405 Main Street

Middlefield, Connecticut 06455

Minutes of the January 8, 2015 Regular Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:17 pm.



X / Irish, Jim / A / Brayshaw, Jon
X / Lowry, David / A / Geruch, Joe
X / Malcolm, Alice
A / Nick, Joel
X / Wolak, Mary
X / Yamartino, Bob



Approval of the Agenda

Bob Yamartino reviewed the agenda. A motion was made and seconded to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Public Comment

Marianne Corona mentioned that she didn’t believe “Old Business” can be on the agenda without any details. Ms. Corona was present tonight to remind the Board that grants are available from DEEP and applications are due on March 1st. She mentioned that there are workshops available and she encouraged members to attend. Ms. Corona also asked what happened to the grant applications for the fire department and it was explained that that information had been forwarded to Pete Tyc. There was lengthy discussion about grants and their economic benefit.

Middlefield Board of Finance Minutes

January 8, 2015

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Ed Bailey also mentioned open space and asked for that to be considered in the next budget season. He also wanted to make two comments regarding the cell tower issue. The Board of Selectmen is looking for guidance on the issue of the cell tower due to the very difficult mathematic formula involved. Mr. Bailey stated that on the upside, selling it would eliminate any future risk. Bob Yamartino explained that the Town may be selling the lease, but not the property and went on to explain the possible scenarios with the cell tower. Mr. Bailey also commented that if the Town receives revenue from this, his suggestion would be to put any large sum of funds into the capital account and ongoing revenue towards offsetting tax collections.

Ed Bailey also mentioned that the Board of Selectmen is bringing forward a Charter Revision Commission that will meet soon. He suggested that the Board of Finance come up with a recommendation for the Charter Revision Commission regarding the budgeting process. There was some discussion regarding the budgeting process and what actually belongs in the Town Charter; of particular interest was the amount of the contingency fund.

Marianne Corona commented that the State will be demanding the towns standardize their budgets and also reminded the Board that the Capital Improvement Committee was a big help to the Board of Finance in the past.

Bob Yamartino stated that the Board has been working hard on capital, but still needs to better understand the roads and road improvements as well as the buildings and building infrastructure. One suggestion was to hire someone to do an asset management plan for the buildings and infrastructure and could also be done for the roads as well.

The Board agreed to move the discussion about the cell tower to this point in the meeting.

Old Business

1.Cell Tower Proposal

Bob Yamartino gave a quick overview of the Board’s intentions with the cell tower.

Chuck Bruttomesso from Unison reviewed the criteria he received from Joe Geruch. Three companies have submitted bids. Mr. Bruttomesso feels that shorter terms are better for the town. Unison proposes buying out the lease for $425,000 up-front and a term of 30 years as opposed to 50 with revenue sharing in 10 years. He asked the Board to keep in mind that the tower currently grosses between $7,500 and $9,000, with a net of about $5,600. If any additional carriers are added, the town gets 70 percent of that revenue as well. It is unlikely that any new carriers will be added in the next three to five years.

Mr. Bruttomesso also explained that Metro PCS was recently purchased by T-Mobile and they have already disconnected almost 85 percent of the Metro PCS sites. Right now, the closest T-Mobile site is 1.56 miles northeast. Bob Yamartino mentioned that he heard that T-Mobile is in ongoing negotiations with Comcast. Discussion continued about Comcast and their current services.

Middlefield Board of Finance Minutes

January 8, 2015

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With technology remaining the same and the tower continuing to have the existing three carriers and the town’s communications, there is room for maybe one more carrier. Chuck Bruttomesso also explained some new technology that is being developed.

2.Cell Tower Proposal Discussion

Bob Yamartino reviewed the offers from the different companies and explained that the Board preferred to get a percentage of the revenue, rather than a flat rate. Mr. Yamartino has asked Joe Geruch to review the numbers. Ed Bailey commented that no specific numbers or specific proposals have been discussed at the Board of Selectmen’s meetings. Mr. Bailey also confirmed that there was no intention to sell the property, just the lease.

Bob Yamartino asked Jon Brayshaw what the next steps would be and Mr. Brayshaw had stated that he would like the Board of Finance to actually pick the vendor and make a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen after getting some public comment. The Board then agreed to hold a special meeting on January 22, 2015 to discuss the proposals on the cell tower. The Board can then make a decision and prepare a presentation for the public.

Approval of Minutes

Dave Lowry was concerned that there was too much detail in the minutes regarding the cell tower negotiations and that the general public may get confused. Bob Yamartino suggested that the minutes could be approved with just a summary of the cell tower information. Discussion followed about the contents of minutes. Dave Lowry will prepare an introductory paragraph to put in the minutes and they will be discussed at the next meeting. Ed Bailey suggested that the Board ask for future minutes to be summarized when they are having a workshop type of situation.

Review of YTD Spending vs. Budget

The Board reviewed the issue of the State Police and the constable and should be hearing greater detail at the next meeting. Discussion continued on the Board’s ability to transfer monies and possible changes that could be made to the Charter.

Bob Yamartino explained that the Building Inspector line item is over by approximately $6,000. Ed Bailey commented that the current Building Inspector has asked for extended medical leave and the Town is paying an outside building inspector specifically for Powder Ridge. The Town has also hired Jerry Russ as the Acting Building Inspector and he is getting paid by the hour. There was then discussion about sick days and vacation time and what is allowed to be carried over.

Moving through the remainder of the budget, maintenance of vehicles remains high. Private duty wages are high, but the Town does get reimbursed for those.

Middlefield Board of Finance Minutes

January 8, 2015

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Old Business

2.2014-2015 Board of Finance Major Objectives

Bob Yamartino suggested that the major objectives be held off until next month.

3.Emergency Services Communication Equipment

Bob Yamartino explained that there should be a proposal made at the February meeting.

4.Board/Commission Liaison Reports

A question was brought up about the Director of the Library and the fact that she doesn’t seem to be there.

Executive Session

A motion was made, and seconded, to move into executive session. Motion was carried unanimously and the Board went into executive session at 9:20 pm.

The Board returned from executive session at 10:02 pm. There was discussion of the Emergency Management Position, as requested by the First Selectman. A motion was by then made Jim Irish, seconded by Mary Wolak, to provide a stipend increase to the amount of $6,100 per year to the Emergency Management Director (which would equate to a prorated stipend for the 2014-2015 fiscal year of $1,000) and to have detailed job responsibilities provided to the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance. Motion was carried unanimously.


A motion was made by Dave Lowry, seconded by Mary Wolak, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 10:08 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Debi Waz

Debi Waz

Alwaz First