Minutes of the June 23, 2014 Meeting
Washington Public Library
Board of Trustees
Members present: Frank Suda, Linda Sellmeyer, Jon Bauer, Leon Hove, Linda Bartle, Donna Kohne, Mark Hidritch (Council Liaison), Jackie Hawes (Director), Mary Emke (Friends of the Library)
Members absent: Marsha Riggs, Maria Brady-Smith, Jeff Patke (Council Liaison)
New Trustees: Members of current Board will stay the same until July, 2014. Suggestions were made for prospective new members and Jackie will send to the Mayor for consideration. The Board of Trustees List and Election of Officers were tabled until next month’s meeting.
The meeting was called to order by Frank Suda at 6:30 p.m. The minutes of the
May, 2014 Library Board meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Jon Bauer and seconded by Linda Sellmeyer to approve the minutes. The motion passed.
Friends of the Library Report:
Mary Emke reported that the Friends are now accepting books for their annual Book Sale in the fall. The Friends now have a membership of 135. They have several guest speakers scheduled in the coming month. Additional Lego Blocks will also be purchased for the Childrens’area at a cost of $200.
Librarian’s Report:
Statistics still looking good as far as reciprocal borrowing, but check-out are down. We have 106 new patrons and listing 44 meetings and programs at the library. Evergreen upgrade is coming up. May was a slow time for the library but making up for it now. Summer programs are well attended. Our Summer Reading program has over 1200 youths signed up and currently 17 adults have completed the Reading Program with a deadline of 7/19/14. Story Time is going on thru 7/11. Suggestion was made that the Library could partner with the Parks Department and put together a flyer to be inserted with the water bills. Approval has to be obtained to make sure no other enclosures are already scheduled.
The Library is advertising and accepting applications for a shelver position – part-time. Thru the WIA Youth Program – 1 participant working as a shelver and can also help out in other areas.
Wireless is up and running. This service was out for 2 months. MOREnet will manage wireless network connections for the Library. Band width now upgraded to 15MB.
New Business:
BudgetChanges proposed for the upcoming year include:
Additional revenue from Scenic Regional;
Increased the Children’s Program and doubled Adult Programs;
Materials increased by $10,000 over this year’s, and
Processing Supplies also are increased;
Travel and Small Things
Administration is looking at it now and a decision on approval is in September.
A motion was made by Leon Hove to accept everything that was increased by the Librarian and approve the preliminary budget. The motion was voted on and passed.
Discussion Topics:
Frank Soda was recognized by Leon Hove on the great job he did as Board President.
Motion was made to adjourn by Linda Sellmeyer and seconded by Jon Bauer. Motion to adjourn passed.
The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be July 28, 2014 at 6:30 pm in the Library Meeting Room.