

Teen/Parent Interview


Students have been given an interview to do with you at home. There are 2 parts of the interview. The first is asking questions about what your child was like as an infant and toddler. This is a fun starting point prior to our unit on childcare. The second part of the interview is asking you and your student to discuss your expectations now that they are teenagers. Studies show that parents/guardians are still the biggest influence on teens; hopefully this assignment will give you and your student an opportunity to share some ideas. Students will not be graded on their answers, but on the completion of the interview.

Interviews are due ______.

All About Me!

STUDENT MUST WRITE ANSWERS HIM/HER SELF!! Directions: Interview people who watched you grow. Do some investigating to find out as much as you can about how you developed. Is there a written record of your development like a baby book or journal? Read it to help you with the questions. (For students that don’t have records of when they were babies talk to a family member or family friend about some things they do remember about you as a child.)

1.  When did you learn to crawl?

2.  When did you take your first steps?

3.  What were your first words?

4.  What was your favorite book as a young child?

5.  What was your favorite toy?

(Continued on the back)

6.  Did you have a “blankie” or special stuffed animal that you carried around or slept with? Describe it.

7.  Did you have other kids to play with as a young child? Who were they?

8.  Did you have a special place in the home that you liked to go? Describe it.

9.  Who were the most important care givers to you? (babysitter, mom, dad, grandparent, brother, etc.)

10.  What is one story about you as a young child---your first haircut, a silly thing you used to do or say, a funny story—that your family would tell about you?

Teen Decisions Discussion

Students-What I think

1.  What is your opinion on teenagers seeing PG13, R, or other rated movies?

2.  What is your opinion on what is appropriate or not appropriat for teenager’s clothing?

3.  What is your opinion on the use of improper English, slang or swearing?

4.  What is your opinion on teenage sexaul activity? What is appropriate or not appropriate?

5.  What is your oppinion on the type of music appropriate for teenagers?

6.  What do your parents/gaurdians do well to make it easy to talk to them about these issues?

Parent/Gaurdian-What I think

1. What is your opinion on teenagers seeing PG13, R, or other rated movies?

2. What is your opinion on what is appropriate or not appropriat for teenager’s clothing?

3. What is your opinion on the use of improper English, slang or swearing?

4. What is your opinion on teenage sexaul activity? What is appropriate or not appropriate?

5. What is your oppinion on the type of music appropriate for teenagers?

6. What does your child do well to make it easy to talk to him/her about these issues?

Parent/Gaurdian Signature ______
