EMPLOYEE NAME / Personnel #
Department Name / Dept. phone
ACTION (IT0000) New Hire Student Hire

Hire Date:


Primary Position #

/ /

Primary Position Title


Employee: Complete all unshaded areas (please print).

Last name ______Name at birth ______

First name ______MI ______Known as (Nick Name)______SSN ______Birth date_____/____/______Gender  Male Female

PERMANENT HOME ADDRESS (IT0006) (no punctuation)
Spouse’s name ______
City ______State______Zip ______/ CURRENT HOME ADDRESS (IT0006) If different than perm.
City ______State______Zip ______
Phone: ( ) / E-mail

 I do not wish to have my home address information published in the University directory. (xdir)


Name______Phone (_____)______E-mail ______

WORKADDRESS (IT0006) (no punctuation or dashes)
Building abbreviation / Room number / Campus UNMC
State NE / Zip 68198- / Telephone
Fax / E-mail
ORGANIZATIONAL ASSIGNMENT (IT0001) sets up employee relationship to entire University organization
Benefits %: % for 12mo% for 9/10mo Ret/Ancil Not eligible
PLANNED WORKING TIME (IT0007) sets up employee relationship to his/her current University contract(s)
Employment Percent (FTE) Leave plan code Contract length code: Positive time reporting
BASIC PAY (IT0008) sets up employee relationship to payroll
Wage Type Amount hr mo / Wage Type Amount hr mo
PAID APPOINTMENTS (IT9001) overview of current paid positions for reporting purposes
Start Date / End Date / Position # / Title Modifier / Budgeted
Annual Salary / FTE %
relative to full time
UNPAID APPOINTMENTS (IT9001) overview of current unpaid positions for reporting purposes
Start Date / End Date / Title / Organizational Unit Number
COST DISTRIBUTION (IT9027) matches IT0008, for reporting purposes [Distribution: 01-wage]
Cost Code: / CostCenter / WBS Element / Position # / Wage Type / $ Rate
hourly or monthly / % of Cost Distribution
Grant funded?
yes no
Grant funded?
yes no
TOTAL / = 100%

RESIDENCE STATUS (I-9) (IT0094) C -Citizen N -Non-citizen A –Non-Resident Alien

Attach Form I-9 with photocopies of documentation (required for all new/returning)


Ethnicity (select one)  Hispanic/Latino  Not Hispanic/Latino

Race (select multiple) American Indian/Alaskan Native  Asian  Black or African American

 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  White  Unknown

Veteran statusDischarge Date: ______ Non Veteran  Special Disabled Veteran

 Vietnam Era Veteran  Other Protected Veteran  Recently Separated Veteran

Armed Forces Service Medal Veteran  Disabled Veteran  Unknown

Military statusNot applicable  Active National Guard

Medicare eligible  Yes  NoDisability  Yes  No Date disability determined ____/____/______

DATE SPECIFICATIONS (IT0041) (mm/dd/yyyy)
I-9 Date required (I9) / First Working Day required (40)
University Service Date (UD) / Leave Accrual Date (01)
Health Professions Tracking1(HP)
(Begin date of the original health professions contract) / Health Professions Contract1 (HC)
(Begin date of the current health professions contract)
Graduate Faculty (GR) / Other

1For new faculty hiredon Health Professions Appointments HP and HC are the same date.

MONITORING OF TASKS (IT0019)(mm/dd/yyyy)
Probation Expires (01) / HP Contract Expires (07)
Appointment Expires (non HP) (02) / Employment Agreement Expires (EA)

EDUCATION (IT0022)Enter only highest and most recent.(not required for student workers)

Date of graduation ____/____/_____ Institution name (acronym preferred)______

Certificate/Degree ______Is this the highest possible degree in your field?  Yes  No

(additional degrees, if any)

Date of graduation ____/____/_____ Institution name (acronym preferred)______

Certificate/Degree ______Is this the highest possible degree in your field?  Yes  No

QUALIFICATIONS (IT0022) ( licenses and certifications, if applicable)
License ______/ Certification ______
Other ______/ Other ______

EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE: ______date______





Form W-4 (required for all new/returning employees) / Form W-5 (optional)

Form I-9 with photocopies of documentation (required for all new/returning employees)

Bank deposit form

Correspondence and supportive documentation

Page 1 of 2Revised June 2011