Gulfstream Academy
Of Hallandale Beach K—8
School Advisory Council Minutes
Wednesday, October 26, 2017 ·5:30pm
North Campus Cafeteria
- Call to order- Meeting is called to order by Ms. Alexander at 5:35 p.m. Ms. Alexander welcomed all parents to the October SAC/Super Family Literacy Night.
- Attendance for Quorum is called by Ms. Alexander- 12 people are in attendance- Quorum is met.
- Approval of previous minutes
- Discussion
- Questions
- Corrections
- Motion to approve is made by Ms. Newmeyer and seconded by Ms. Brinson.
- School Improvement Plan (SIP) Development
- Our District IF visited our school and was able to work with both SAC Co-Chairs. We were able to complete 75% of the 1st quarter requirements. Our SIP is a working document at this time. It can be viewed on our school website.
- Title I Report –
- At this time, Title I Liaison has been working on the 1st quarter documents required for Title I and waiting for some documents to be approved in the E-Binder. Ms. Alexander has also made the Mobile Unit Request for some of our upcoming Family Parent Night for the fall and spring. We realize that some of our family nights coincide with the parent engagement nights for Title I. Contact will be made on this matter.
- Principal Report- Shared 3 Important Things:
- On the North Campus, there has been work commenced in the courtyard to improve drainage.
- 6-8 Scheduling: New scheduling options passed and will now be put up for consideration and eventually voted for the 2018-19 school year
- The school accountability funds that were requested to purchase the School-City in the amount of $11,000 will not be forthcoming. The vendor could no longer assist us. New request: Mr. Pappas would like to use $8000 from the accountability funds to purchase the Tenmarks Softwarefor the Math department for grades 3-8 to be used for practice and assessment as a supplement.
- A motion to approve the $8000 for the purchase of TENMARKS was made by Ms. McPhearson and seconded by Ms. Maya. Motion was unanimously passed.
- PTSA Updates-
- There are upcoming fundraisers for our school this year and they were announced, which includes - gift shop and participating in a Hallandale Community day.
- The Catalog Fundraiser will be followed by the Membership drive $5 per member fee.
- The 2017-18 Proposed Budget (See attached) was given out for consideration and put to vote for approval. There was a few corrections that needed to be made but the request was made by Mr. Hascar to table the budget until the corrections are made to the next meeting.
- Student of the Month Recognition/Award–
- 70 students from Grades Kindergarten to 8th grade were recognized for the Character Trait of Responsibility.
- Special Note: Literacy Night had begun before the adjournment of the SAC meeting.
- Open Forum
- Discussion, Questions, Comments, and/or Concerns
- Next Meeting
- Held in South Cafeteria 3rd Wednesday of November30, 2017 at 5:30pm.
Meeting adjourns at 6:15 p.m. when motion was made by Ms. Alexander and Ms. McPhearson seconded. Motion was unanimously passed.
Together we can … Chase Perfection, Catch Excellence