Parents and guardians are reminded that the 2016 Swimming Sports are being held next Thursday, February 18th, from 9.45am to 1.00 pm at the Irymple Swimming Pool. This is a normal school day which students are expected to attend. Immediate families, ie. parents /guardians, brothers, sisters and grandparents are invited to attend and join in a great day of swimming and fun.
To ensure the safety and success of this event, we have informed our students about the arrangements and expectations for the Swimming Sports day. We would appreciate the assistance of parents/ guardians in supporting the following arrangements.
· Students will have form meetings at usual times which will be followed by House Meetings. They will then assemble at the front of the school where they will be walked over to the Irymple Pool with form teachers. The first event is scheduled to start at 9.45 am. The final event will finish at approx. 12.45pm. Presentations will follow the completion of events. Students will then make their way back to school for the remainder of lunch. Normal Gold Thursday timetabled sessions 5 and 6 will operate for the remainder of the day.
· Students can come to school in casual dress as long as it is appropriate sun smart clothing and is in House Colours. Students MUST also come to school in appropriate footwear. Thongs may be brought to school and worn at the pool ONLY! They are NOT to be worn to and from school. Fully enclosed and appropriate footwear must be worn back at school upon our return from the sports. This is particularly important for students who have Technology classes sessions 5 and 6 on the day.
· Only immediate family ie. parents/ brothers/ sisters/ grandparents are allowed to attend. Cousins, friends, girlfriends, boyfriends and ex-students are not able to attend (except those with brothers and/or sisters currently enrolled at school) If students are not sure about who can participate, they are strongly advised to check with the school prior to the day rather than leaving it to the last minute at the pool entrance. Unapproved visitors will be refused entry.
· Students will NOT be allowed to leave the pool grounds at any time during the carnival. If parents want to pick up their son/daughter from the pool at the conclusion of the carnival they need to see either of the Assistant Principals or Student Managers prior to departure from the pool.
· In order for the pool to remain in good condition competitors are asked not to wear body paint or coloured hair spray.
· Please bring a hat, sunscreen and water bottle on the day for sun protection and hydration.
· Also, due to safety reasons, balloons or missiles are banned. Any students caught throwing missiles will have their parents/guardians contacted to come and collect them from the pool! Also a reminder that chewing gum is banned at the pool!
· Food and drink refreshments will be available at the kiosk. Also there will be a BBQ provided with hamburgers and sausages in bread available for purchase at a minimal cost. Students can bring their own drinks and snacks to the pool if they wish. Students will not be allowed to leave the pool to buy any food/ drink at the local shops, nor will take away food be allowed to be delivered to the pool.
· Please also note that the school canteen WILL NOT be open at all on the day of the swimming sports!
The Swimming Sports Carnival is a great event in our calendar, and we welcome all parents and immediate families of current students to come and support the event.
Steve Morrish Anne Symes
Sports Coordinator Assistant Principal