State of Arizona

Acupuncture Board of Examiners


March 2017 Newsletter



Mission Statement: The mission of the Arizona Acupuncture Board of Examiners is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Arizona by regulating and maintaining standards of practice in the field of acupuncture.

Acupuncture Board of Examiners

Craig Seitz, D.C., L.AC., Chairman
Professional Member
Term Expiration: 1/15/18 / Mario Fontes, L.AC.
Professional Member
Term Expiration: 1/21/19
Mindy Hayden, L.AC.
Professional Member
Term Expiration: 1/21/19 / Raoul T. Jacques
Consumer Member
Term Expiration: 1/16/17
Jeffrey B. Jolley, D.C.
Professional Member
Term Expiration: 1/15/18 / Jose Montoya, L.AC.
Professional Member
Term Expiration: 1/16/17
Jennifer Sandoval, L.AC.
Professional Member
Term Expiration: 1/16/17 / Pauline Villa
Consumer Member
Term Expiration: 1/15/18
Consumer Member

Congratulations to Board Members Craig Seitz and Mario Fontes on their elections for Board officers in 2017.

Board Staff:

Pete Gonzalez

Executive Director


Board Meetings for 2017

January 25, 2017 February 22, 2017

March 22, 2017 April 26, 2017

May 24, 2017 June 28, 2017

July 26, 2017 August 23, 2017

September 27, 2017 October 25, 2017

November 15, 2017 December 20, 2017

Getting a hold of us at the Board office:

Phone: (602) 364-0145

Fax: (602) 542-3093



Did you change your office or home address or get a new telephone number?

Please remember that AAC R4-8-103 requires that every person holding a license or certificate shall, within 30 days, notify the Board in writing of any change in mailing address (giving both the old and the new address), email address, or residential, business, or mobile telephone numbers.

The required form is found on the Board’s web site under the “Forms” section.


The Board has not introduced any legislation this year, but is monitoring legislation that may impact the healthcare arenan.

Retention of Records

Pursuant to A.R.S. 12-2297, a health care provider will retain the original or copies of a patient’s medical records as follows:

1. If the patient is an adult, for at least six years after the last date the adult patient received medical or health care services from that provider.

2. If the patient is a child, either for at least three years after the child's eighteenth birthday or for at least six years after the last date the child received medical or health care services from that provider, whichever date occurs later.

3. Source data may be maintained separately from the medical record and must be retained for six years from the date of collection of the source data.

B. When a health care provider retires or sells the provider's practice the provider shall take reasonable measures to ensure that the provider's records are retained pursuant to this section.

C. A person who is licensed pursuant to title 32 as an employee of a health care provider is not responsible for storing or retaining medical records but shall compile and record the records in the customary manner.

D. A nursing care institution as defined in section 36-401 shall retain patient records for six years after the date of the patient's discharge. For a minor, the nursing care institution shall retain the records for three years after the patient reaches eighteen years of age or for six years after the date of the patient's discharge, whichever date occurs last.

A.R.S. §32-3208 Reporting/Civil Penalty

Effective January 1, 2017, licensed acupuncturists who do not report within ten days of being charged with a misdemeanor involving conduct that may affect patient safety or a felony will be assessed a $200.00 civil penalty.


Welcome Aboard

New Acupuncture Licensees

January 25, 2017

Shannen R. Walker, L.AC. / Brittany Petrick, L.AC.
Jennifer J. Brittenham, L.AC. / Jimmy Liu, L.AC.
Danielle Dickshinski, L.AC.
February 22, 2017
Jennifer M. Daltilio, L.AC. / Klint O’Bryan Noel, L.AC.
Angela A. Edge, L.AC. / Pamela L. Gangler, L.AC.
Sonya K. Whitehead, L.AC. / Tae Hoon Ji, L.AC.
David Garcia, L.AC.
March 22, 2017
Lisa Kandetzke, L.AC. / Saneyee P. Karve, L.AC.

April 26, 2017

May 24, 2017

June 28, 2017

July 26, 2017
August 23, 2017

September 27, 2017

October 25, 2017

November 15, 2017

December 20, 2017


Welcome Aboard

New Auricular Certificate Holders

January 25, 2017

February 22, 2017
Rachel A. Korhumel / Maria R. Broz
Kailey A. Miller
March 22, 2017
April 26, 2017

May 24, 2017

June 28, 2017

July 26, 2017
August 23, 2017
September 27, 2017
October 25, 2017

November 15, 2017

December 20, 2017


Board Actions

At the January 2017 Board meeting, the fee schedule was adopted--license and renewal fees were not changed.

The Board is conducting an audit of compliance with the continuing education requirement for 2016-2017 license renewals. This annual audit will select a random survey (15%) of licensed acupuncturists.

Continuing Education

Course Information

Course Name: “Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Relaxation” for 30 hours throughout the year in Scottsdale.

Instructor: Paul Sugar

Contact Information: Paul Sugar (480) 947-3655

Course Name: “Fundamentals of Chi Nei Tsang Part 1” for 15 hours in Tucson at various dates throughout the year.

Instructor: Aleksandra Bazinska, Ph.D.

Contact Information: Aleksandra Bazinska, Ph.D., (520) 881-2091

Course Name: “Oriental Medicine-Nutrition and Lifestyle” for 20 hours in Tucson at various times.

Instructor: Jennifer Sandoval, L.AC.

Contact Information: Jennifer Sandoval, (520) 205-0215

Course Name: “Essentials of Biodynamic Practice Levels 1-5” for 20 hours in Tucson at various times.

Instructor: Wren Breedlove, P.T.

Contact Information: Wren Breedlove, (520) 488-8615

Note: The CEU’s listed above are only those approved by the Board. Information about these CEU’s is found on the board website. Additional CEU offerings are provided by schools of acupuncture, private providers, and national organizations.


Web Page Updates

The Board’s website now includes the ability to download documents associated with practitioner disciplinary actions.

A new link to additional information on continuing education courses has been added.

The web page address:

The Board has approved an “Imposter Alert” to be placed on the website. This Alert will inform the public about individuals who represent themselves to others as a Licensed Acupuncturist (L.AC.) without evidence of a valid license to practice in Arizona.


Governor Ducey’s Rollback Initiative

Governor's Regulation Rollback Initiative

FROM: Governor Doug Ducey


“Regulation Rollback” is a strategic step in our state’s ongoing work to make Arizona the best state in the nation for businesses and consumers alike.

We’ve made great progress in growing our economy and streamlining state government over the past two years. We still have a lot of work to do to make sure outdated regulations aren’t slowing us down.

No longer will regulations remain in place “just because they’re on the books and nobody’s bothered to change them.”

“Regulation Rollback” is offering a new online service to crowd source recommendations on how to update Arizona’s regulatory system.

At, associations, organizations, and individuals across the state can recommend ways to improve or eliminate outdated regulations.

We need your help. Visit this portal for your opportunity to provide specific input to the Governor’s office on an outdated rule or regulation that stifles Arizona’s consumers and job creators.

Submit your suggestions here:

We thank you for your help in highlighting ways to improve state government and to better serve Arizonans.


License Statistics

Current Number of Active Licenses: 611

Current Number of Active Auricular Certificates: 35

License Applications in 2017: 14

License Applications in 2016: 58

License Applications in 2015: 57

License Applications in 2014: 50

License Applications in 2013: 54

License Applications in 2012: 54

License Applications in 2011: 61

License Applications in 2010: 41

License Applications in 2009: 43

License Applications in 2008: 57

License Applications in 2007: 55

License Applications in 2006: 55

Number of Licenses issued in 2017: 13

Number of Licenses issued in 2016: 48

Number of Licenses issued in 2015: 60

Number of Licenses issued in 2014: 47

Number of Licenses issued in 2013: 52

Number of Licenses issued in 2012: 49

Number of Licenses issued in 2011: 58

Number of Licenses issued in 2010: 41

Number of Licenses issued in 2009: 46

Number of Licenses issued in 2008: 52

Number of Licenses issued in 2007: 55

Number of Licenses issued in 2006: 57

Certificate Applications in 2017: 3

Certificate Applications in 2016: 6

Certificate Applications in 2015: 9

Certificate Applications in 2014: 7

Certificate Applications in 2013: 10

Certificate Applications in 2012: 5

Certificate Applications in 2011: 11

Certificate Applications in 2010: 14

Certificate Applications in 2009: 17

Certificate Applications in 2008: 15

Certificate Applications in 2007: 23

Certificate Applications in 2006: 24

Number of Certificates issued in 2017: 3

Number of Certificates issued in 2016: 6

Number of Certificates issued in 2015: 9

Number of Certificates issued in 2014: 7

Number of Certificates issued in 2013: 8

Number of Certificates issued in 2012: 7

Number of Certificates issued in 2011: 8

Number of Certificates issued in 2010: 13

Number of Certificates issued in 2009: 16

Number of Certificates issued in 2008: 16

Number of Certificates issued in 2007: 23

Number of Certificates issued in 2006: 22