AP World Language General Test Directions

Seating Chart ?

This is a general guide to the test. For precise, step by step, see that languages’ directions step by step instructions (I made Spanish and German/French).

Section I: Part A – 40 Min’s
(Tasks W/O Audio Stimuli)
Section II: Part B – 55 Min’s
(Tasks WITH Audio Stimuli)
LISTENING MODE/ Source Control and play?
10 Min Break
Section II: Part A Task 1– 15 Min’s
(Task 1: Writing / Email Reply)
Section II: Part A Task 2– 55 Min’s
(Task 2: Writing / Persuasive Essay)
Section II: Part B – 18 Min’s
(Tasks 3 & 4: Speaking/all on one track)

All languages follow the same general flow. The main part of the lab that you need to know is this:

  • Run the listening parts in LISTENING COMPREHENSION MODE.

ON Student Console: CD up /Person down (otherwise they hear themselves breathe)

  • Run the recorded speaking parts in ORAL EXAM MODE.

ON Student Console: CD up/Person up


1. PlaceCDinComputerCDplayer-clickCancelorCloseifittriestoOpentheCD in a player (such as Windows Media – instead you will control it through Lab 100).

2. Select:NewSession(soexitthepriorsessionifneeded)

3. Select:AllRemaining

4. UnderSelectActivity:ListeningComprehension

5. UnderAdvanced:No RecordMasterTrack,NoStudentTrack,Yes Sidetone

6. UnderSelectAudio Source: PCAudioCD

7. Select"Controls..."

8. TESTSOUND during the first session:UnderActivities, clickStart.This"should"starttheCD.Ifnot, thenuse theControlspanelabovetoplay.Askstudentstoraisetheirhandiftheycan'thear it­ movethemnowifissues.ClickStop"bluesquare"inthecontrolpanelandthisshould rewinditbacktothebeginningoftrack

AP MODEInstructions: WARNING – ONLY RUN IN THIS MODE FOR THE RECORDED PART / Section II Part B-- Last Tasks (3 & 4)!


  • Any talking in the room or into your microphone will be heard. Once the CD starts, do not say ANYTHING until it is in response to the audio CD.
  • YouwillNOTStart, StoporRecordonyourown.
  • Ignore instruction to press record/pause/stop. Youwillonlydotwothingswiththeconsoleduringtesting...Enteryour AP numberwhen told toandnowsetyourvolume(centerbuttons)allthewayupandadjustafteraudio starts
  • Adjust the "person’s" volume all the way up- see picture of the person on your console.
  • You may adjust the CD volume down, see picture of the "CD” on your console.
  • OncetheCDstarts, youwillnotpressanythingonyourconsole.Justcontinuetolistentothe CD.

Master Speaking CD

  1. PlaceCDinComputerCDplayer-clickCancelorCloseifittriestoOpentheCD in a player (such as Windows Media – instead you will control it through Lab 100).
  2. Click:NewSession(makesureyouareonlyrunningitforthoseinattendance--orelse youwillhavetoputinanIDforemptyseatsanditwillrecordthosetoo--notadvisable. Instructions: Attendance/Absent-Present/click onthoseabsentandthenclose,thenNewSessionandAllRemaining.
  3. UnderSelectActivity: APExam
  4. DonotchangeanythingunderAdvanced-buttonshouldbeinactiveanyway
  5. UnderSelectAudioSource: PCAudioCD
  6. Select:"Controls..."


Announcetostudents:NowyouwillentertheirAPID#,TestAudioandRecord yourAPnumber. This is in the instruction booklet, but not this precise. Find it under “Part B: Speaking (Digital Language Lab)”.

1-Entering Student ID

1. Click:Start(Under theheading: EnteringStudentID)

2.Kidsenterin8digit ID's

3. TheIDsshowuponteacher attendance screen(checkthattheyareallshowingupandgo to those students thathave issues)- Notetodeleteadigit, clickthebottom left button (ofthe 6 below the LCD--- it lookslikearectangle sitting onaline with agap). Press hard if it does not enter the number.

4. ClickStopwhenallIDsappearon screen

5. *** Have students turnupthevolume forboth listening andthemselves (both volume buttons). Adjust the CD down as needed. Person all the way up.

2--- Testing of Audio

1. Click:Sample(Open Controls- playisgreen,blueis stop)

2. Play thefirstfewsecondsofTrack 1of theCD through the control panel(CDPlayeris the heading)

3. Click:StoponControls and say-" Dideveryone hearthe recording?"

4.Resetthetrackback to the beginning ofTrack 1.

3--- Recording their AP Number

1. Click: Record- "My AP #is... " (InEnglish)

2. Click: Stop

3. Click:Replay"Dideveryone heartheir recording? Checkthevolume ofyour voice- is it loud enough?". Thisisthetime to movekids if thesoundisnotOK.Makesure recorded voiceis up alltheway(that isthe“person”). Ifyouhave to movesomeone,youwillhavetostartthe session over. But better nowthangetabad recording.

After this, go back to the book instructions (Break open your orange booklet and begin)


1. Put track all the way back to the beginning.

2. Under the heading- "Exam" Click: Start -- -this starts the recorder.

3. Start Track 1of the CD {it may launch automatically).

4. Write start/stop time on the board.

5. Allow the CD to play completely through until end.

  1. TO PAUSE IN AN EMERGENCY (ONLY if it affects the whole group): click the "play" button in the control panel first and that will pause the CD, then the "pause student recording" button. When ready to resume. Start the student recording, and then click “play” to start the CD again.
  2. If one unit fails: That student is to remain in their seat with their earphones on to block the sound until the proctor can get someone to escort them to the hallway to wait out the session. Then immediately following, they will come in and use a working unit to complete this portion of the test in which case the proctor will start the session over for the speaking part and report this as an irregularity to Jim Andra.

6. Click: Stop

7. Click: Collect - Collect

8. Select: MP3 -Collect

9. BVW defaults these to that teacher's H:Drive- find this out in advance of the test! It does not appear that you can tell it where to save duringthe collection process.

10. Once that is complete, from the teacher station check two things:

  1. You can you hear the APnumber and
  2. You can hear a recorded section sometime within the CD.

Transferring the Files to the CO's

IMMEDIATELY: Make a second copy of all the files (SAFE PLACE- like the Staff Share).

  1. Get the list of names of the student who took the exam with their AP numbers.

2. Change the name of the file with the student name recorded in Sanako to the AP number.

3. Find their CD with the number on it and copy that same number to the CD.

4. Listen to each one and make sure that when they say "My AP number is .... ", that it matches the file name on the CD.