CESS teleconference Notes

18/07/14 11-12.30


1. Welcome, Introductions and Apologies for Absence

Chair: Mhairi ThurstonMT

Matt Broom V2020UKMB


Catherine Dennison TPTCD


Amanda Hawkins

Andrew Miller

David Galloway

Hazel Russell

Stevie Johnson

2. Declarations of Interest (Chair) MT


MB: to send new VISON 2020 UK DOI doc to the committee once approved.

3. Survey results,

JP: BACPdeveloping tool kit on measuring assessment

CD: Malen Davis at RNIB isdeveloping service evaluations

MT: Possibly we could have a Studentship on how we measure using a model such as: PAID(problem areas in diabetes) looks at a holistic approach to assessing a patient’s emotional state or CORE

Used as part of service through eclo’s etc to look at how people feel about their sight loss emotionally

This uses MT’s research with existing literature.

Questionnaire to all ECLO’s to ask would they would like to take part. Using case management from baseline to

ACTION: CD to send the Outcomes star to MT

Therapy for children with VI. Partnership with ‘place to be’ as very little data BACPhave an outcomesmeasurement for children already there so

ACTION: JP to send to MB to distribute.

MT: Best thing would be to link tier 2 services to counsellors that are around but we need to train counsellors.

We need to get an article in therapy today re flagging the area of Training.

The Idea is to produce an Academic paper and get an article into practitioner journals with a link.

ACTONS re the paper on the survey

Jp: To work on the data method and results.

MH and CD to be secondary authors

MB to be editor with V2020UK accreditation for the paper

Andrew and Amanda to be invited as authors but limited to these for ease of working, group to see paper pre-publication

MT: to put together introduction for the paper.

4. The Vision UK 2014 Conference

ACTION CD: Will send bullet points from the discussion to MB (potential agenda points for agenda for the future face to face meeting of the CESS committee)

Flip chart discussions from the CESS session, where have they gone?

ACTION: MB to find out

5. The next steps for CESS

Circulate doodle poll for meeting in NOV after discussion with Mercy Jeyasingham re budget

Proposed dates 3/11-4/11, 6/11-7/11, 24/11-25/11.

Concluding Items

6. Any Other Business

MB: mentioned that VISION 2020 UK are now leading on Simy meeting on August 15th with representation from 3 of the 4 countries plus 3rd sector and Dept of Health. A report will be produced and all made aware.

MT: Has spoken the John Legg (RNIB Scotland and UKVS Scotland Chair) who offered some potential funding for research. MT will look into this further

CD: Can we get emotional support onto John Slade’s agenda?

TPT: IACP services working on this in south London looking at training people in sight loss services to train people to refer

Lorraine Munrow runs counselling service might be a useful contact?

Alcohol and sight loss research is complete and being presented at British Society for gerontology in Sept, report out soon.

JP: service evaluation for the looking forward project (David Galloway’s project in NI) BACP looking to put forward a bill to do the evaluation . looking for academic and service user involvement. MH has options for both. Funding is small