Meeting Minutes – July 6, 2016

Cranberry Hall, Medford, NJ

Members Present: Kathy Burger, Interim Chair, Avril Dickerson , Elizabeth Piccinnini, Denise Pizoli, Brian Seltzer and Colleen Stover,

Members Absent: Kara Bonner, Paul Celia, Robert Garner, Erik Jarvis, Heidi Krihak, Robert Wagner, Joseph Whalen and Thomas Wright

Guests in Attendance: Mayor Jeffrey Beenstock

The meeting was called to order by Kathy Burger at 7:04 PM.

Approval of Minutes: Ms. Stover motioned for approval of the minutes, seconded by Ms. Piccinnini. The minutes were approved as motioned by all members present.

Old Business:

Communication Initiative

The committee discussed allowing a two week response period for the survey. There was discussion of announcing the survey will be going out and asking for residents to complete at the second Council Meeting of August.

Medford Arts Center

Ms. Pizoli reported that she had a conversation with Ms. Portocalis about the Broadway Bound Program. Ms. Stover has a memo from the Medford Arts Center to distribute to the Senior Center. Ms. Pizoli also stated that she has been in contact with a few retired art teachers who may be interested in working with the MAC.

Other Items:

Outstanding Senior Center Items

Ms. Stover stated the Senior Center is in need of mahjong cards.

New Business:

The Mayor stated the Council would like NSAC to complete an audit of the Township’s recreational facilities. Discussion ensued.

Mayor Beenstock told the group the Township was approached by Executors of an estate that own approximately 70 acres of property behind Hartford Crossing that they are looking to donate to the Township upon the condition that the property be used for recreation and would prefer a passive use and preserve the current state of land.

Ms. Piccinnini stated the MYAA has had discussion in the past about the Township having an indoor facility that the MYAA could use similar to “The Blue Barn” in Marlton. Ms. Piccinnini and Ms. Pizoli will do some research on the prior discussions of MYAA regarding an indoor facility.

Other Items:

Ms. Piccinnini stated the MYAA gives out several scholarships annually and asked for suggestions on how to raise additional funding for same. Committee members told her the MYAA could contact Clean Community Coordinator Scherf about doing a cleanup which would generate $500 and about contacting the high schools for grant opportunities and donation of equipment.

Ms. Burger informed everyone that another group is trying to do a festival of trees around the holidays using recyclable items for decorations. The trees will be on display at the gazebo and will be donated to families in need after the Dickens Festival.

The next meeting will be held on September 7, 2016 at 7:00 PM at Cranberry Hall unless otherwise noticed.


Ms. Stover motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 PM, seconded by Ms. Dickerson. The motion was approved by all members present.

Respectfully Submitted

Kathy Burger, Interim Chair