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Title: Meditech Order/Entry of POC Urinalysis Quality Control
Manual: Point of Care Testing / Section: Laboratory
Document Number: POCT.GEN.3050 / Issuing Authority: Medical Director, Laboratory Services
Date Issued: July 4, 2008


To provide instructions for the ordering / resulting of the Urinalysis Quality Control in the Meditech computer system.


NOTE: Only those personnel trained and showing competence in the procedure shall perform the test.

·  Log into Order Entry

·  Select “LAB POC Testing” menu

·  Select “LAB QC Enter/Edit with Result”

·  At Control: enter STATUSNEG

·  At Specimen Date: enter past, and leave default (current date)

·  At Time: enter past, leave default (current time)

·  At Number: enter past, leave default NEXT

·  At Lot field: do a lookup and select the current lot # of the Status Negative Quality Control

·  Enter to TEST: enter POC.UR

·  File(F12)

·  Message LAB QC Specimen: XXXX:PC00000XXQ Close(hit enter)

·  Confirmation Do you want to enter results? Select YES (hit enter)

·  At Enter/Edit LAB QC Results screen:

·  Enter to the first test, do a lookup(F9) to select the result choices

·  Result the following tests:

·  Colour / ·  Blood
·  Clarity / ·  PH
·  Glucose / ·  Protein
·  Bilirubin / ·  Nitrate
·  Ketones / ·  LEU
·  SG

·  At LEU test: once results are entered, a FREE TEXT window appears to indicate the Kit Lot# used for testing

@ Reagent Lot#:[ ], Expiry Date: [ ]

The cursor will be flashing at the Reagent lot#: enter in the kit lot#

Hit F12 key: this will tab to the Expiry Date field: enter in the Kit Expiry Date

·  File F12, F12, F12 (F12 x 3)

·  At File QC Results window: Verification select Verify All Results, select Save (click Save or hit F12)

·  The screen will appear to enter the next QC

·  At Control: enter STATUSPOS

·  At Specimen Date: enter past, and leave default (current date)

·  At Time: enter past, leave default (current time)

·  At Number: enter past, leave default NEXT

·  At Lot field: do a lookup and select the current lot # of the Status Positive Quality Control

·  Enter to TEST: enter POC.UR

·  Message LAB QC Specimen: XXXX:PC00000XXQ Select Close

·  Confirmation Do you want to enter results? Select YES (hit enter)

·  At Enter/Edit LAB QC Results screen:

·  Enter to the first test, do a lookup(F9) to select the result choices

·  Result the following tests:

·  Colour / ·  Blood
·  Clarity / ·  PH
·  Glucose / ·  Protein
·  Bilirubin / ·  Nitrate
·  Ketones / ·  LEU
·  SG

·  At LEU test: once results are entered, a FREE TEXT window appears to indicate the Kit Lot# used for testing

@ Reagent Lot#:[ ], Expiry Date: [ ]

The cursor will be flashing at the Reagent lot#: enter in the kit lot#

Hit F12 key: this will tab to the Expiry Date field: enter in the Kit Expiry Date

·  File F12, F12, F12 (F12 x 3)

·  At File QC Results window: Verification select Verify All Results, select Save( hit F12 or click Save)

·  The screen will appear to enter the next QC

Entry of Pregnancy QC,

·  At Control: enter PREGNEG or PREGPOS

·  At Specimen Date: enter past, and leave default (current date)

·  At Time: enter past, leave default (current time)

·  At Number: enter past, leave default NEXT

·  At Lot field: do a lookup and select the current lot # of the Status Positive Preg Quality Control

·  Enter to TEST: enter POC.BHCG U

·  Message LAB QC Specimen: XXXX:PC00000XXQ Select Close (hit enter)

·  Confirmation Do you want to enter results? Select YES (hit enter)

·  At Enter/Edit LAB QC Results screen:

·  Enter to the first test, do a lookup(F9) to select the result choices

·  Enter the Internal QC results, do a lookup (F9)

- Y Internal QC is acceptable

- A free text window will open to enter lot# of strips and expiry date

·  File QC results (F12)

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