Consolidated quarterly statement of the capital group of Apator for four quarters in 2012 with concise quarterly report of Apator S.A.


1.Description of the organization of capital group of the issuer indicating the entities subject to consolidation

1.1Make-up of capital group of Apator on the day of issue of quarterly report that is at 31st December 2012

1.2The entities subject to consolidation at 31st December 2012

1.3Business activity of capital group of Apator

1.4The employment in capital group of Apator

2.Financial part of quarterly statement

2.2.Consolidated statement of capital group of Apator

2.2.1Consolidated statement on financial position

2.2.2Information concerning the changes in contingent liabilities or contingent assets that occurred since the end of the recent financial year (off-balance sheet items) of capital group of Apator

2.2.3Consolidated total income statement

2.2.4Consolidated statement on changes in equity

2.2.5Consolidated cash flow account

2.2.6Consolidated statement according to operating segments

2.2.7Geographical information

2.3.Individual statement of Apator SA

2.3.1Statement of financial position of parent entity - Apator SA

2.3.2Information on changes of contingent liabilities or contingent assets that occurred since the end of recent financial year (off balance sheet items) of parent entity - Apator SA

2.3.3Statement of total income of parent entity - Apator SA

2.3.4Statement in changes in equity of parent entity – Apator SA

2.3.5Cash flow account of parent entity – Apator SA

3.Information on principles assumed for preparation of the report, especially the information on changes in accounting principles (policy) used

3.1.Accounting principles

3.2.Consolidation principles

4.Additional financial information

4.1Weighted average number of shares

4.1.1.Weighted average number of shares for individual statement

4.1.2.Weighted average number of shares for consolidated statement

4.2EUR exchange rates used for the conversion of selected financial data

4.3Information on adjustments to provisions, provision and assets due to deferred income tax mentioned in the act concerning accounting and write downs of the value of elements in the assets

4.3.1.Consolidated statement

4.3.2.Individual statement


4.5Changes in accounting principles

5Factors and events, especially not typical ones having the influence on financial results achieved by capital group of Apator

6Analysis of financial results achieved by capital group of Apator

6.1.Analysis of results achieved during four quarters and in the fourth quarter in 2012

6.1.1Analysis of revenues

6.1.2Explanations concerning seasonal or regular nature of activity of the issuer

6.1.3The analysis of revenues on sales on foreign markets earned in the period of the four quarters and in the fourth quarter of 2012

6.1.4Analysis of consolidated statement of total income

6.1.5Foreign trade balance

7.Hedge transactions of capital group of Apator

8.Ratios of capital group of Apator

9.Changes in structure – mergers, takeover etc

10.Concise description of significant achievements or failures of the issuer including the list of the most important events in four quarters of 2012

11.Events that occurred after the 31st December 2012 that is after the day of the concise quarterly financial statement is published

12.Forecast of financial results for 2012

13.The forecast of financial results for 2013


14.1.Share capital at 31st December 2012

14.2.Share capital at 11th January 2013

14.3.Important shareholders

14.4.The posession and changes in ownership structure of the persons in management and supervisory body

15.Proceedings before the court, arbitration court or public authority

16.Transactions with related entities

17.Information concerning the issue, purchase and repayment of non-equity and equity securities


19.Loans or borrowings guarantees, granting a guarantee

19.1.Loans and borrowings

19.2.Information on borrowings granted

19.3.Contigent liabilities

20.Other information significant for the assessment of personnel, property, financial situations, financial result and their changes and information important for the assessment of the capacity of the issuer to perform its obligations.

21.Factors that in opinion of the Executive Board of Apator SA will have the influence on results achieved by it in the perspective of at least one next quarter

21.1.Zonal permit and location of the activity in Pomeranian Special Economic Zone

21.2.Sales of property

21.3.Crucial external and internal factors for the development of capital group of Apator

22.Risks and threats

22.1.External risks and threats

23.The prospects of development of capital group of Apator

  1. Description of the organization of capital group of the issuer indicating the entities subject to consolidation
  2. Make-up of capital group of Apator on the day of issue of quarterly report that is at 31st December 2012

Apator SA is the parent entity in capital group of Apator. Apator SA has got shares directly in six domestic entities and two foreign ones. Apator SA plays the leading role in capital group of Apator by the arrangement and co-ordination of collaboration of all the entities. Shares of the Company are quoted on RESPECT index and till 28th December 2012 they were quoted on sWIG80 but since 28th December 2012 shares of the Company are quoted mWIG40 index

The share of Apator SA in share capital of particular entities at 31st December 2012 is showed in the table below:

Name of entity / Headquarters / Relationships / Share in capital
FAP Pafal SA / Świdnica / subsidiary / 100,00%
Apator Metrix SA / Tczew / subsidiary / 100,00%
Apator Powogaz SA / Poznań / subsidiary / 100,00%
Apator Rector Sp. z o. o. / Zielona Góra / subsidiary / 70,00%
Apator Control Sp. z o. o. / Toruń / subsidiary / 100,00%
Apator Mining Sp. z o. o. / Katowice / subsidiary / 100,00 %
Apator Elektro SA / Moscow / associated entity / 50,00%
Apator GmbH / Berlin / subsidiary / 100,00%


- Apator Powogaz SA is the owner of:

o 100 % of capital of Apator Metra s.r.o. (CzechRepublic)

o 61, 60% of capital of Apator Telemetria sp. z o. o. (Słupsk),

o 61% of capital of Apator Metroteks sp. z o.o. (Ukraine),

o 50% of capital of Teplovodomer SA (Russia),

Apator Rector Sp. z o.o. is the owner of 60% of shares of Newind Sp. z o.o. (Wrocław)

Apator Metrix SA is the owner of 50% of shares of George Wilson Industries Ltd. (GWi)

(Coventry, United Kingdom)*

*) 50% shares in GWi Ltd were acquired on 5thSeptember 2012 (more information in point 4.4.)

1.2 The entities subject to consolidation at 31st December 2012

parent entity: Apator SA,

subsidiaries (indirectly or directly) subject to consolidation by the full method:

Entity / Headquarters / Share in capital / Relatioship with Apator SA
Apator Mining Sp. z o.o. / Katowice / 100,00% / Subsidiary of Apator SA
Apator Control Sp. z o.o. / Toruń / 100,00% / Subsidiary of Apator SA
Apator Metrix SA / Tczew / 100,00% / Subsidiary of Apator SA
FAP Pafal SA / Świdnica / 100,00% / Subsidiary of Apator SA
Apator Rector Sp. z o. o. / Zielona Góra / 70,00% / Subsidiary of Apator SA
Apator Powogaz SA / Poznań / 100,00% / Subsidiary of Apator SA
Apator GmbH / Berlin (Germany) / 100,00% / Subsidiary of Apator SA
Newind Sp. z o. o. / Wrocław / 60,00%
42,00% / Subsidiary indirectly through Apator Rector Sp. z o. o.
Indirect share through Apator Rector Sp. z o. o.
Apator Metra s. r. o. / Sumperk (Czech Republic) / 100,00%
100,00% / Subsidiary indirectly through Apator Powogaz SA
Indirect share through Apator Powogaz SA
Apator Metroteks Sp. z o. o. / Kiev (Ukraine) / 61,00%
61,00% / Subsidiary indirectly through Apator Powogaz SA
Indirect share through Apator Powogaz SA
Apator Telemetria Sp. z o. o. / Słupsk / 61,60%
61,60% / Subsidiary indirectly through Apator Powogaz SA
Indirect share through Apator Powogaz SA

associated entities evaluated by equity method:

Entity / Headquarters / Share in capital / Relationship with Apator SA
Apator Elektro SA / Moscow (Russia) / 50,00% / Associated with Apator SA
Teplovodomer SA / Mytishchi (Russia) / 50,00%
50,00% / Associated indirectly through Apator Powogaz SA
Indirect share through Apator Powogaz SA
GWi Ltd. / Coventry
(United Kingdom) / 50%
50% / Associated indirectly through Apator Metrix SA
Indirect share through Apator Metrix SA

1.3 Business activity of capital group of Apator

The capital group of APATOR concentrates its activity on two segments of electric machines sector: metering and switchgear ones. The table below presents the scope of activity of particular companies in capital group of Apator:

Metering segment / Switchgear segment / Other sales
FAP Pafal SA / Apator Mining Sp. z o. o. / Newind Sp. z o. o.
Apator Metrix SA z GWi Ltd. / Apator Control Sp. z o. o.
Apator Powogaz with entities: Apator Metra, Metroteks, Teplovodomer, Apator Telemetria / Apator Elektro SA
Apator Rector Sp. z o. o.
Apator SA
Apator GmbH

The capital group of Apator offers smart meters in metering segment:

1)electricity meters,

2)gas meters,

3)water meters,

4)heat meters,

5) start-up and service of systems of AMI/AMM class (Automated Meter Management),

6) start-up and service of prepayment systems

The offer of capital group of Apator covers both hardware and software included in smart metering and smart grids integrated systems. It is comprehensive one and it includes complete chain of values from manufacturing of metering equipment to analysis, visualisation and making available of metering data.

The offer of capital group of Apator in switchgear segment covers the equipment for safe making and breaking of electrical circuits. The entities operating in this segment in contrary to the entities in metering segment run business on independent segments of the market.

1.4 The employment in capital group of Apator

The table below includes data concerning the employment in capital group of Apator excluding entities consolidated by equity method that is; Teplovodomer SA, Apator Elektro SA and GWi Ltd.

Name of entity / 31.12.2012 / 31.12.2011 / increase/decrease / Dynamics
Apator SA / 474 / 446 / 28 / 106,28%
FAP Pafal SA / 313 / 332 / -19 / 94,28%
Apator Metrix SA / 291 / 292 / -1 / 99,66%
Apator Mining sp. z o. o. / 117 / 115 / 2 / 101,74%
Apator Control sp. z o. o. / 61 / 57 / 4 / 107,02%
Apator Rector Sp. z o. o. / 154 / 118 / 36 / 130,51%
Newind Sp. z o.o. / 41 / 28 / 13 / 146,43%
Grupa Apator Powogaz / 536 / 529 / 7 / 101,32%
including: Apator Powogaz SA / 344 / 356 / -12 / 96,63%
Apator GmbH / 2 / 2 / 0 / 100,00%
Total / 1 989 / 1 919 / 70 / 103,65%

The employment in capital group of Apator at 31st December 2012 increased in relation to the employment at 31st December 2011 by 70 persons.Main changes in the employment regarded:

parent entity – increase of employment mainly in manufacturing departments,

Apator Rector sp. z o. o. – increase caused by the necessity to increase the competence and capacity in implementation areas (software engineers) and business support (system analysts and application developers),

  1. Financial part of quarterly statement

Consolidated and individual financial statements for the fourth quarter of 2012 have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards (IAS / IFRS) and related to them interpretations announced in form of Regulations of European Commission and Regulation of Ministry of Finance dated

19th February 2009 on current and regular information being transferred by the issuers of securities

(Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No 33, item 259) with later amendments.

Interim financial statements (consolidated and individual of parent entity) for the period of twelve months completed on 31st December 2012 have been constructed according to IAS 34 (Interim financial reporting). Interim financial statements do not include all the information and disclosures that are required in annual/semi-annual financial statement and they should be read together with semi-annual/annual statement of capital group of Apator at 31st December 2011.

Selected financial data with essential items included in concise financial statement (also converted to EUR) presenting accumulated data for all complete quarters of current and previous financial year

DESCRIPTION / in thousands of PLN / in thousands of EUR
period / Previous period / Current
period / Previous period
Consolidated statement / Four quarters 2012 / Four quarters2011 / Four quarters2012 / Four quarters2011
Sales revenues of products, goods and materials / 667 482 / 537 019 / 159 930 / 129 712
Profit (loss) from operating activity (continued operation) / 100 287 / 71 760 / 24 029 / 17 333
Gross profit (loss) (continued operation) / 94 265 / 64 367 / 22 586 / 15 547
Net profit (loss) / 97 899 / 51 516 / 23 457 / 12 443
Net profit (loss) for shareholders of parent entity in group of Apator / 93 420 / 47 296 / 22 384 / 11 424
Net profit (loss) for non-controlling interest / 4 479 / 4 220 / 1 073 / 1 019
Weighted average number of shares / 29 507 028 / 29 507 028 / 29 507 028 / 29 507 028
Net profit (loss) per ordinary share / 3,17 / 1,60 / 0,76 / 0,39
Cash flows from operating activity / 96 160 / 44 563 / 23 521 / 10 089
Cash flows from investment activity / (9 973) / (37 265) / (2 439) / (8 437)
Cash flows from financing activity / (66 549) / (372) / (16 278) / (84)
Total cash flows / 19 638 / 6 926 / 4 804 / 1 568
Consolidated statements / 31.12.2012 / 2011 rok / 31.12.2012 / 2011 rok
Total assets / 546 716 / 466 481 / 133 731 / 105 615
Fixed assets / 290 277 / 203 808 / 71 004 / 46 144
Current assets / 256 439 / 262 673 / 62 727 / 59 471
Equity with non-controlling interest / 302 126 / 236 467 / 73 902 / 53 538
Non-controlling interest / 7 364 / 5 873 / 1 801 / 1 330
Share capital / 3 311 / 3 511 / 810 / 795
Long-term liabilities and provisions / 85 321 / 54 044 / 20 870 / 12 236
Short-term liabilities and provisions / 159 269 / 175 970 / 38 958 / 39 841
Weighted averagenumber of shares / 29 507 028 / 29 507 028 / 29 507 028 / 29 507 028
Net book value per ordninary share [PLN/share] / 10,24 / 8,01 / 2,50 / 1,81
Name of capital group: / The capital group of Apator
Okres objęty sprawozdaniem finansowym: / 01.01.2007 – 31.03.2007 / Waluta sprawozdawcza: / złoty polski (PLN)
Period included financial statement: / 01.01.2012 – 31.12.2012 / Reporting currency: / Polish zloty (PLN)
Level of approximation: / All the amounts in tablesare quoted in thousands of Polish zloties (if not stated otherwise)


Consolidated quarterly statement of the capital group of Apator for four quarters in 2012 with concise quarterly report of Apator S.A.

DESCRIPTION / in thousands of PLN / in thousands of EUR
period / Previous period / Current
period / Previous period
Individual statement / Four quarters 2012 / Four quarters 2011 / Four quarters 2012 / Four quarters 2011
Sales revenues of products, goods and materials (continued operation) / 183 411 / 156 092 / 43 946 / 37 702
Profit (loss) from operating activity (continued operation) / 29 810 / 11 863 / 7 143 / 2 865
Gross profit (loss) (continued operation) / 55 925 / 39 790 / 13 400 / 9 611
Net profit (loss) for shareholders of parent entity in group of Apator / 72 224 / 37 731 / 17 305 / 9 114
Weightedaverage number of shares / 33 669 870 / 35 107 028 / 33 669 870 / 35 107 028
Net profit (loss) per ordinary share [PLN/share] / 2,15 / 1,07 / 0,51 / 0,26
Cash flows from operating activity / 23 217 / 1 095 / 5 679 / 248
Cash flows from investment activity / 36 587 / (548) / 8 949 / (124)
Cash flows from financing activity / (55 318) / (1 150) / (13 531) / (260)
Total cash flows / 4 486 / (603) / 1 097 / (136)
Individual statement / 31.12.2012 / 2011 rok / 31.12.2012 / 2011 rok
Total assets / 275 519 / 256 274 / 67 393 / 58 023
Fixed assets / 221 766 / 188 150 / 54 245 / 42 599
Current assets / 53 753 / 68 124 / 13 148 / 15 424
Equity with non-controlling interest / 200 962 / 165 192 / 49 157 / 37 401
Share capital / 3 311 / 3 511 / 810 / 795
Long-term liabilities and provisions / 5 608 / 21 746 / 1 372 / 4 923
Short-term liabilities and provisions / 68 949 / 69 336 / 16 865 / 15 698
Weightedaverage number of shares / 33 669 870 / 35 107 028 / 33 669 870 / 35 107 028
Net book value per ordninary share [PLN/share] / 5,97 / 4,71 / 1,46 / 1,07

2.2.Consolidated statement of capital group of Apator

2.2.1Consolidated statement on financial position

31.12.2012 / 31.12.2011
Fixed assets / 290 277 / 203 808
Intangible assets / 4 385 / 4 031
Goodwill of subordinated entities / 65 090 / 64 155
Property, plant and equipment / 139 190 / 128 795
Investment properties / 1 735 / 1 859
Investments in associated entities consolidated by equity method / 12 285 / 729
Other long-term financial assets / 36 661 / -
- in related entities / 36 144 / -
- in other entities / 517 / -
Long-term borrowings granted / 8 175 / -
- to related entities / 8 175 / -
Long -term receivables / 1 503 / 1 988
- from other entities / 1 503 / 1 988
Long-term prepayments / 61 / 31
Deferred tax assets / 21 192 / 2 220
Current assets / 256 439 / 262 673
Inventories / 95 024 / 91 587
Trade receivables / 103 229 / 123 704
-from related entities / 2 982 / 8 222
- from other entities / 100 247 / 115 482
Tax, customs and social insurance receivables / 7 174 / 8 069
Other short-term receivables / 4 672 / 3 186
- from related entities / - / 229
- from other entities / 4 672 / 2 957
Other short-term financial assets / 752 / 354
- in other entities / 752 / 354
Cash and cash equivalents / 43 728 / 24 090
Short-term prepayments / 1 860 / 1 256
Fixed assets classified as held for sale / - / 10 427
TOTAL ASSETS / 546 716 / 466 481
31.12.2012 / 31.12.2011
Equity / 302 126 / 236 467
Equity for shareholders of parent entity / 294 762 / 230 594
Share capital / 3 311 / 3 511
Other capitals / 186 052 / 165 106
Capital from evaluation of hedging transaction and exchange rate differences from consolidation / 916 / (4 991)
Undistributed financial result / 104 483 / 66 968
- undistributed result from previous years / 22 866 / 19 672
- result of current period / 93 420 / 47 296
- write-offs from net profit in the financial year (negative value) / (11 803) / -
Non-controlling interest / 7 364 / 5 873
Liabilities / 244 590 / 230 014
Long-term and liabilities and provisions / 85 321 / 54 044
Long-term loans and borrowings / 12 887 / 21 669
- from other entities / 12 887 / 21 669
Long-term liabilities / 65 428 / 20 917
- towards other entities / 65 428 / 20 917
Deferred income tax provisions / - / -
Long-term provisions for employee benefit liabilities / 7 005 / 11 134
Other long-term provisions / 1 / 324
Short-term liabilities and provisions / 159 269 / 175 970
Short-term loans and borrowings / 42 833 / 58 299
- from related entities / - / -
- from other entities / 42 833 / 58 299
Trade liabilities / 64 284 / 59 356
- towards related entities / 1 / -
- towards other entities / 64 283 / 59 356
Tax, customs and social insurance liabilities / 16 822 / 11 562
Other short-term liabilities / 18 825 / 26 180
- towards other entities / 18 825 / 26 180
Short-term provisions for employee benefit liabilities / 9 679 / 9 185
Other short-term provisions / 6 826 / 4 388
Liabilities related to fixed assets classified as held for sale / - / 7 000
TOTAL LIABILITIES / 546 716 / 466 481

2.2.2Information concerning the changes in contingent liabilities or contingent assets that occurred since the end of the recent financial year (off-balance sheet items) of capital group of Apator

31.12.2012 / 31.12.2011
Contingent receivables / 826 / 31 514
Contingent receivables due to other entities / 826 / 31 514
Contingent liabilities / 13 504 / 30 185
Contingent liabilities connected with related entities / - / 8 800
-due to guarranties and warranties granted to related entities / - / 8 800
Contingent liabilities due to other entities / 13 504 / 21 385
- due to guarranties and warranties granted / 11 892 / 21 385
- due to import letter of credit / 1 612 / -
Other off-balance-sheet items / 160 138 / 122 342
Fixed assets tenanced / 9 438 / 9 578
Ordinary mortgage / 57 072 / 25 615
Bail mortgage / 37 225 / 25 362
Hedging on property / 33 449 / 22 500
Assignment of receivables / 20 963 / 25 299
Deposits placed / 36 / 199
Blank bills of exchnage / 1 838 / 13 789
Other –complusory mortgage / 117 / -
Total off-balance-sheet items / 174 468 / 184 041

Moreover, capital group of Apator has got established following hedges for the repayments of liabilities to the bank:

- silent assignment of minimum 40% of all the turn over of Apator S.A.,

- assignment of laws under insurance contract of property of Apator S.A. located in Ostaszewo,

- assignment of laws under insurance policy of property of Apator Mining Sp. z o.o. located in Pszów,

- assignment of laws under insurance contract of property of Apator Powogaz S.A. located in Poznań,

- assignment of laws under insurance contract of property of Apator Metra located in Czech Republic,

- assignment of laws under insurance contract of current assets of Apator Powogaz SA, hedging of inventory up to the amount of 24955000 PLN

Further to described hedging for the performance of the bank contracts at the end of 2012, the entities of capital group of Apator made the statements on voluntary submission to enforcement to the total amount of 221 m PLN. These statements regard loan contracts and bank guarantee contracts. The statements submitted are equal the amount of maximum liability of the entities increased by bank costs.

2.2.3Consolidated total income statement

01.10.2012 / 01.01.2012 / 01.10.2011 / 01.01.2011
31.12.2012 / 31.12.2012 / 31.12.2011 / 31.12.2011
Continued operation
Sales revenues / 168 632 / 667 482 / 164 819 / 537 019
Sales revenues of products and services / 148 463 / 598 676 / 159 796 / 494 053
- to related entities / 9 156 / 39 550 / 10 801 / 35 934
- to other entities / 139 307 / 559 126 / 148 995 / 458 119
Sales revenues of goods and materials / 20 169 / 68 806 / 5 023 / 42 966
- to related entities / 1 130 / 1 346 / 94 / 362
- to other entities / 19 039 / 67 460 / 4 929 / 42 604
Cost of goods sold / (122 572) / (482 543) / (117 825) / (371 688)
Cost of products and services sold / (104 466) / (424 246) / (115 506) / (337 410)
- to related entities / (7 151) / (27 467) / (7 008) / (23 412)
- to other entities / (97 315) / (396 779) / (108 498) / (313 998)
Cost of goods and materials sold / (18 106) / (58 297) / (2 319) / (34 278)
- to related entities / (1 098) / (1 298) / (81) / (316)
- to other entities / (17 008) / (56 999) / (2 238) / (33 962)
Gross profit (loss) on sales / 46 060 / 184 939 / 46 994 / 165 331
Selling costs / (10 387) / (31 128) / (7 929) / (30 445)
Overheads / (21 386) / (76 137) / (19 689) / (66 008)
Profit (loss) on sales / 14 287 / 77 674 / 19 376 / 68 878
Other operating revenues (costs), including / 760 / 20 377 / 742 / 3 841
Result on sales and liquidation of property plant and equipment and intangibles / 1 848 / 22 915 / 791 / 1 245
Result on revaluation of non financial fixed assets / (2 238) / (2 238) / (131) / 49
Result on valuation of property / (102) / (102) / 64 / 64
Result on revaluation of non financial current assets / (319) / (509) / (356) / (252)
Result on provisions for retirement bonuses and jubilee awards / 3 854 / 3 938 / (252) / (218)
Result on other operating activity / (2 283) / (3 627) / 626 / 2 953
Share in profits of entities consolidated by equity method / 906 / 2 236 / 177 / 364
Restructuring revenues (costs) / - / - / (1 323) / (1 323)
Profit (loss) on operating activity / 15 953 / 100 287 / 18 972 / 71 760
Financial revenues (costs),including: / (1 090) / (6 022) / (3 193) / (7 393)
Interest on loans and borrowings / (737) / (2 985) / (697) / (2 570)
Result on other interest / 193 / 677 / 84 / 816
Result on shares / - / - / (1) / (1)
Result on bills of exchange / - / - / 6 / -
Result on exchange rate differences / (1 295) / (5 107) / (660) / (3 859)
Result on currency transactions / 799 / 1 954 / (1 788) / (804)
Wynik na aktualizacji finansowego majątku obrotowego/
Result on revaluation of finnacial current assets / 13 / 21 / (73) / (193)
Expenditures on purchase of shares in subsidiary after taking control over it / - / - / (3) / (3)
Other financial revenues (costs) / (63) / (582) / (61) / (779)
Profit (loss) before tax / 14 863 / 94 265 / 15 779 / 64 367
Current income tax / (2 304) / (16 816) / (5 314) / (13 233)
Deferred income tax / 849 / 20 450 / 1 764 / 382
Net profit (loss) / 13 408 / 97 899 / 12 229 / 51 516
01.10.2012 / 01.01.2012 / 01.10.2011 / 01.01.2011
31.12.2012 / 31.12.2012 / 31.12.2011 / 31.12.2011
Other total incomes
Other net total incomes / 296 / 5 893 / 1 420 / (4 737)
Exchange rate differences translated of foreign entities / 1 / (700) / (261) / 1 293
Hedging accounting result / 364 / 8 139 / 2 117 / (7 445)
Income tax regarding other total incomes / (69) / (1 546) / (436) / 1 415
Total income in total / 13 704 / 103 792 / 13 649 / 46 779
Net profit (loss), including: / 13 408 / 97 899 / 12 229 / 51 516
shareholders of parent company / 12 694 / 93 420 / 11 549 / 47 296
non-controlling interest / 714 / 4 479 / 680 / 4 220
Total incomes in total, including / 13 704 / 103 792 / 13 649 / 46 779
shareholders of parent company / 12 993 / 99 327 / 12 956 / 42 542
non-controlling interest / 711 / 4 465 / 693 / 4 237
Name of capital group: / The capital group of Apator
Okres objęty sprawozdaniem finansowym: / 01.01.2007 – 31.03.2007 / Waluta sprawozdawcza: / złoty polski (PLN)
Period included financial statement: / 01.01.2012 – 31.12.2012 / Reporting currency: / Polish zloty (PLN)
Level of approximation: / All the amounts in tablesare quoted in thousands of Polish zloties (if not stated otherwise)