Name: ______

Review of Literature Rubric

The introduction includes an attention getter. The topic and purpose of the paper are clearly stated.
The conclusion restates the purpose and has a satisfying ending.
Grammar and Spelling
Writer makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distracts the reader from the content.
Example: Run-ons, fragments, contractions, colloquial language, 1st/2nd person pronouns, This/These used alone, There are/There is
Capitalization and Punctuation
Writer makes no errors in capitalization or punctuation, so the paper is exceptionally easy to read.
Example: punctuations, transitions, varied sentence beginnings, avoids redundancy
Focus on Topic
There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main idea stands out and is supported by detailed information.
Details are placed in logical order. Transitions are used to move from one paragraph to another.
In Text Citation
All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. All information summarized or “borrowed” is cited.
The author used proper APA format, ABC order and proper capitalization.
Includes heading, proper margin, appropriate font, 2 page requirement
(2pts. per page under the requirement) / /5

However, you can lose points automatically if you DO NOT include the following:

1.  Adult Edit -10

2.  Mrs. Robinson’s edited paper not returned -10

3.  Sally’s ROL copy -10

Review of Literature

Edit Checklist

Double check for format assistance


Margins are set to 1 in.

Font size should be 12 and style set to Times New Roman

The whole paper should be double spaced

There should be a title page with running header that includes student last name and pg #s

Student has written four full pages for the ROL

Any errors identified by Mrs. Robinson have been corrected


Your signature Adult signature


ALL words are spelled correctly

Complete sentences (no run-ons or fragments)

Punctuation is correct

No multiple end punctuation (!!!, ???)

Grammar is correct

No first or second person pronouns are used (I, we, our, my, ours, you, your, etc)

No contractions (except in direct quotes)

No this or these used alone

No there are or there is to introduce a sentence

Avoid good, bad, thing, things, nice, etc.

Do not use colloquialisms such as “happy as a lark” or “quick as a fox”

Any errors identified by Mrs. Robinson have been corrected


Your signature Adult signature

In Text Citations:

ALL material is cited (with the possible exception of a few sentences in the introduction

and/or conclusion

Citations follow APA format

In text citations must have a reference entry

Citations for direct quotes must include a page number

End punctuation is located after the in text citation

EX: Hill Middle School is twenty five years old (Davenport, 2009).

Any errors identified by Mrs. Robinson have been corrected


Your signature Adult signature


Begins on a separate page

In ABC order

References follow APA format (indentation, punctuation, heading, spacing, use of capital

letters) NOTE: even if you used a website to generate these entries, you need to

DOUBLE check the format against the APA guide on Mrs. Robinson’s wikipage. Errors do occur!

Any errors identified by Mrs. Robinson have been corrected


Your signature Adult signature

This MUST be returned with your final draft on February 25, 2010.

Final Draft Checklist:

Final draft with Reference page ______

Edited draft (by Mrs. Robinson, if you have one) ______

This form with the appropriate signatures ______

Created by S. Ippolito, E. Bevan, L. Robinson, 2009