Allen County Children Services
Board Minutes
September 20, 2011
September 20, 2011
Board Members Present: Ms. Provaznik, Mr. Meredith, Mrs. Hughes, Ms. Elrod, Mrs. Roush, Mr. Long, Dr. Holmes,Mr. Brubaker.
Not Present:Mrs. Buckley-Skaja,(excused), Mr. Ebling, (excused).
Mrs. Hughescalled the September 20, 2011board meeting to order at 5:15p.m.
The Board minutes of August 16, 2011 were approved as submitted.
- Budget and Finance Committee–A meeting is scheduled for September 27 at 8:00 a.m. to discuss preliminary budget figures.
RESOLUTION 0911-01: Authorizes the approval of boarding and mileage for the month of August2011.
Ms. Provaznikmade a motion to approve. Mr. Meredith seconded. Motion carried, resolution adopted.
- Community Engagement Committee– a Board/Staff/Alumni luncheon is scheduled for tomorrow at noon.
- Nominating Committee – Four board members will have terms expiring at the end of this year. Ms. Provaznik has agreed to commit to another term. Election of officers for the next two years will also need to be decided before year end.
- Personnel Committee – Initial discussions regarding an incentive program for managers has begun.
- Program Services Committee – Shelly Conrad and Anna Rex presented information to the committee regarding Kinship Care. Mr. Brubaker suggested that some form of “board development” might be beneficial. Mr. Brubaker felt that the presentation would have been good for the entire board to hear.
- Mr. Brubaker asked for clarification regarding the process of the CPOE review. Ms. Scanland explained that the Mr. Rob Brunni, Technical Specialist for ODJFS conducted the review and his report is to be completed no later than 150 days from the entrance conference. Ms. Scanland advised that the draft report is expected in 4-6 weeks. Once the draft report is reviewed the agency will have a chance to discuss the report and address any discrepancies prior to the final report.
- Ms. Scanland gave an update on the Differential Response Pilot. On September 15th the applications for the fifth and final round were released. This is the final pilot round with financially backed incentives. Once this round is complete all counties will then be required to participate without financial incentives. Applications are due October 27th and we should hear by the end of November if we are accepted. If so, implementation will begin in thespring of 2012.
- Mr. Meredith asked for clarification regarding the dental services for one of our children and the use of donated funds. Mr. Ferris stated that we had paid the dentist upfront for dental services due to the fact that the child was about to age out of the system and we wanted to make sure the dental procedure was paid. However, there was a mix-up and the physician’s office returned our check. The child is no longer in our care and we are unable to pay for these services. The agency would like to help this child and the use of donated funds was suggested, however, in doing so, this would significantly reduce the donated funds account.
- Mr. Ferris stated that next month he will be asking the Board for approval to proceed with the DR pilot.
- Mr. Ferris discussed the restructuring of the administrative unit. Questions were raised for clarification purposes as to the specifics of the restructuring. Mr. Ferris stated that he would explain in further detail next month.
- MEDIA REPORT– Nothing further to add.
- OLD BUSINESS – Nothing to report
RESOLUTION 0911-02: Approval of a one-time, non-recurring adoption costs of up to $1,000 for RH. Approval of Adoption Subsidy Request for RHin the amount of $850, which includes the initial $250 from the state with approximately 60% of the remaining $600 reimbursed to the agency through Title IV-E. The adoptive parents will continue to receive the state medical card.
Dr. Holmes made a motion to approve. Mrs. Roush seconded. Motion carried, resolution adopted.
RESOLUTION 0911-03: Approval of a one-time, non-recurring adoption costs of up to $1,000 for CD. Approval of Adoption Subsidy Request for CDin the amount of $750, which includes the initial $250 from the state with approximately 60% of the remaining $500 reimbursed to the agency through Title IV-E. The adoptive parents will continue to receive the state medical card.
Dr. Holmes made a motion to approve. Mrs. Roush seconded. Motion carried, resolution adopted.
RESOLUTION 0911-04: Approval of a one-time, non-recurring adoption costs of up to $1,000 for MH. Approval of Adoption Subsidy Request for MHin the amount of $650, which includes the initial $250 from the state with approximately 60% of the remaining $400 reimbursed to the agency through Title IV-E. The adoptive parents will continue to receive the state medical card.
Ms. Provaznik made a motion to approve. Mr. Long seconded. Motion carried, resolution adopted.
A question was asked as to how the subsidies are calculated. Ms. Vorhees stated that a matrix is used to calculate costs.
Mr. Brubakermade a motion to adjourn. Mr.Meredithseconded. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Kidd, Executive Assistant to the Executive Director
Mrs. Jennifer Hughes, Board ChairScott H. Ferris, MPA, LSW, Executive Director
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