Mrs Carol Macleod Parish Rooms

Clerk to the Council Breage

Tel: 01326 574781 Helston

E-mail: TR13 9PD




Present: Cllr R Wyvern Batt (Chairman)

Cllr T Ackland

Cllr A J Best

Cllr Mrs T Board

Cllr S Caddick

Cllr T Coleman

Cllr Mrs P Darby

Cllr Mrs K La Borde

Cllr Ms C Rashleigh

Cllr T Woodhams

Cllr J V Keeling MBE

Mrs C Macleod (Clerk)

12 Members of the Public

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meetingand stated that the meeting would be recorded.

  1. Apologies were received from HB who was on holiday and ChR who was also on holiday.

a)Cllr Mrs T Board’s permanent declaration of interest in accordance with LGA 2000: My beneficial interest in Breage Parish Council owned land registered V.G.621 Praa Green, is that my adjoining property has gate access.

b) To note declarations of interest in accordance with LGA 2000 - Members and officers to declare non-registerable interests or disclosable pecuniary interests (including details thereof) in respect of any items on this agenda and unless you have the benefit of a current and relevant dispensation in relation to these items you must:

(i)not participate, or participate further, in any discussions of these items at the meeting;

(ii)not participate in any vote, or further vote, taken on these items at the meeting; and

(iii)remove yourself from the meeting while any discussion or vote takes place on these items, to the extent that you are required to absent yourself in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders or other procedural rules.

Where a Member has a non-registerable interest in an item that does not benefit from a valid dispensation and that interest only arises from the Member’s participation in or Membership of a body whose objects or purposes are charitable, philanthropic or otherwise for the benefit of the community the Member may, (with the permission of the Chairman of the meeting or until such time as the Chairman directs the Member to stop) address the meeting to provide such information as they reasonably consider might inform the debate and decision to be made before complying with b).

RWB declared a pecuniary interest in item 8a) Planning,PA16/08346 as the applicant is her step-son.

c) To take consideration of written requests for dispensations

d) Members to give consideration as to whether their Register of Interest forms are fully up to date


The Chairman led The Councillors through each page of the draft minutes asking for inaccuracies.

CR page 76/16 item 21, line 8 delete ‘p.m.’ add ‘a.m.’It was proposed by TC, seconded by KLB and unanimously resolved that the Minutes of the meeting 13 September 2016 with the one correction besigned as a true and correct record.


a)Each member of the public is entitled to speak once only in respect of business itemised on the agenda or in respect of something they wish to bring to the Parish Council’s attention for inclusion on a future agenda and may speak for a period of time which is at the Chairman’s discretion

b)A question asked by a member of the public during this public participation session shall not require a response or debate

c)The Chairman may direct that a response to a question posed by a member of the public be referred to a Councillor for oral response or to the Clerk for a written or oral response

d)A record of the public participation session shall be included on a separate page in the minutes of the meeting

Public Participation was held here from 7.05 to 7.14 p.m.


Cllr Keeling’s report had been circulated to Councillors. He gave further details for some of the items:

‘A lot of meetings this month but I feel like the proverbial duck paddling furiously underwater but getting nowhere quick. Nevertheless, attended a planning conference at Kingsley Village conference centre to look at the local plan and comment on the different planning committees throughout Cornwall. Bit biased but I thought west planning came the best in terms of relationships and ways of working. Also attended a meeting reference the Parliamentary boundary changes which will come into effect at the end of 2018. This is the issue about DEVONWALL and as to whether we have 5 or 6 MPs once the boundaries are changed. Presently the proposed boundaries include a Bude, Launceston and Bideford constituency that straddles the Tamar. No doubt there will be many challenges to keep Cornwall pure in the near future; but the message is really that this is about fairness and equality of voting. The first public consultation takes place at New County Hall on the 10th and 11th of November. Another useful meeting was with Gavin Barwell MP, Minister for Housing in company with Sarah Newton MP and Councillor Ferguson. Most of the issues dealt with concerned the retention of the local connection requirement for starter homes, repeal the 5-10 affordable homes limit and get hard-nosed about viability on rural exception sites so that they remain 100% affordable. Essentially, the brief was to influence the government’s agenda of more housing to more about Cornwall’s agenda of tenure, quality homes, in the right place and to meet our particular needs.


‘Locally, I will try to help the Godolphin initiative to buy and develop the church for community use, push forward with the development of a speed watch group once the police get together with me on the matter. The car in that rolled into the valley just outside Breage on the A394 posed some interesting questions as to how this got there; but the vehicle as now been removed. Jack Thomas the Highway Steward is planning to clean up some of the verges and pathways in the division before the winter sets in. some interesting planning applications are coming in and no doubt I will be kept busy in due course. Some flooding in Churchtown, Germoe to the Old Barn and I visited the property to see for myself the extent of the damage. Speeding issues abound and the real answer is the presence of police on our village roads.’

The Chairman asked if there were any questions. JK was asked if he met with Derek Thomas MP. There is no regular meeting. TW spoke about the steps at Praa Sands and said that he would contact JK and CC. JK said that he would put pressure on Toby Lowe.

Cllr Keeling was thanked for attending and giving his report. He explained that he had to also attend Sithney PC meeting this evening so would not be able to stay.



PA16/08255- Mr & Mrs Burchell - Land Adj Elysian Fields, Main Road, Ashton, HELSTON, Cornwall

Outline Consent for construction of a single storey dwelling with room withinroof space

CR – deeply concerned because there would be even more traffic on the already dangerous bend. TC – felt it was the worst place for a house, between another house and a dividing hedge. AB – expressed concern about the green space. TB – it would mean the business and house would have the same entry.It should be part of the Penhale Jakes green space. PD asked why there were no drawings of the proposed house and it was explained that these were not needed for an outline application. It was acknowledged that this was proposed to be a retirement home for the applicant. It was proposed by CR, seconded by TB that the application be objected to for the reasons given:It was felt to be a bad place to put another building and it was strongly felt that another property should not be developed there. It would take up green space in the Penhale Jakes area. There was great concern regarding the additional traffic flow that would be created onto and from a dangerous road, the A394, where speeding is rife, on a bend in that road, via a dangerous exit already used by the business.

PA16/07939- Mr E Sharp - Land Adj To Grenville House, Fore Street, Ashton, HELSTON Cornwall

Construction of eleven dwellings (four open market, seven affordable) and ancillary infrastructure

TC –a few of the houses had been moved around but thereasons for objection to the previous application original problems still exist with this one. Trees that had a TPO order on them have been taken down. There is work going on one of the bungalows at the Prospect Row end of the Close and the additional vehicles are causing problems in Prospect Row. This is just one building, not eleven. CR suggested sending photographs showing the car parking and exit problems. TA – the site opposite the Lion and Lamb that has outline planning permission is a far better site than this. TA – houses are needed in Ashton. There is a solid history of refusal on this site. The Inspector’s report is important and still significant for refusal for this application. TB – spoke about the tithe map and the Penhale Jake’s area. The site is an essential part of the ambience and Heritage status. There is no barrier across the open access onto the A394. Young children have not been considered. This access is as wide as a garage on the plan and cars would be able to pass through. There should be a latch gate here. The houses still do not meet the mining heritage remit, are not in keeping with Ashton and should be more like Troon Row.Council was very conscious of the number ofParishioners and Neighbours who had attended the meeting and their objections to the application. There has still been no community consultation. The views of the community have never been taken into account.It was proposed by TA, seconded by TC and unanimously resolved that the application be objected to for the reasons given above and the Parishioners’ and Neighbours’ objections were taken into account:The site should be protected as it is in a World Heritage Site and concern is paramount that the site forms a rural buffer between Ashton and Penhale Jakes and should not be built on. This is a grassy paddock-like area that is used by the applicant. There are hedgerows and there were also mature and other trees, 12 of which had a Tree Preservation Order put on them but appear to have since been cut down. There is a workshop/sheds and a caravan in the paddock and the site is apparently used for outdoor Guiding activities.The large pedestrian/cycle link opening, 118.59, to the footway on the A394 is felt to be extremely dangerous as there is to be no latch gate to prevent young children from gaining access to the very busy A394. It also appears on the plan to be a very large gap for pedestrian use. It appears to be almost as wide as a garage on the plan so surely could permit vehicular access, albeit unauthorised. It is felt that there should be a pedestrian latch gate here or a barrier or the width of the access should be greatly reduced.
The Parish Council strongly disagrees with Highways regarding the vehicular access through Tregonning Close. It was felt that this is a very dangerous access and that one needs to live in the village to realise how difficult the blind corner exit is from Tregonning Close to Prospect Row. Although there has been no accident so far reported there have been many near misses and it is felt that the additional amount of traffic will make the likelihood of accidents happening much stronger. Building work is currently being carried out on one of the bungalows at the Prospect Row end of the Close and the additional vehicles are causing problems in Prospect Row. This is just one building, not eleven.The design and layout of the houses still do not meet the historic form of a mining village and are certainly out of character.The site was not one approved by community or councils for affordable housing development in Ashton. There are other more suitable, approved sites, including the one opposite the Lion and Lamb that has approved outline planning permission.

RWB left the room at this point and KLB took over the Chair.

PA16/08346- Mr Rogers, Pengelly Farms Ltd - Pengelly Barton Farm, Pengelly Cross, Godolphin, Breage, HELSTON

Development of an agricultural Anaerobic Digester (AD) plant for the purpose offarm diversification and for the production of renewable energy - revised designto previously approved AD plant ref: PA14/06519 dated 19.09.2014

It was proposed by SC, seconded by TA and unanimously resolved by voting Councillors that the application be supported.

RWB returned.

PA16/08409- Mr & Mrs R. Fitzpatrick - Land North Of Trevena Cross Bungalow, Trevena Cross, Breage, HELSTON, Cornwall

Proposed Barn Conversion to Form Dwelling

Councillors were pleased that it would be inhabited.

It was proposed by TC, seconded by TA and unanimously resolved that the application be supported.

PA16/08682- Mr And Mrs Bradbury – Woollahra, Hendra Close, Ashton, HELSTON, Cornwall TR13 9SS

Amendment to application PA16/05531 (Proposed rear single storey extension toprovide dining/kitchen area and pitched roof extension over garage to form ensuitebathrooms. Existing external wall finishes to be replaced with new. Existing windows and door to be replaced with new)

It was proposed by, as long as there were no neighbours’ complaints, seconded by TB and unanimously resolved that the application be supported.

PA16/08311- Mr M Horswill - Rainbow Cottage, 10 - 11 Bakers Row, Breage, HELSTON

Construction of extension, alterations and associated works

CR – As it is not a new home there were no worries. It was proposed by AB, seconded by CR and unanimously resolved that the application be supported.



There were none.


14.09.2016 PA16/06499 APPROVED

Applicant: Mr M Gordon

Location: Land Adjacent To 10 The Links Pengersick Lane Praa Sands Penzance Cornwall

Proposal: New dwelling with integral garage


14.09.2016 PA16/06974 APPROVED

Applicant: Dr Nigel Holgate

Location: Waverly Rinsey Croft Ashton Helston Cornwall

Proposal: Conversion of garage to bedroom and en suite with the addition of a porch to join this to the building

15.09.2016 PA16/07338 APPROVED

Applicant: Mr G Richards And Mrs W Shallcross

Location: Tregea Chytodden Terrace Carleen Breage TR13 9QT

Proposal: Proposed extension and alterations including rooflights

22.09.2016 PA16/06112 APPROVED

Applicant: Mr Paul Tonkin

Location: Land NW Of The Croft Rinsey Lane Ashton Helston Cornwall

Proposal: Retention and completion of partially constructed dwelling

19.09.2016 PA16/06892 APPROVED

Applicant: National Trust

Location: Godolphin Car Park Godolphin Estate Godolphin Cross Helston Cornwall

Proposal: Proposed alterations to car park

19.09.2016 PA16/07443 APPROVED

Applicant: Mr & Mrs D Crocker

Location: 11 Hendra Close Ashton TR13 9SS

Proposal: Single storey extension and re-roofing of garage


(i)PA16/07333 - National Trust - Godolphin House Car Park, Godolphin Estate, Godolphin Cross, HELSTON

Introduction of 2 pay and display machines and related instruction signage


PA16/07334 - National Trust - Godolphin House Car Park, Godolphin Estate, Godolphin Cross, HELSTON

Advertisement consent to display 2 x instruction signs

After last month’s meeting the following was received from the Planning Officer:

Thank you for your Councils response to consultation of 13 September 2016 which for convenience was as follows:

PA16/07333 “Breage Parish Council voted to object to the application as it appears that if the house and gardens are visited there is no car parking charge but if the estate car parks are used by people using the walks, (who have done this for years), they will now be charged for parking. This sudden change could not be understood. It was felt that cars will now be parked on the road, not a good place to park, because people will not wish to pay. The signs and machines would be intrusive, unsightly and were considered by the Parish Council to be unnecessary”.

PA16/07334 “As Breage Parish Council voted to object to the application for introduction of the machines and signage it also objected to display of instruction signs as being intrusive, unsightly and unnecessary.”.

Having carefully considered the responses of the Parish Council I have the following comments.

These applications are (i) PA16/07333 (development involving the siting of pay and display machines) and (ii) PA16/07334 (advertisement consent relating to the aforementioned pay and display machines. Planning permission has already been granted under Decision Notice PA16/06892 dated 19 September 2016 for alterations to the car park.

(i)PA16/07333 – Whilst I understand the sentiments of the Parish Council, the site is privately owned and the way parking charges or otherwise are imposed is not an issue for this application. Whilst on site car parking is offered, for a fee or otherwise there is no compunction for visitors to use that facility. The roads serving the site are rural, lightly trafficked and not subject to any Traffic Regulation Order that I am aware. In these circumstances there is no control over highway parking. In itself the proposal does not raise any highway safety issues.

(ii)The signs will be mounted on square timber posts alongside the ticket machines, The signs comprise two A4 size signs positioned facing inward to the car park. Again these are of modest size and are discreetly positioned within the car park away from wider public view.

Having studied the submitted plans, having regard to current policy and guidance and carefully considered these issues; I can find no reason to refuse the application on the issues the Parish Council have raised. I can find no other policy reason to refuse these applications and approval would be entirely consistent with similar decisions elsewhere.

In summary, contrary to the view of the Parish Council, I will be recommending approval of both the application. In these circumstances I am required to follow the local council protocol.