The Talisman MSc Scholarship Programme
Talisman Energy (UK) Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Talisman Energy Inc; a large, independent, oil and gas company, headquartered in Calgary, Canada. In the UK, Talisman is the fourth largest producer of oil and the second largest operator by number of oil fields.
Talisman Energy (UK) Limited is offering one Talisman MSc Scholarship.
The scholarship is open to UK/EU students commencing one of the below
full-time MSc degree programmesin September 2013:
MSc Safety & Reliability Engineering for Oil & Gas
MSc Oil & Gas Engineering
MSc Renewable Energy
MSc Subsea Engineering
MSc Oil & Gas Enterprise Management
MSc Integrated Petroleum Geoscience
Scholarship Application Form and Guidelines
Closing Date for Applications: Friday 2 August 2013
The University of Aberdeen: Confidential
The Talisman MSc ScholarshipProgramme Application Form 2013
Please read the guidelines for Applicants carefully before completing this form. You should note that only applicants domiciled in the UK and classified as Home Fees OR applicants normally domiciled in the UK but temporarily living outside the UK and classified as Home Fees OR citizens of the European Union domiciled in the European Union are eligible to apply for the Talisman MSc Scholarship.Please complete this form using black ink or type. Please send completed applications to: Graduate School Admissions Unit, College of Physical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Fraser Noble Building, King’s College, Aberdeen, AB24 3UE, Scotland, or email to by Friday 2 August2013.
If completed by hand, please use BLOCK CAPITALS
Section 1 - Personal details
Title...... (Miss, Mr., Mrs., Ms)
Surname/Family Name...... First/Given Name(s)......
Date of Birth......
Degree Programme applied for......
Correspondence Address......
...... Post Code......
Telephone Number (Home) ...... (Mobile) ......
E-Mail Address......
Section 2 –Academic Qualifications
Please list below your academic qualification/s (in chronological order; most recent being first). Include College and University programmes only. If you are awaiting degree results and therefore hold a conditional offer of a place on one of the eligible MSc degree programmes, please advise your predicted degree result.
Qualification Institution (with dates of attendance) Classification (if applicable)
(i.e. Degree and subject)
Section 3- Sponsorships, Scholarships & Prizes
YearScholarship name and awarding bodyAmount/Level
(please advise if you have been awarded
a scholarship, or if you have applied for
one and are waiting to hear the outcome)
Section 4 – Employment History
Please list below positions held or work experience (in chronological order)
Year Position Employer
Attach additional sheets if necessary
Section 5- Personal statement
Please give reasons why you believe you should be considered fortheTalisman MSc Scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic achievement and personal characteristics. In respect of personal characteristics, applicants should be able to show that they: are enthusiastic, energetic and determined; have a strong commitment to self-development; possess good communication and interpersonal skills; take a proactive and committed approach to their education; are highly motivated;are keen to succeed, both academically and professionally; and have an awareness of and interest in the energy industry.
Please continue on a separate sheet if required.
The reference is enclosed
It has been completed by (give name): ......
I understand that the information I have provided will remain confidential to the Selection Panel. I confirm that the information I have provided is accurate, and understand that the provision of false information may lead to the withdrawal of any scholarship award.
Signature...... Date......
Final Checklist:
Have you completed all sections of the application form?
Have you provided above the name of your Referee?
Have you signed and dated your application form?
Have you enclosed your Reference?
Have you enclosed your CV?
The completed application form along with a CV and the reference should be submitted to arrive no later than Friday 2 August2013, to:
Graduate School Admissions Unit, College of Physical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Fraser Noble Building, King’s College, Aberdeen, AB24 3UE, Scotland, or email to
You will receive correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application.