April 8, 2012 - 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.
Welcome! We’re glad you’re here today! For more information about our church, please see our brochure in your pew. You are invited to return the enclosed information card to share your contact information and/or your pastoral needs;
and you are welcome to sign our guestbook at the rear of the sanctuary.
Infant/toddler childcare is in Room 2 from 9:30 to 11:15 a.m.
There is no Sunday School today. However, Noah’s Ark is available for your use.
MEDITATION: Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in spring-time.~ Martin Luther
PRELUDE (time for silent reflection) Trish Dehls & Jeff Kelleher
EASTER GREETINGS (responsive) Rev. Ann Aaberg
One: This is the day our God has made!
All:Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
One:Christ is risen!
All:He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
INTROIT This Joyful Eastertide Senior Choir
CALL TO WORSHIP(responsive) Haley DelMonaco(10:00 am)
One: The stone has been rolled back!
All: He is risen!
One: We are looking for Jesus of Nazareth!
All:He is risen!
One: Where is he? He is not here.
All: He is risen!
One:Just as he told us, He is risen!
All:He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
*HYMN#182(Red Hymnal) Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
We rejoice, almighty God, that you have raised Jesus Christ from the dead. We praise you and glorify your name. New life blossoms where dead hopes were buried. Today the world is made new. Break us open so that new life may pour forth from us. Give us the faith to believe, to hope, to dream anew. Move us to live as people of your resurrection through Jesus, our crucified and risen Savior. Amen.
*LORD’S PRAYER (unison)
Our Father who art in heaven; hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the Beginning, is now and ever shall be; World without end. Amen.
CHILDREN’S MESSAGE(10:00 am) Jonathan Cathèll-Williams
HYMN #193 (Red Hymnal) Thine Is the Glory
Prayer cards are provided in your pew if you would like to make a prayer request. They will be collected during the prayer. Please pass your card toward the center aisle for collection.
SCRIPTURE 1 Corinthians 15:1-11(N.T. p.176) 8:00 am Joanne Lukaszewicz
10:00 am Peter Stuart
ANTHEM Awake Thou, Wintry Earth Senior Choir
SCRIPTURE Mark 16:1-8(Pew Bible, N.T. page 54) Rev. Ann Aaberg
EASTER REFLECTION “Small Stuff” Rev. Ann Aaberg
OFFERTORY Because He Lives Cal Beggs
Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
*HYMN#226(Blue Hymnal) He Lives!
Let us go forth into the world in peace, being of good courage, holding fast to that which is good, rendering to no one evil for evil, strengthening the faint-hearted, supporting the weak, helping the afflicted, honoring all persons, loving and serving the Lord, and rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
*BENEDICTION Rev. Ann Aaberg
*HYMN#446(Blue) The Lord Bless You and Keep You Senior Choir
POSTLUDE Trish Dehls & Jeff Kelleher
*All who are able, please stand.
MCC invites all who are interestedin joining our church to a series of orientation gatheringsdesigned to give you information, answer your questionsand extend a hearty welcome!
Thursday, April 12, 7:00 p.m. = Dessert social for prospective members (Keith Sue Barker’s Residence)
Sunday, April 15 = Tour of church facilities and Information Session
Sunday, April 22, 10:00 a.m. Worship Service = Welcome new members
Due to unexpected demand, arrangements have been made with the engraving company to accept orders for a few more memorial stones to be placed in front of the church. Green forms are available at the front and back of the sanctuary. Please return them at once to the church office. Contact Frank Davis or Russ Cumming with any questions.
ON EARTH SUNDAY, APRIL 22, immediately following the 10:00 a.m. service, we will give thanks to God and ask for divine blessing on our completed frontscape, from steps to stones to plantings. All are welcome to attend!
HELP! Meals on Wheels is a wonderful organization that delivers meals to people just about every day. We need people for our Monday and Friday runs. You can do it alone or with a friend. It takes about 2-2.5 hours once a month. Our church covers the Mystic/Stonington area. For more information, please call Margot Greener, 860-572-7155. Thank you.
PARISH CARE APRIL MEETING will be at the home of KarinStuart on Wednesday, April 11, at 7:00 pm. If you are unable to attend, please contact Karin.
DESPERATELY SEEKING ASSISTANTS(who may or may not be named "Susan"!) Assistants are needed for Pre-K, K/1, and Grade 2/3. Please see Kathy Kerns or the blue sign-up sheet on the Children's Ministries bulletin board.
EASTER SUNDAY There is no Sunday School today. However, little coloring crafts and Play-Doh will be available in the Noah's Ark Room for anyone who finds the service challenging (the sermon can be heard over a speaker in that room). The Nursery (toddlers and younger) will be operational.
TO OUR EASTER VISITORS WITH CHILDREN: Welcome bags for the children are available at each entrance to theSanctuary. Inside are crayons, a children's bulletin, story book, and some Easter activity booklets and/or colorings. Please returnthe bag with the enclosed crayons and book to one of the bag trees at the exits on your way out. Your child is welcome to take homeall the other items. Happy Easter!
NOMINATING COMMITTEE Our greatest need for the coming program year is for two Deacons. It’s a wonderful group, responsible for the spiritual life of our church, and for helping Pastor Ann with Sunday services. The term is usually three years but we are flexible if you’d like to try one year to start. Contact Laurel Butler, 860-536-0223 or .
HELP NEEDED for our Annual Book Sale on August 11-12 during the Mystic Outdoor Art Festival. An organizational meeting is being planned for Sunday April 29after the 10:00 a.m. worship service. Can't make the meeting but want to help? Contact Walt or Susan Keach, 860-536-8390 or .
ANNUAL TAG SALE (APRIL 20-21) Garden supplies need sorting? As you prepare for Spring, get rid of your excess vases, tools, baskets, and decorative pots. Make Martha Stewart proud of your “potting shed” and garage. You may bring your treasures starting at noon on Sunday, April 15th, and put them in the Parish Hall (Broadway end).
Could you lend a hand? There are many opportunities for helping: Set up Tuesday(April 17), 5:00-6:00 p.m.; Pricing and organizing Wednesday (April 18) 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. and 6:30-8:00 p.m., Thursday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. and Friday 9:00 a.m.-noon; Sales help Friday (April 20) 6:00- 8:30p.m. and Saturday (April 21) 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.; Clean up Saturday 1:00-3:00 p.m. We need you for any amount of time you can spare. Please contact either Nancy or Pam.
WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP At our Tuesday, April 10, meeting we will welcomeMaggie Jones, Director, Denison-Pequotsepos Nature Center. In keeping with our "Bridges to the Future" theme, she will talk with us about the importance of fostering the stewardship of the environment by ensuring that children encounter the out-of-doors frequently with curiosity and delight. As always, come at 9:15a.m.,bring a friend and enjoyrefreshments and good fellowship.
HEARING SYSTEM Please be aware that a system for the hearing-impaired is now available in the Sanctuary. Questions? Please ask the Deacons.
DONATIONS FOR FOOD, HOUSEHOLD & HEALTHCARE ITEMS are continually collected for the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center or the Groton Food Locker. The latter has urgent need for meat ravioli and rice.
PRAYER CHAIN The Prayer Chain is active! A group of 15 of our fellow parishioners have gathered around this important ministry. If you have a prayer concern which you feel could be helped by the prayers of this group, let them know. To put the Prayer Chain in motion for you, call Lynda Hewitt at (860)536-1206, or Pastor Ann through the Church Office, (860)536-4259 Ext.112. All prayer requests are held in the strictest confidence.
Confidential Voice Mail at any time: (860)536-4259 Extension 112
Pastoral Emergency: (781)603-6684
In loving memory of Margaret & Nate Sears,from Marjie & Chuck Parrot
In loving memory of our parents,Marion & Harold Gremley,
from Kay Hill & Ruth Webster
In memory of Roger’s parents,Dr. & Mrs. Emerson Read,
and Barbara’s Dad, Carl G. Lundgren,from Roger & Barbara Read
With loving memories of Tom,from Merrily Lyon
In loving memory of Charles Baxter, from Priscilla Baxter
In loving memory ofEleanor & Ralph D. Hoffman,
from Linda Lorinsky & Jaclyn Kornegay
In loving memory of S. Clay Stuart,son of Karin & Peter Stuart
In loving memory of Rudy Brandt
and our daughter,Susan Brandt Cole,from 0Irma Brandt
In loving memory of Carolyn T. Donald, and Catherine &
George Wenderoth,from Charlie & Eleanor Wenderoth & Family
In loving memory of Judge & Mrs. Leonard L. P. Moore,
Mr. Leonard B. Moore,Dr. & Mrs. John M. Greener,
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Hirsche,from Alan & Margot Greener
In memory of Grandpa & Grandma Gray, Nana, Dadgam,
and Aunt Betty Wheeler,from The Watson Family
In loving memory of Jane & Charles Parker,from their family
In memory of Charles James Jarosz, from Joyce & Russell Cumming
In loving memory of Jim Oberhelman,from his family
In memory of her sister and their parents,from Hugh & Pamela McGee
In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Walter Benvenuti,and Mr. Ralph Parker
from Dave & Carolyn Benvenuti
In loving memory of our parents, Charles & Amy Helwig,
M. A. Hewitt,and Bryan Denman, from Michael & Lynda Hewitt,
and Rodney & Heather Denman
In loving memory of loved ones,from Frank & Diane Davis
In loving memory of family and friends,from Bob & Nancy Nickerson
Ministers: ...... All Members of the Church
Pastor:...... Rev. Ann M. Aaberg
Director of Music: ...... Trish Dehls
Director of Children’s Ministries: ...... Kathy M. Kerns
Parish Care Coordinators: ...... Jane Donnel & Nancy Perry
Nursery Attendant: ...... Kathy Graham
Flowers:...... Susan Arms & Pam McGee & Mrs. Kim
Deacon for the Month: ...... Donna Abbott
Acolyte 10:00 am: ...... Matthew Smith
Bell Ringers 10:00 am: ...... Garrett & Rachel Smith
Welcome Bags 10:00 am: ...... Harrison Smith
Ushers 8:00 am: ...... Donna Abbott, Fred Kraemer, Pam McGee, Joanne Lukaszewicz
Ushers 10:00 am: ...... Dave & Carolyn Benvenuti, Peter & Karin Stuart
Trustees: ...... Keith Covin, Sue Lettrich
Our Mission Statement: To joyfully bring the Christian principles of faith, hope and love to all through quality worship, education, fellowship and outreach.
Sunday, 4/08EASTER SUNDAY (No Sunday School)
6:15 am- Sunrise Service (Memorial Garden)
7:00-9:30 am- Pancake Breakfast (Parish Hall)
8:00 & 10:00 am- Worship Services
9:30-11:15 am- Nursery Care (Room 2)
Monday, 4/09Meals on Wheels
6:30-9:00 pm- AA (Parish Hall)
7:00 pm- Deacons (Library)
7:00 pm- Tutoring (FirstHispanicBaptistChurch)
Tuesday, 4/10Meals on Wheels
9:15 am- Women’s Fellowship (Parish Hall)
2:30 pm- Piano Tuning (Sanctuary)
6:15 pm- Bell Choir (Music Room)
7:30 pm- Senior Choir (Music Room)
Wednesday, 4/1110:30 am- Staff Meeting (Pastor’s Office)
7:00 pm- Parish Care Committee
Thursday, 4/128:00 am- Men’s Fellowship (Parish Hall)
7:00 pm- New Members Dessert Social (Barker Res.)
7:00-9:30 pm- AA (Youth Space)
Friday, 4/13Meals on Wheels
Saturday, 4/142:00 pm- RudyR. Brandt Memorial Service
Sunday, 4/153:00 pm- Charles J. Jarosz Memorial Service
United Church of Christ
Organized in 1852 at Mystic, Connecticut
Our Mission Statement: To joyfully bring the Christian principles of faith, hope and love to all through quality worship,
education, fellowship and outreach.
April 8, 2012
8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.