York Mills CI – HSB 4U – Challenge and Change in Society Page 2 of 2

SUMMARY OF COURSE OF STUDY – Challenge and Change in Society

Semester 1, 2014/2015

Teacher: Ms. R. Gluskin

Code: HSB 4U

Textbook: Bain, C., et al. (2002). Transitions in society: the challenge of change. Toronto:

Oxford University Press. (Replacement cost: $76.00)

Course Outline Note: each unit contains days devoted to the course culminating activity (CCA).

Unit # / Unit Title / Content Description / Time Lines
1 / Social Change / -  Intro to social sciences
-  Social deviance
-  What is social change
-  APS theories on social change
-  Forces that influence social change / 32 classes
1a / Technology and Globalization / -  Technology & social change
-  Globalization / 26 classes
2 / Social Patterns and Trends / -  Baby boom & echo boom (GenY)
-  Fertility trends / 22 classes
3 / Social Challenges / -  Discrimination / 7 classes

Learning Skills

Learning skills are reported separately from the course mark on the report card. It is important for students to practise these skills as they will help to improve the course mark.

Ø  Responsibility (fulfils responsibilities and commitments; completes and submits class work, homework, and assignments on time; takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour)

Ø  Organization (devises and follows a plan and process for completing work and tasks; establishes priorities and manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals; identifies, gathers, evaluates, and uses information, technology, and resources to complete tasks)

Ø  Independent Work (independently monitors, assesses, and revises plans to complete tasks and meet goals; uses class time appropriately to complete tasks; follows instructions with minimal supervision)

Ø  Collaboration (accepts various roles and an equitable share of work in a group; responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values, and traditions of others; builds healthy peer-to-peer relationships; works with others to resolve conflicts; shares information, resources, and expertise and promotes critical thinking to solve problems and make decisions)

Ø  Initiative (looks for and acts on new ideas and opportunities for learning; demonstrates the capacity for innovation and a willingness to take risks; demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning; approaches new tasks with a positive attitude; recognizes and advocates appropriately for the rights of self and others)

Ø  Self Regulation (sets own individual goals and monitors progress towards achieving them; seeks clarification or assistance when needed; assesses and reflects critically on own strengths, needs, and interests; identifies learning opportunities, choices, and strategies to meet personal needs and achieve goals; perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges)

Achievement Chart:

York Mills CI – HSB 4U – Challenge and Change in Society Page 2 of 2

70% Coursework: (see Summative Plan for details)

Knowledge (K) / 25%
Thinking (T) / 25%
Application (A) / 25%
Communication (C) / 25%

30% Summative: (at the end of the course)

Essay / 15%
Exam / 15%

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Ø  Students may ask the teacher for an appointment any time for extra help.

Ø  Please take advantage of extra help if you are having difficulty with the reading, studying for tests, doing assignments, etc. It is especially important to clarify your understanding of instructions if you have any doubts.

Ø  If you want to speak to the teacher about a mark, please follow the instructions in your Student Agenda (planner). Please plan a specific question. Do not simply complain about your mark in general.

Ø  Computer Marks: the teacher will email marks to students and parents/guardians.

Ø  Students and parents/guardians may phone the Social Studies office: 416-395-3340 ext. 20139. A message must be addressed to Ms. Gluskin specifically at the 20139 extension in addition to phoning in the absence to the main office.

Ø  Students and parents/guardians may email the teacher: (please note that the teacher will NOT accept assignments by email).

Ø  The teacher’s blog is located at: gluskin.ca

Summative Plan – HSB 4U – Challenge and Change in Society (CCA = Course Culminating Activity)

Item / Achievement Categories / Due Date
Unit 1
Chapter 1 Quiz / K / Thurs. Sept. 11
Social Science Observation Field Research / Formative / Tues. Sept. 16
Chapter 1a Quiz / K / Thurs. Sept. 18
Chapter 2 Quiz / K / Mon. Sept. 29
Social Change Assignment / T, A, C / Thurs. Oct. 2
Unit 1 Test / A / Tues. Oct. 14
Chapter 3 Quiz / K / Wed. Oct. 15
CCA CRAAP Test / T / Fri. Oct. 17
Environmental Behaviour Modification Assignment / A, C / Wed. Oct. 22
CCA Proposal, Part 1 / T / Fri. Oct. 24
Unit 1a
Chapter 4 Quiz / K, A / Tues. Nov. 4
CCA Proposal, Part 2 / T / Fri. Nov. 7
Unit 1a Test / A / Fri. Nov. 21
Chapter 10 Quiz / K, / Mon. Nov. 24
CCA Annotated Bibliography / T, A, C / Tues. Nov. 25
Unit 2
Gen Y Demography Assignment / T, A, C / Tues. Dec. 2
Chapter 5 Quiz / K, / Tues. Dec. 9
CCA Outline / T, A / Mon. Dec. 15
Scattergraphs / C / Thurs. Jan 8
Chapter 6 Quiz / K / Thurs. Jan. 8
CCA Essay Editing Checklist and Draft / C / Fri. Jan. 9
Unit 3
CCA Essay / K, T, A, C / Wed. Jan. 14
Course Culminating Activity and Exam
CCA Essay / K, T, A, C / Wed. Jan. 14
Exam / K, T, A / TBA

Students and Parents – Please Read and Note Policies

Academic Integrity

Plagiarism, which comes from the Latin word for “kidnapper” (TDSB Library and Learning Resources Independent Study Guide, 3rd Edition) is a form of academic cheating and is a very serious matter. It occurs when a writer, presenter or performer uses the major ideas, interpretations, analysis, statistics, findings, or conclusions of others in his/her work without acknowledging the source. Whether the work of others is copied verbatim (word for word) or paraphrased without the sources being acknowledged, plagiarism has occurred. An assignment in which plagiarism is identified will receive a mark of zero. There will be no opportunity to resubmit or make up the assignment in which the offence occurred. Parents will be notified, a suspension may occur and the student’s name will be entered into the Plagiarism Register at York Mills CI. A subsequent offence in the same course will result in the removal from the course and/or suspension from school.


To experience success at York Mills, regular, punctual attendance is expected.


Studies show that students who review class work at the end of each day retain significantly more information than those who don’t! It is useful to establish a regular home study routine. Failure to complete homework assignments will likely result in lower grades as homework provides the opportunity to practice new skills and to receive immediate feedback from the teacher.

Assignments and Tests

Assignments must be completed on time. If you are away due to illness on a day that a test or assignment is due, your parent or guardian is expected to call YOUR TEACHER to notify them (see “Communication”). If you have a legitimate appointment, field trip or sports event on the day that a test or assignment is due, you are expected to make arrangements with your teacher IN ADVANCE of the due date. Note that all assignments will have a due date after which the assignment is considered to be late. Assignments will also have a date established after which they will not be accepted. Marks may be taken off for late work if other avenues have been exhausted.