based on the fact all students in Grade 1 to 6 will have completed the Brickwork Outdoor Walk Program. Date to be determined for February.

Technology Update

  • Principal Anne Johnston sent a note out in the December 2013 issue of the Bulldog notifying parents of the approved Technology Plan.
  • The laptops, data projectors, WiFi, MacBook, and iPads have all been ordered in December 2013.

Budget Update

  • All items still on track to date.
  • Home and School will work with to create a BBQ Fundraiser in the Spring to continue revenue flow. All correspondence will come from the H&S email account. There is no obligation to buy and this will be communicated – 100% voluntary participation.
  • Teachers are booking Scientist in the Classrooms and we are on track for each grade to have 3 sessions.
  • Books – group decided that it was best to provide $500 towards in-class material verse the library as per Anne’s direction.
  • Question was asked what about Author visits for the school? Anne to investigate options and interest.
  • Young People’s Theatre - Look into what is available and what is appropriate for each grade.

Principal’s Report

  • World in Motion is the Engineer Program that the Grade 3 & 6 class participated in last year. It was very successful. Principal Anne Johnston has engaged our Superintendant to work with her and the Engineer to roll this program out for all

grades at Bennington. The $1,000 set aside in the Home & School budget is enough to cover costs for all materials.

  • This Spring, each grade will present their Engineer learnings in a Science Fair that Bennington will host. Possibility of inviting in other schools to create a larger event.


  • Keyboarding approved as a Lunch program. The program is being offered to students in Grade 3 to 6 on Wednesdays at lunch starting January 2014. The program will run for 8 weeksat a cost of $100.00.Anna Shaw will follow up with contact for flyer to send out to parents.


Position / Name / Contact Info
President / Anna Shaw /
Vice President / Kyla Bowman /
Volunteer Communications / Cara Halpin /
Treasurer / Janet Rodger /
Member at Large / Masja Becker (Stark) /
Member at Large / Abbey Oldland /

2013/2014 Meeting Schedule:

Thurs, Jan 16th, 2014 at 9 am

Thurs, Feb 27th, 2014 at 9 am

Thurs, March 20th, 2014 at 9 am

Thurs, April 10th, 2014 at 9 am

Thurs, May 8th, 2014 at 9 am

Thurs, June 12th, 2014 at 9 am