University of Pittsburgh
School of Education
Department of Instruction & Learning
IL 2803Student Teaching Seminar – Spring 2015
Instructor: Anna Arlotta-Guerrero, Ph.D. Thursdays, 3:30 – 4:30 Posvar 5201
412-624-0306 (office) Office Hours: By appointment
WWPH 5935
Course Description: This course is designed as a weekly seminar to support students throughout their pre-kindergarten practicum experience. The seminar will focus on issues related to teaching in the pre-kindergarten classroom and will include reflection, discussion and exploration of various teaching practices. The course will help students make connections between theory and practice during this phase of the PK through Grade 4 Program. The seminar will also guide students through the preparation of the PK through Grade 4 portfolio.
Expected Student Competencies:
- Students will make informed observations at their placement site.
- Students will compare and contrast theory and practice.
- Students will compare and contrast their experiences.
- Students will integrate themselves into their classrooms.
- Students will plan lessons at the primary grade level, referring to PA
learning standards and indicators.
- Students will plan and teach lessons using a variety of teaching models.
- Students will engage children individually, in small groups, and large groups, as directed by their mentor teacher.
- Students will create the elements of a professional portfolio.
General Expectations:
- Be careful to observe school hours as agreed upon with your cooperating teacher/principal. It is important to be on time.
- Dress appropriately and professionally at all times, modified only for special event days at the site. Make good choices.
- Be prompt with your lesson plans that are due to your University Supervisors prior to each observation. Schedule with your individual supervisor.
- If it is necessary to be absent or, if there is an emergency causing you to be late, please contact your mentor teacher immediately. If you cannot reach the teacher, contact the school office. Also, you must leave your supervisor a message at to let her know of the absence.
- It is always best to resolve any issues that may arise at the lowest level possible and directly with the person involved. If a misunderstanding occurs with either your cooperating teacher or someone else try to speak to that person first.
- Learn as much as possible, smile and have fun!!!!
Class Schedule
Date / Discussion TopicTuesday,
January 6th / Preparing for full time student teaching.
Lesson plans and Taskstream/PDE 430
Set up individual meetings.
Week 2 & 3 / Individual Meetings
Jan. 29 / A discussion of your first week at your placements. Please be prepared to share a short description of your placement site, your classroom, and your students.
Feb. 5 / Competency updates. A discussion of assessment procedures in your classroom and the use of the data collected in those assessments.
Feb. 12 / No class meeting on this day. Portfolio work day.
Feb. 19 / Share updates from your student teaching experience.
Discussion of classroom management
Feb. 26 / Open Discussion
March 5 / Open Discussion
March 12 / No class. University of Pittsburgh Spring Break
March 19 / No class meeting on this day. Portfolio work day.
March 26 / Open Discussion
April 2 / No class meeting on this day. Portfolio work day.
April 9 / Review of your placement experiences/portfolio questions.
April 16