English 1010

The Memoir

The narrative essay tells a story. As a memoir, this narrative will relate the story of a single event in the narrator’s life which is in some way tied to America. Whatever event is used, the narrative essay should have a point—a reason why the narration is important to both writer and audience.

Your topic must be:

1.  An event from your past


2.  An event from a family member’s past


This narrative essay must relate something personal and “true”. You may fill in the gaps, such as creating dialogue for conversations, but don’t write a complete work of fiction. The point should be something important to you and your reader, but the tone may be serious, humorous, sad, happy, etc. This assignment should improve your proficiency in reflective writing.


Memoir is but one form of narrative or reflective essay, and is a popular type of essay in contemporary society. Memoir usually comes from the point of view of someone who has witnessed significant events or has been involved in significant events. In memoir, everyone is an expert of their own experiences!

Audience: Your peers and the campus-wide community.

Tone: Informed and reflective.


-Narratives are usually organized by time or logic.

-Add vivid description (setting, characterization, etc.) Details make this narrative come alive for the reader. Sometimes the best essays are focused on the smallest of things.

-Don’t attempt to cram a whole lifetime of experiences into one paper. Focus is essential.

-Use active verbs (avoid “to be”: is, was, am, are, etc.) I want to see the action.

-Use dialogue—direct quotes

-Try the following for points of invention: a specific scene or object in memory; an aspect of cultural heritage; personal, spiritual and/or idelogical turning point.

Requirements: 1,000-1,200 words, MLA format, following ALL paper guidelines as noted in the syllabus. No research; I want your own recollection (or your family member’s recollection, retold by you, as the case may be). This will be graded according to the Essay One Grade Sheet rubric, and is worth 20% of your final grade. You must print out (from WebCT) and attach the Essay One Grade Sheet to the back of your essay packet.

Rough Draft due for Peer Review: Wednesday, September 13th

Final Draft due Monday, September 25th