May 8, 2014
9:00 – 12:00 PM
John W. Collette Education Resource Center / Meeting Minutes

The Delaware Digital Learning Cadre envisions all teachers capably and appropriately utilizing digital learning so that Delaware students graduating from high school demonstrate technology literacy.

·  Networking time is always provided half an hour prior to the start of the meeting.
Jackie Miceli
Mid-Atlantic Manager MyOn
·  Jackie Miceli provided a continental breakfast and gave a presentation about MyON. MyON is a personalized literacy environment that is available for teachers and students. The reader provides an accurate, real time measure of what students read and how long it takes them to read. It also measures comprehension with end-of-the book quizzes.
·  Capstone Publishing is the owner. It launched in 2010. Between 2010 until January 2014 over 3 million students have utilized MyON. Sample books were demonstrated for elementary, middle and high school students.
·  They will be running summer pilot sessions. Contact Jackie (856) 630-7967. There may be a possibility a consortium or state pricing. Average cost is about $8,000 per site. If Delaware was to do a statewide model, the price would be reduced.
·  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jackie at (856) 630-7967 or by email
Team Building Activity:
·  Instructional Technology Hedbanz
·  Alyssa gave direction. Partner one gives clues to partner two about the picture they see on their partner’s forehead to guess the object used to integrate into instruction. After the activity concluded, Alyssa emailed the directions and pictures that were used today to the DLC. There is also a similar app called charades to use on smart phones.
DCET Update
Alyssa Moore substituting for Wendy Modzelewski
·  Alyssa announced that Wendy Modzelewski was absent from today’s meeting, because she was honored today with an award from GIS in Education. The DLC gave a round of applause. Congratulations Wendy!
·  Project Possibility for DLC: Creation of eLearning PD Modules as a possible make up for snow days. The issue is whether or not people actually watch the webinar. Appoquinimink is looking at Simple K12 for possible to earn credit for webinars and earn credit. Red Clay has used PD360 in the past which includes a reflection piece at the end. Follow up on reviewing the reflection piece became an issue, so they stopped using PD360. There was suggestion to have DCET expand their eLearning Delaware courses to do independent study type shorter sessions. Wayne Hartschuh said there are many webinars out there. He also described how DIAA uses blackboard collaborate for training all coaches in all school sports watch the webinar and take a quiz at the end that they must pass. Once they pass, the grade will be uploaded to DEEDS. We have all those digital learning webinars from the past two years. Gradebook is being updated on June 23. All teachers will need to learn how to use it. Ralph Landolfi described what NCCVT did with the Teacher Access Center.
·  Wayne summarized, we started talking about the webinars. Perhaps we could develop a quiz for three or four of the webinars that we provided during our February online conference. DCET could set up a Blackboard learn course that would be a webinar and once complete they could complete a test at the end. They would have to register in PDMS for the course. Once they pass the course, they would get credit in DEEDS.
·  YES! This is a project DLC wants to take on.
·  Space is still available for the Introduction to GIS in Education class that will be held on May 13, 2014 from 8:30-2:30 pm. Register through PDMS course # 23003.
·  Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)/eRATE monitoring deadline to submit was May 7, 2014. Please be sure to send it to and .
·  Districts and charter schools need to submit their Discovery Education Streaming contract renewals or new requests for service for July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. Submit signed contracts to . If you have any questions, please call the DCET office (302) 857-3305. Deadline is Friday, May 9, 2014.
·  Wayne Hartschuh said we had a great enrollment count for winter and spring eLearning Delaware online courses. Adding common core courses were very popular. If your districts are looking for common core courses for teachers, please encourage them to register. DCET is also working on some personalized learning courses. Five courses are being developed now. Everyone takes the introduction course then they choose what four-week module they want to register. We truly appreciate the work that the PL team is doing. The introduction course will be held this summer.
·  Wayne reported that 56,000 people have received credit in PDMS since July 1, 2013. Roughly 52% have been taken through Blackboard.
DTI Update
Randy Reynolds
·  Randy asked if anyone was having issues with YouTube opening on their site, but having problems getting to it using google. There is an issue with the proxies. Randy said you will need to talk with district IT people to migrate to the new proxies in July. You are encouraged to report a trouble ticket to the DTI service desk if you are having issues.
·  Lori Roe said totally sketch is a site you don’t want your kids to review. It gets through safe search. It has been reported, but still not blocked. It is important to remember that nothing can substitute for classroom management.
Learning Stations
·  Hands-on small group sessions were provided to allow time to learn more about resources you may know about, but not had a chance to really operate. They had an opportunity to visit three stations. Details about each topic were included in today’s agenda. We thank each of our learning station presenters.
·  EduCanon – Lisa Wilson
·  LiveBinders – Lisa Enright
·  Padlet – Mike League
·  Twitter – Ralph Landolfi shared his presentation wikispace .
·  Common Core State Standards Resources - Melissa Bleile
For the Good of the Cause
·  The next Digital Learning Cadre meeting will be held Thursday, September 11, 2014. Have a great summer!
·  Meeting ended at 12:00.

Respectfully submitted,

Pam Reed, DCET Administrative Secretary

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