Occidental College

Introductory Period Performance
Appraisal for 2016
Employee: /
A# / Hire Date:
Period of Appraisal: / Supervisor:
Job Title: / Department:

Instructions: The purpose of the performance appraisal is to give an employee feedback on the performance of the job responsibilities, to establish goals for future performance, and to document the fact that the appraisal has taken place. The supervisor should rate the performance of each essential function of the position, as well as expected work behaviors, based on the rating factors shown below. In addition, comments should be included to expand on the ratings given. Additional sheets may be attached as appropriate.

Rating Factors:

Level 5

(E) ExceptionalThis rating occurs infrequently and acknowledges the following achievements: work performance that far exceeded expectations this year due to exceptional quality in all essential areas of responsibility.

Level 4

(EE) Exceeds expectationsWork performance consistently exceeds expectations. Demonstrates very high level performance in all areas of responsibility.

Level 3

(SME) Successfully meets expectations Solid performance that consistently fulfills expectations and at times may exceed expectations. A fully successful employee consistently meets expectations within specified time, understands and supports College-wide goals and priorities.

Level 2

(I) Improvement needed Performance needs improvement. Performance does not consistently meet expectations. Plan for corrective action should be developed.

Level 1

(U) UnsatisfactoryPerformance is consistently below expectations, and/or has failed to make reasonable progress. Significant improvement is needed and a timeline will need to be established.



Job Functions

Performance Behaviors
Communication Skills – Establishes rapport and displays good listening skills; Written and oral information is clearly conveyed to others. Establishes and maintains positive working relationships with others; treats all persons with dignity, courtesy and respect in a service oriented manner.
Work Habits – Effective organization skills, use of time and equipment, materials and resources; Dependable, prompt, adheres to work schedule and deadlines, complies with College policies and procedures. Sets priorities and establishes specific goals/objectives and formulates plans to achieve them. Comments:
Initiative and Adaptability – Shows initiative in work activity and making work improvements, using good judgment, identifying and correcting errors. Assesses issues objectively, developing solutions or alternatives with others. Able to adapt and adjust quickly to new technology and/or changes in the work place.
Workplace Safety – Promotes safety in the workplace by encouraging safe work practices by employees within the work area; reporting unsafe conditions; and taking action to address and/or prevent on-the-job injuries in a manner consistent with College policies, and state and federal regulations.
Supervisory Skills – Effective coaching and training skills; completes and maintains performance appraisals and other employee-related documentation in a timely and effective manner; maintains appropriate confidentiality; applies consistent treatment in accordance with College policies; consults Human Resources as appropriate.
Overall Rating / Overall Performance
Overall Employee Performance:
Should this employee be continued in this position? Yes___ No___
Overall Comments:

Complete the Goals and Development Sheet with the employee during the Appraisal Meeting and attach it to this appraisal form for the employee’s personnel record. The employee is encouraged to include comments in the space provided below:

Employee Comments:

This appraisal was discussed with the employee on : ______



Supervisor’s Signature Date

Employee’s SignatureDateDepartment Head’s SignatureDate

Vice President/Dean’s SignatureDateDirector of Human Resources Date