Board Meeting
October 21, 22, 2008
Hyatt Regency Long Beach
Long Beach, CA
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Board Meeting
I. Call to Order at 6pm
II. Roll Call
Hartigan (late)
Steven Nill
Danny Blitch
III. Approval of May 2008 Minutes
Turner was present at the meeting.
MSP to approve minutes Pearl/Butler. Passed unanimous
IV. President’s Report
Executive Committee Recommendations/Vertz Contract
MSP to approve Vertz contract Sarkiss moved. Passed unanimous.
Ratify two electronic votes: 1) 2009 action plan – Sarkiss concerned that AAGP not getting rights to do prep course for GPC. Sarkiss thinks prep course should be managed by AAGP as a revenue stream. This needs to be priority in 2009. 2) 2010 conference theme
MSP unanimous.
V. Treasurer’s Report and Approval of 2009 Budget
Closed session to discuss affiliates and vendors. Visitors asked to leave for closed session.
Foundation’s request for AAGP funding has not been recommended by the Finance Committee or by the Executive Committee. Both committees have recommended that there be a line item (foundation relations) for the ED to use for a meeting between the Foundation board and the AAGP board.
· We need to seat our 49% of the board
· They don’t seem to be complying with the IRS requirements of a 501c3.
· They do not seem to agree that they are the fund raising arm of AAGP. Not sure about their function.
· They asked AAGP for $8K and we asked them to reconsider their plans for that money but they did not.
Closed session on affiliate issue: 2008 budget will have $12 surplus. AAGP Board approved $5K to GPCI for strategic planning session. GPCI needed to continue the planning session beyond the original timeframe so it continued for a second day and went over budget. Butler made motion to accept the extra expenditure – Pearl seconded. Discussion: Smith thinks GPCI should be asked to pay it back. Annarino explained that Pearl, Turner, Annarino consulted with Vertz at the time about moving $1,000 from AAGP budget to cover this expenditure. Sarkiss feels GPCI should be required to pay back the funds. Turner explained it should have come back to the full AAGP Board for a vote, this was an oversight but not done intentionally. Turner will abstain from voting. Vertz said we need to create a policy for transferring line items. Sarkiss feels it is a conflict of interest for AAGP Board members to be defending GPCI. Vertz spoke with attorney who suggested we set standards and definitions, need to be sure we do not jeopardize the 501c6 of AAGP and the 501 c3 of GPCI.
Call the question: motion passed.
Parker and Hartigan joined meeting at 7:15pm
Hartigan asked what Chapter costs were – Vertz explained that it is any cost related to chapters. Vertz is paymaster for chapters with no check books so National holds their money in their own account in quickbooks – local chaptering offset.
Turner asked about $30,000 being paid back to equity line. Sarkiss explained we are using our revenue to pay back the equity line.
Sarkiss discussed the 2009 budget. Has been recommended by Finance Committee and Executive Committee. Budget shows decrease in memberships and increase in dues to $175. New members who join because they’ve learned of us at an expo attended by Vertz get a discount. Hartigan questioned whether this penalizes existing members. Vertz explained it is a way to entice new members. It is an attention-getter and a way to get people to the booth, a good marketing tool.
Membership benefits have been increased tremendously so raising membership dues is fair.
Turner asked about $3K in expenses for chapter regional conferences. AAGP will give $1,000 to three chapters, based on an RFP we put out. AAGP will not make money on the regional conferences. AAGP Nat’l wants to help chapters put on a conference by giving them some funding but will not be involved in the planning or running of it. Nat’l involvement with Chicago’s regional conference was very time consuming for staff and not a fiscal success so this will be a better system.
2009 Budget includes editor for journal, chapter toolkit for recruiting, two face-to-face board meetings instead of three. $10K will go into reserves. Balanced budget. Call the question: Parker – yes. All approved!
VI. Executive Directors State of the Association Report
Closed session discussion, vendor issues: CharityChannel – hosting our website but still issues. We need our own server. Nill has done thousands of dollars worth of work donated to AAGP, best intentions but we need to host our own site.
Nill has proposed including CharityChannel membership for every AAGP member as a member benefit. Vertz does not think this is a good idea for our members because of the cost incurred to AAGP. Could amount to $25K. Discussion on maybe offering benefit to a limited number of members or offering our members an opportunity to join CharityChannel at a discount price (at no cost to AAGP).
Vertz recommends offering membership benefit of CharityChannel membership at a discounted rate as opposed to funding CharityChannel group membership. Butler calls question – motion passed unanimous. 3 recuse, 1 nay, 1 yay, 1 abstain
Reached over 3,200 members-with over 1,600 currently active
Obtained two Gold ($5,000 level) conference sponsors
Exhibited at multiple national conferences
Regional Conference hosted, May 2008
Contracted with Marketing Consultant
Website-major revision to content management site
Career Center-new system with Boxwood Technology for online job postings has been implemented
Travel, Networking, Meetings & Partnerships:
AFP-DC-Partnered with Bridge Conference, 700 attendees
NGMA-Partnered with conference, 400 attendees
AFP-Exhibited at their annual conference, met with their staff, partnering with Project Streamline, 4,800 attendees
CFRE-Approved as a provider
Chaptering-Formed Advisory Task Force, visited several chapters
Conference-met with 2009 local committee
AAGP Foundation-met with two board members in Kansas City, KS
GPCI-Attended board meeting in Tampa, FL
ASAE-Attended Legislative event in DC-through scholarship, sitting for CAE on 12/5/08
KCSAE-annual meeting
SNPO-met with their Executive Director, they would like to initiate an alliance with us.
Alliance for Nonprofit Management-met with their Executive Director, exhibited at their annual conference, 350 attendees
Alliance for Healthcare Philanthropy-exhibited at their annual conference, 850 attendees
NACo-Exhibited at their annual conference, 4,200 attendees
NOCA-presenting workshop and exhibiting at their annual conference, 450 attendees
CRD-met with their Executive Director and exhibiting at their annual conference, 525 attendees
MD Governor’s Grant Conference-Only exhibitor at their event-met Matthew Lesko, 700 attendees
IA Grant Symposium-Exhibited at their event, 500 attendees
Chapter communication-will implement quarterly conference calls with chapter presidents beginning January 2009
Office Information:
Assisted various committees in many areas. Specific examples and projects include:
Conference: Brochure, develop 2009 budget, all registration, and on site preparation
Research & Authority: Fall Journal
Finance: Assisted with 2009 budget development, monthly financials
Professional Growth & Development: CharityUniversity classes, conference workshop presenters
Membership: Implemented Recruitment & Retention Plan, added many new benefits, E-newsletter
Marketing: Annual report, contracted with vendor for Marketing Action Plan, Marketing items on website
Oversaw administrative, financial matters, membership communication, website, and board travel arrangements
Nominating: Assisted with development of ballots, received ballots, prepared nominee print materials
Staff: Per my 2008 performance goals, have investigated and made recommendations for employee retention to include a $400 per month health insurance reimbursement. In the proposed 2009 budget to the finance committee, I included a fourth staff position. This position was not recommended for funding. I have made concessions to revise the position description for the Membership Director to become the Marketing and Membership Director at a higher salary.
Items in Process:
1. Revamp website: Will complete enhancements by 12/31/08
2. Create online bookstore -membership benefit and revenue source
3. APM being formatted and finalized
4. Revising conference policies to include PG & D, local conference committee and more
5. National office taking lead for Charity University
6. National office taking lead for Speakers Bureau
7. Working towards 2008 Performance Goals and Strategic Plan
8. Reviewing possibility of not utilizing a third-party source for conference hotel contracts
Charity Channel Alliance
Grants Station Alliance
Chapter Manual
State Representative Manual
NJ Chapter Bylaws
Chapter Bylaws
2011 Annual Conference Location
Chapter Affiliate Agreement
Performance Goals Status Report:
· Ensured implementation of Marketing Plan by contracting with Consultant.
· Prepared State of the Association report for the October 2008 board meeting.
· Implemented an intern program
· Engaged a small group of volunteers
· Affiliates-Assisted with coordination of MOU’s.
· Maintained national office
· Working towards finalization of website
· Completed Chapter and State Representative Manuals
· Working towards finalization of complete Policy and Procedure Manual
· Completed Employee Handbook
· Explored employee retention practices to include health insurance benefits
· Increased membership benefits
· Implemented CharityUniversity classes
· Working towards Speakers Bureau program
· Will perform staff evaluations by November 30, 2008
· Staff participated in professional development opportunities
· Identified problem areas and issues and presented recommendations to the Executive Committee
· Increase attendance to between 500 and 600. This goal was not met. Expected attendance will be 400 persons in 2008. A large amount of marketing was utilized, to no avail.
· Increase cash sponsorships 10% over 2007 to $26,400. This goal was not met. The cash sponsorship for 2008 is $13,000.
· Increase the number of paid exhibitors to be in the range of six to ten companies. Met. We have 8 paid companies in 2008.
· Explore outsourcing of exhibitor and sponsor and registration. Goal met-we have outsourced this activity.
· Assign a staff liaison to oversee the conference workshops. This was implemented in 2008.
· Increase membership with a goal of 1,575. Current membership is 1,600.
· Implemented a lapsed renewal plan.
· Met projected budget.
· Monthly financials completed timely every month and forwarded to President and Treasurer.
· Oversaw the planning of the annual meeting.
· Schedule board development activities at each board meeting. This goal was not met. The length of the 2008 board meetings were decreased in an effort to reduce expenses and in conjunction with the board becoming closer to a truly governance board.
· Attended one professional development sessions
· Drafted 2009 performance goals
· Scheduled to sit for CAE exam on 12/5/08
VII. Conference Update and Logistics
Everybody has received their assignments
Adjourn at 9pm
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Breakfast 7:30 to 8:00 am
Board Meeting continued 8:00 am to 12:00
Call to Order at 8:10am
Danny Blitch
VIII. Old Business
National Office Recommendations:
Page 27
Motion – AAGP enter alliance with GrantStation. Vertz/Butler. No discussion. Passed unanimous. Individual vote. Will start Jan 1 for all existing members.
Motion – Approve Chapter Affiliate Agreement. Vertz/Butler. No discussion. Passed unanimous.
Motion – Approve revised chapter by-laws. Vertz/Sarkiss. No discussion. Passed unanimous.
Motion – Approve NJ by-law changes. Vertz/Sarkiss. Discussion: Parker feels this is an operational issue and not something the national board should be dealing with. Sarkiss explained that national by-laws say any chapter by-law changes must receive board approval. Sarkiss suggests we send this to national by-laws committee for review. Should go to Chapter Advisory Task Force. Vote: Butler, Parker, Turner abstain. Motion passes.
Motion – approve updated State Rep manual and chapter manual. Vertz/Sarkiss. No discussion. Passed unanimous.
State of the Association Report:
Visited chapters – Vertz will start quarterly call with Chapter presidents to give them updates
Chapter Advisory Task Force created Chapter toolkit to help chapters form and to give them guidance
Over 1,600 active members
Large office with room for 7 staff
24 State Reps
Marketing efforts are going forward. Website being revamped.
Vision – implement 2009 action plan, be fiscally responsible in uncertain economic times, membership growth not forecasted, increase online presence, hold more webinars. Increase membership retention.
Executive Committee Report and Recommendations
Research and Authority – Motion to dissolve this committee. Hartigan/. Discussion: Hartigan read letter from Amy Lambourgh. This is not something coming from the committee but is a motion brought forth by Hartigan. Journal is such a big task it needs to have its own focus. Need a more defined job but the function must remain. Hartigan feels they can each stand alone and break them into two committees. There is too much to do and the journal should be separate. Need a committee to focus on gov’t relations, licensing issues, research topics. Hartigan suggests creating an Authority Task Force, headed by Vertz, to lead that charge. Sarkiss suggests having Vertz drop working for affiliates and focus on Authority
Amended motion - Dissolve RandA, create one committee for the journal and create one committee for Authority to deal with issues. Hartigan/Pearl. Passed unanimous.
Michael Wells joined as guest (10am).
Committees Requiring Action/Requesting Feedback
Motion – to have somebody else, other than Secretary, take minutes at face-to-face board meetings. Pearl/Hartigan
Discussion: Vertz thought it was a good idea and suggested the Office Coord would take minutes. Hartigan spoke with other boards and most have staff taking notes. What would happen if an issue came up regarding staff that the board needed to discuss? Should the staff take notes during Exec Committee too? Secretary cannot participate fully in board meetings b/c of note taking responsibilities. Sarkiss suggests inviting local chapter at conf site to take minutes. Passed unanimous.
IX. Foundation Update
Danny Blitch, President of Foundation provided update. In DC, fundraising program was
launched, three scholarships for conference were given. This year, six scholarships for
conference were awarded. Reception on Thursday being hosted by Foundation. Every
chapter challenge in 2008. 9 on board, 15 is max. Many board members have fundraising experience. Can donate online. Set-up website. Filed all reports for IRS and to adhere to AAGP MOU.