Taylor County Elementary
3-5 Physical Education Pacing Guide/Curriculum Map
Time Frame / Unit Title / State Standards / Unit/Lesson Objectives / Student Engaged Activities / Unit/Lesson Assessment / Connected VocabularyAugust / Focus on Fitness:
Fitness Circuits
Spotlight on Skills:
Cooperatives / -identify and explain health benefits that result from regular participation in physical activity
-explain the meaning of the FITT principle as it relates to fitness
-describe and demonstrate the health related fitness components
-demonstrate appropriate behaviors of sportsmanship, cooperation, teamwork, and conflict resolution / Students will learn...
-the 5 fitness components (muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, aerobic capacity, & body composition)
-FITT principles (frequency, intensity, type, and time)
-relationship building and communication skills
-cooperation, encouragement, trust, and teamwork / 1. Aerobic Capacity Circuit
2. Muscular Strength and Endurance Circuit
3. Flexibility Circuit
4. Body Composition Circuit
5. Mixed Fitness Circuit
6. Fitness Grids
1. Workout Buddies
2. Have You Ever?
3. Twist and Turn/Bend and Stretch
4. Hog Call
5. Designated Driver
6. Group Juggling
7. Houdini Hoops
8. Stick With Me
9. Stepping Stones
10. Log Jam
11. Beat the Clock
12. Pass It Around / *Flashback/Exit Slip
*Performance Rubric
*Student self-assessment
*Journal Writes
*Standard Tests/Quizzes / Muscular Strength
& Endurance
Body Composition
Fitness Components
September / Focus on Fitness:
Chasing and Fleeing
Spotlight on Skills:
Flying Disc / -investigate personal skill proficiency through a variety of tasks and explain why some skills are more developed than others
-explore a variety of physical activities in order to determine like and dislikes of games, sports, and other activities / Students will learn...
-proper running form and technique
-proper breathing habits when exercising
-chasing, fleeing, and spatial awareness skills
-fundamental skills of throwing (for accuracy and distance)
-fundamental skills for catching (1 hand & 2 hand)
-offense and defense principles / 1. Basic Tag
2. Elbow Tag
3. Tunnel Tag
4. Side by Side Tag
5. Addition Tag
6. Hospital Tag
7. Partner Tag
8. Rock Paper Scissors Tag
1. Target Throw
2. Pass and Follow
3. Corner to Corner Give and Go
4. Hoop to Hoop
5. 5-Player Flying Disc Throw and Run
6. Flying Disc Golf
7. Keep Away 3 on 1
8. Flying Disc 3-catch game / *Flashback/Exit Slip
*Performance Rubric
*Student self-assessment
*Journal Writes
*Standard Tests/Quizzes / Running Technique
Breathing Technique
October / Focus on Fitness:
Map Challenges
Spotlight on Skills:
Volleyball / -demonstrate a variety of locomotor and combination skills in a movement pattern
-develop manipulative skills of throwing, catching, kicking, and striking, while developing motor skills for use in games and other activities that lead to more complex sports (volleyball) / Students will learn...
-walking, jogging, and running form
-heart rate/metabolic rate and resting heart rate
-forearm pass, overhead pass, and underhand service
-bump, set, spike fundamentals
-communication skills / 1. Moving around the track (counting laps)
2. Moving around the track (counting minutes)
3. Moving for time
1. Forearm 21
2. Cooperative Countdown
3. Crossover
4. Serving Challenges
5. Serving Shower
6. Mini-Volleyball
7. 4-Square Volleyball
8. Volleyball Tag Team Traveling Challenge
9. Volleyball Stations / *Flashback/Exit Slip
*Performance Rubric
*Student self-assessment
*Journal Writes
*Standard Tests/Quizzes / Resting Heart Rate
Metabolic Rate
Heart Rate
Beats per Minute
Forearm Pass
Overhead Pass
November / Focus on Fitness:
Movement Bands
Spotlight on Skills:
Basketball / -demonstrate a variety of non-locomotor, locomotor, and combination skills while participating in different games and sports
-explain how rules of play and sportsmanship for spectators and participants during games and/or activities make them safe and enjoyable / Students will learn…
-Different jumping exercises/activities
-Eye-Foot Coordination skills
-Rhythm jumping
-Aerobic Capacity & Muscular Endurance
-Dribbling skills (R & L hand)
-Ball Handling skills
-Passing (chest, bounce, overhead)
-Shooting Fundamentals / 1. Intro to Movement Bands
2. Movement Band Circuit
3. Add On
4. Lucky Guess (Ind./Group
5. Movement Band Circuit
6. Create a Routine
1. Ball Handling, Dribbling, Passing, & Shooting Drills
2. Pass & Follow
3. Keep Away
5. Add ‘Em Up
6. Around the Court
7. Mini-Basketball / *Flashback/Exit Slip
*Performance Rubric
*Student self-assessment
*Journal Writes
*Standard Tests/Quizzes / Coordination
Aerobic Capacity
Muscular Endurance
Chest Pass
Bounce Pass
Overhead Pass
December / Focus on Fitness:
Jump Rope
Spotlight on Skills:
(Review & Assessment) / -use non-locomotor, locomotor and combination skills to demonstrate movements in creative sequences and in simple patterned dances, games, and activities
-demonstrate and explain how movement patterns are influenced by space, force and time / Students will learn…
-aerobic capacity, muscular endurance, & body composition
-a variety of jumps & jumping styles
-self expression
-rhythmic and movement skills
-social and personal skills
-cooperation and teamwork in pairs, groups, or whole class / 1. Intro to Jump Rope
2. Jump the Circuit
3. Jump Wheel
4. Mirror, Mirror
5. Group Estimation
6. Jump the Circuit
7. Jump Rope Add-on
8. Jumping Color Tag
1. California Strut
2. Achy Breaky Heart
3. 5-6-7-8
4. Louisiana Saturday Night
5. Jekyll Island Stomp
6. Mambo #5
7. Rocky Top
8. Whomp It Up
9. Hot Time
10. Virginia Reel
11. Cotton Eyed Joe
12. Irish Jig / *Flashback/Exit Slip
*Performance Rubric
*Student self-assessment
*Journal Writes
*Standard Tests/Quizzes / Safety Zone
Double Bounce
Single Bounce
Aerobic Capacity
Muscular Endurance
Body Composition
January / Focus on Fitness:
Aerobic Games
Spotlight on Skills:
Soccer / -develop manipulative skills of throwing, catching, kicking, and striking, while developing motor skills for use in games and other activities that lead to more complex sports (soccer)
-investigate the role of practice for successful participation in physical activity; explain why repeated practice contributes to increased skill development / Students will learn…
-basic motor skills
-movement concepts, principles, & strategies in a high activity format
-aerobic capacity, strength, endurance, & flexibility
-fundamental skills such as ball-handling, dribbling, passing and receiving, shooting, and defending / 1. Builders and Bulldozers
2. Aerobic Bowling
3. Aerobic Golf
4. Hearty Hoopla
5. Centipede Bucket Brigade
6. Track and Field
7. 5-player Kickball
8. Keep Away 2on1
9. 3-Catch Game
10. Capture the Flag
11. Raiders of the Ark
12. Quidditch
1. Ball Control, Dribbling, Passing, & Shooting drills
2. Soccer Hoopla
3. Rainforest
4. Soccer Golf
5. Trap, Pass, and Follow
6. Corner to Corner Give and Go
7. 5-player Kick and Dribble
8. Dribbling Partner Tag
9. Keep Away 3on1
10. Get Your Ball
11. Mini-Soccer / *Flashback/Exit Slip
*Performance Rubric
*Student self-assessment
*Journal Writes
*Standard Tests/Quizzes / Strategies
Aerobic Capacity
February / Focus on Fitness:
Fitness Challenges
Spotlight on Skills:
Football / -develop manipulative skills of throwing, catching, kicking, and striking, while developing motor skills for use in games and other activities that lead to more complex sports (football)
-identify lifetime physical activities that meet requirements for improving fitness / Students will learn…
-promotion of all 5-health related fitness components (aerobic capacity, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition)
-develop fundamental skills such as throwing/receiving, ball carrying, flag pulling, punting, and pitching / 1. Solo Aerobic Fitness
2. Partner Aerobic Fitness
3. Partner Muscular Strength and Endurance
4. Fun and Flexibility w/ a friend
5. Body Composition BINGO
6. Partner Mixed Fitness
7. Survivor Challenge
8. Fitness Grab Bag
1. Passing/Receiving, Ball Carrying, Flag Pulling, Pitching, & Punting drills
2. Air it Out
3. Air Assault
4. Football Golf
5. Center-pede
6. 2-minute drill
7. Under Pressure
8. 4-zone Football
9. Quick Play Mini Football / *Flashback/Exit Slip
*Performance Rubric
*Student self-assessment
*Journal Writes
*Standard Tests/Quizzes / Aerobic Capacity Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Flexibility
Body Composition
March / Focus on Fitness:
Spotlight on Skills:
Softball / -explore a variety of physical activities in order to determine like and dislikes of games, sports, and other activities
-develop manipulative skills of throwing, catching, kicking, and striking, while developing motor skills for use in games and other activities that lead to more complex sports (softball) / Students will learn...
-a variety of walking, jogging, running activities for enjoyment
-different motor skills
-partner and group cooperation strategies
-developmental fundamentals such as throwing and catching, fielding, baserunning, underhand pitching, and batting / 1. Partner Throw and Catch, Ground Ball, Pitch and Catch, and Batting practice drills
2. Out at Home
3. Corner to Corner Give and Go
4. Triangle Fielding
5. Pickle
6. Beat the Ball
7. 5-player Throw/Hit and Run
8. Whack-O
9. All Run Softball
10. Open Base
1. The Snake
2. Pass the Hat
3. Figure 8 Walk/Jog
4. Walk/Run Switcheroo
5. Tag Team Traveling Challenge
6. Number Run
7. Cat and Mouse
8. Roll the Dice
9. Alphabet Run
10. Agility Run / *Flashback/Exit Slip
*Performance Rubric
*Student self-assessment
*Journal Writes
*Standard Tests/Quizzes / Batter
Hand-Eye Coord.
April / Presidential Physical Fitness / -willingly try new activities
-describe and demonstrate the health related fitness components
-describe how physical activity is related to emotion/mental health / Students will learn...
-testing techniques and activities that promote fitness
-why staying active is important
-how to promote a healthy active lifestyle to carry with them throughout life
-how to measure/test your fitness levels / 1. Curl Ups
2. Shuttle Run
3. Endurance Walk/Run
4. Pull Ups
5. Push Ups
6. Flexed Arm Hang
7. Sit & Reach
8. Calculating BMI / *Flashback/Exit Slip
*Performance Rubric
*Student self-assessment
*Journal Writes
*Standard Tests/Quizzes / Health
Healthy Lifestyle
Active Lifestyle
May / Recess Activities/
Track & Field
(Review & Assessment) / -willingly try new activities
-identify lifetime physical activities that meet requirements for improving fitness
-demonstrate appropriate behaviors of sportsmanship, cooperation, teamwork, and conflict resolution
-participate in physical activity during and after school
-when participating in a variety of physical activities: explain the need for rules in social settings and recognize and use appropriate safety principles, rules, procedures, and etiquette / Students will learn...
-that recess activities/game play can provide them with healthy, active, unstructured playtime to release energy and stress that can facilitate attention in the classroom and decrease disruptive behavior
-develop enjoyment for movement, respect for rules, and how to develop and maintain friendships / 1. Partner Tag
2. Double Tag
3. Flag Tag
4. Triangle Tag
5. 4-Corner Scramble
6. Straddleball
7. 2-Square
8. Wallball
9. Kickback
10. Tetherball
11. 3 Flies Up
12. 3-Catch Game
13. Hoop It Up
2. Track and Field! / *Flashback/Exit Slip
*Performance Rubric
*Student self-assessment
*Journal Writes
*Standard Tests/Quizzes / Cooperation