PE and Sports Grant
The government is providing additional funding of £150 million per annum for academic years 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools.This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport – has been allocated to Primary Schools.
This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE, physical activity and sport in schools.
Purpose of funding
Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but schools have been given the freedom to choose how they do this.
Dimple Well Infant school has decided to use the money to:
· employ our PE coordinator to work alongside our teachers when teaching PE in order to strengthen teaching and learning in this subject across school
· support and engage the least active children in physical activities
· pay for professional development opportunities for teachers in PE and sport
· increase pupils’ participation in the sports and physical activities
· provide places for pupils on after school sports clubs
· improve resources to a support the development of the subject
Sports Grant Report 2013-14
Grant received - £8,440Total number of FT pupils on role / 135
Total number of PT pupils on role / 36 Sept (52 Jan 64 April)
Summary of Grant spending 2013-14
· To effectively use the Sports Grant to raise the profile and outcomes for children in PE, Sport and physical activity across school
Planned spending record 2013-14
Objective / Activity / Cost
1. To increase high quality PE teaching and learning throughout whole school through team teaching coaching / PE coordinator & class teacher work together to plan and delivers high quality PE lessons / ½ day supply per week X 39 weeks =
Subsidise with £1052 from Extended Schools
2. Evaluate different PE schemes of work and purchase one that best suits needs of children at Dimple Well / PE coordinator orders evaluation copies of PE scheme for staff to look at.
Staff agree on which scheme or schemes to be purchased / PE Scheme £500
3. PE coordinator to research new ideas for PE/Sport and physical activity / Research good practice and collaborate with another infant school / ½ day release and coordinator time
4. Expand the range of after school clubs available to children / Incorporate Netball, cricket, Zumbatonics, and Taekwondo into clubs offered throughout the year
5. Offer subsidised after school club places to all children and free places to identified groups / Monitor take up of clubs (gender, SEN, Pupil Premium, vulnerable, EAL) / Subsidy £500 from Extended Schools and/or Pupil Premium
6. Increase physical activity at lunchtime / Play leader to lead Fit Bod activities every lunchtime and PE coordinator 1 playtime per week / Play leaders wage £1944
7. Audit PE equipment both for PE/Sport and physical activities in the playground. / Replenish/ replace equipment / £2,000
Evaluation of impact
Grant received - £8,440Total number of FT pupils on role / 135
Total number of PT pupils on role / 36 Sept (52 Jan 64 April)
Impact of spending 2013-14
Objective / Impact / Cost
1. To increase high quality PE teaching and learning throughout whole school through team teaching coaching / PE coordinator & class teachers worked together to plan and deliver high quality PE lessons. Teachers explored new ways of working, observed outstanding practice and are more confident to incorporate these into their weekly PE lessons. PE coordinator to observe on return from Maternity leave Summer term 2015 / ½ day supply per week X 39 weeks =
Subsidise with £1052 from Extended Schools
Actual costs - £3,395 + £1052 = £,4447
2. Evaluate different PE schemes of work and purchase one that best suits needs of children at Dimple Well / PE coordinator purchased copies of new PE scheme for staff to use and incorporate into existing scheme of work.
Medium term plans in place to reflect new schemes. / PE Scheme £500
Actual costs - £500
3. PE coordinator to research new ideas for PE/Sport and physical activity / PE coordinator had 2 meetings with PE coordinator at local infant school. Shared good practice and utilised ideas and information form research into lessons observed by staff and scheme of work / ½ day release and coordinator time
(included under No 1)
4. Expand the range of after school clubs available to children / Incorporate Netball, cricket, Zumbatonics, football and Taekwondo into clubs offered throughout the year
5. Offer subsidised after school club places to all children and free places to identified groups / Free places offerd to Pupil Premium, vulnerable and Special Needs pupils.
SEN – offered but not taken up places will reconsider each half term (1 to start football after xmas)
PP – 15 places offered – 5 taken up sporting clubs, 3 other clubs (UF children offered but not taken up). Reviewed half termly / Subsidy £500 from Extended Schools and/or Pupil Premium
6. Increase physical activity at lunchtime / Fit Bod activities offered daily. Take up varies depending upon the activity on offer. Popular with group who attend regularly and is a good support for the development of their social skills as well as their physical activity. / Play leaders wage £1944
Actual £2,390
7. Audit PE equipment both for PE/Sport and physical activities in the playground. / Replaced and replenished on a regular basis / £2,000
Actual £2155
Balance £00.00
Sports Grant Report 2014-15
Grant received - £5,379 + £3,500 (£8,879)Total number of FT pupils on role / 135
Total number of PT pupils on role / 51 Sept (52 Nov, 64 April)
Summary of Grant spending 2014-15
· To effectively use the Sports Grant to raise the profile and outcomes for children in PE, Sport and physical activity across school
Planned spending record 2014-15
Objective / Activity / Cost
1. Continue to expand the range of after school clubs available to children / Incorporate Netball, cricket, Zumbatonics, archery, gymnastics and Taekwondo into clubs offered throughout the year
2. Offer subsidised after school club places to all children and free places to identified groups / Monitor take up of clubs (gender, SEN, Pupil Premium, vulnerable, EAL) / £500
3. Increase physical activity at lunchtime / Play leader to lead Fit Bod activities every lunchtime / Play leaders wage £2,500
4. Offer Inter-School competitions for Year 1 and Year 2 pupils / All Yr 2 participate in multi-skills competition, all Yr 1 participate in dodge ball competition against other children in EOCT schools / £100.00
5. Provide challenging climbing and physical activity equipment for Nursery children / Research climbing apparatus (clamber stack) and physical activity equipment (trip trail) suitable for Nursery children. Purchase and install equipment. / £5,000
6. Audit PE equipment both for PE/Sport and physical activities in the playground / Replenish and replace equipment / £750
Evaluation of impact
Grant received - £8,222Total number of FT pupils on role / 135
Total number of PT pupils on role / 51 Sept (52 Jan 64 April)
Impact of spending 2014-15
Objective / Impact / Cost
1. Continue to expand the range of after school clubs available to children / Remained with the 4 clubs as reliable, popular with the children and high quality trainers. (netball, football, zumbatonic, taekwondo). Enquired other recommended sports providers but hadn’t got availability. / Football – fees covered
Zumba tonic – fees covered
Taekwando – fees covered
Netball – fees covered
2. Offer subsidised after school club places to all children and free places to identified groups / SEN children offered free place to club and if necessary 1 to 1 support paid for.
2 SEN children attended football
Disadvantaged – all offered 1 free club per term – children take up the offer. 8/11 children attend a club / SEN - £17.50 x 2 children X 6 half terms=£210
1to1 support = £300
Dis - £360
Actual £660
3. Increase physical activity at lunchtime / Fit bod activities on offer every lunchtime. On average between 10 and 20 children choose to join in with the activity on offer. There is a core of children who regularly choose to participate and a further group that changes depending on the activity offered. Positive feedback is provided by the children and they enjoy choosing their favourite game to play on a Friday.
Having a range of activities for the children to choose at lunchtime reduces behaviour issues. / £2500
Actual £2076
4. Offer Inter-School competitions for Year 1 and Year 2 pupils / All year 1 and 2 children took part in an Inter School competition. The year 1 children won the competition and the Year 2 children came third. The children were keen to take part and enjoyed the event. The competition is planned to run again next year / Transport £100
Actual £325
5. Provide challenging climbing and physical activity equipment for Nursery children / Climbing frame installed. Very well used by Nursery children and children are able to progress within the physical development aspect of the curriculum due to them having appropriate equipment to use every day / £5000
Actual £2018
(nursery subsidy £1412 through fund raising)
6. Audit PE equipment both for PE/Sport and physical activities in the playground / Audit resulted in the purchasing of new balls (for PE and for playtime), bean bags (for PE and playtime), / £750
Actual £500
Balance £2643.00 (carried forward)
Sports Grant Report 2015-16
Grant received - £4950 + £3,500 (£8,450)Total number of FT pupils on role / 135
Total number of PT pupils on role / 51 Sept (52 Nov, 64 April)
Summary of Grant spending 2015-16
· To effectively use the Sports Grant to raise the profile and outcomes for children in PE, Sport and physical activity across school
Planned spending record 2015-16
Objective / Activity / Cost
1. Offer subsidised after school club places to all children and free places to identified groups / Monitor take up of clubs (gender, SEN, Pupil Premium, vulnerable, EAL) / £600
3. Increase physical activity at lunchtime / Play leader to lead Fit Bod activities every lunchtime / Play leaders wage £2,500
4. Offer Inter-School competitions for Year 1 and Year 2 pupils / All Yr 2 participate in multi-skills competition, all Yr 1 participate in dodge ball competition against other children in EOCT schools / £350
5. Provide challenging climbing and physical activity equipment for children at playtime and lunchtime / Research climbing apparatus (clamber stack) and physical activity equipment (trim trail) suitable for KS1 children. Purchase and install equipment (subsidised by fund raising). / £4,500 + £2643 (balance from 2014-15) = £7143
6. Audit PE equipment both for PE/Sport and physical activities in the playground / Replenish and replace equipment / £500
Evaluation of impact
Grant received - £8450Total number or FT pupils on role / 135
Total number of PT pupils on role / 52 (64 Jan)
Impact of spending 2015-16
Objective / Impact / Cost
1. Offer subsidised after school club places to all children and free places to identified groups / Monitoring of take up of clubs which has resulted in free places offered to SEN and Pupil Premium – take up 2 SEN, 4 Pupil Premium, 1 vulnerable / £600
Actual £660
3. Increase physical activity at lunchtime / Play leader has lead Fit Bod/physical activities every lunchtime. On average 10 to 20 children join in with the activities. Having a range of activities at lunchtime helps the children to focus and this results in positive play behaviour. / Play leaders wage £2,500
Actual £2540
4. Offer Inter-School competitions for Year 1 and Year 2 pupils / All Yr 1 and Yr 2 children participated in a EOCT organised Potted Sports event at Gawthorpe Academy. The children were transported by coach. It was a very successful event which will be re run again next year. / £350
Actual £325
5. Provide challenging climbing and physical activity equipment for children at playtime and lunchtime / Researched climbing apparatus (clamber stack) and physical activity equipment (trim trail) suitable for KS1 children completed. 3 quotes obtained. With a contribution from next year’s sports funding the project will be ordered for completion October 2016. / £4,500 + £2643 (balance from 2014-15) = £7143
6. Audit PE equipment both for PE/Sport and physical activities in the playground / Replenish and replace equipment / £500
Actual £525
Carry over = £7143 for Trim Trail
Sports Grant Report 2016-17
Grant received - £4955 + £3,500 (£8,455)Total number of FT pupils on role / 150
Total number of PT pupils on role / 52 Sept (64 April)
Summary of Grant spending 2016-17
· To effectively use the Sports Grant to raise the profile and outcomes for children in PE, Sport and physical activity across school
Planned spending record 2016-17
Objective / Activity / Cost
1. Offer subsidised after school club places to all children and free places to identified groups / Monitor take up of clubs (gender, SEN, Pupil Premium, vulnerable, EAL) / £600
3. Increase physical activity at lunchtime / Play leader to lead Fit Bod activities every lunchtime / Play leaders wage £2,600
4. Offer Inter-School competitions for Year 1 and Year 2 pupils / All Yr 2 and Yr 1 children to participate in a Potted Sports Event at Gawthorpe Academy, a competition against other children in EOCT schools / £350